[Suggestion] I want my Certs back... Another Striker Thread...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mhorlok, Oct 3, 2014.

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  1. Archiadus

    Decimator benefit:

    - You can miss your first shot, you can miss your second shot and then when you land your third shot you've done more damage than the Striker landing all 5 shots, twice.

    Can't wait to hear why that's not a bad thing.
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  2. AlCohonez

    I don't share the sentiment of the OP but there are a few misconceptions that are flying around:

    - striker does 150 (100+50) damage per rocket to infantry, does more to vehicles due to different damage modifier
    - also, striker has 5 rockets per mag and shoots at a rate of fire of 400 rpm, quicker or on par with some pistols (like the TX2 Emperor)
    - striker has no lock on for AA in the traditional way, yes, it skips the 'locking on' step which can scare the ESF away and lock automatically as long as you shoot in the general direction of an ESF or other air targets... unique and absolutely useful feature, no more standing for 15 seconds defenseless
    - phoenix may reload as long as all other launchers, but reload doesn't activate until you're out of guide-mode, which effectively extends the reload by up to 3-4 times (hard to quantify due to different length of flight) making it the launcher doing the least DPS out of all launchers, which makes it true to say that it's the least dangerous in the eyes of an engineer on a vehicle repair duty, in a way phoenix trades AI and AA roles for being able to finish off a burning vehicle hiding behind a rock to repair, trades DPS vs precisios, also the slowest projectile speed in the game makes it very easy to shoot down, most people just don't know that
  3. NC_agent00kevin

    Use it in a team, just like Lancers and Phoenixes have to be used.
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  4. Archiadus

    Stop with the troll posts please.

    Both the Lancer and Phoenix, while not very powerful, have an advantage over using a normal launcher. The current Striker does not.
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  5. DrBash00

    The phoenix is still THE BEST of the ESL, AND it got nerfed because it was the sniper for dummys AND could shoot out of the render distance... (sniping for dummys)

    So you are just absolutely wrong here, go play TR kiddie.

    Btw. i LOVE that we now got a REAL rocket launcher, and i know SOE will buff it soon... ;-)
  6. NC_agent00kevin

    Its advice that you need to pay attention to. Use it in a team, just like VS and NC players have to do. If you dont want to do that, then you have zero right to complain. No Empire can just have one HA pick up their launcher and go on a tank killing rampage all alone.

    The Striker has the same advantage the other launchers do: can be dumbfired and doesnt require a lock to hit a target. If you dont like it, dont use it. I rarely use the Phoenix and Lancer myself; only getting one out when a couple other people are using them - because they arent effective alone.
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  7. Archiadus

    I'm not saying that I want to destroy tanks and air by myself, I'm saying that you will achieve better results using any other dumb-fire or G2A launcher.

    What's the point of using your empire specific weapon when every other weapon in it's class does the job better? All I can think of is wanting that auraxium medal..
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  8. HyperMatrix

    Regarding the striker change...honestly, I rarely equipped the old striker. Because lack of dumbfire...and also because holding the striker takes up so much of your vision. No idea why. Having said that...I'm not thrilled with the new version. One of two things could make me happy with it. Just needs one of these:

    - Tracks towards aircraft from the start (with a limited directional change speed to prevent from being OP)
    - Also auto-seeks towards tanks. not just aircraft

    If either of these things were to happen, I could see myself using it as my primary. Also regarding the Lancer...I do think that it's the best of the 3 ESL's. However, it's not a launcher that can become your primary go to weapon. It does a great job at performing a specific task. I think both the Striker and the Phoenix need to be adjusted with that in mind. While I spent a ton of time with the Phoenix in PS1, I almost never use it in PS2.
  9. Haquim

    I just tested it out in VR and guess what - it hits like a decimator. Of course when I say that I'm assuming that you shoot a MBT with it. If you're farming infantery, then yes the Phoenix does about half the damage of the decimator. If you shoot ESFs with it - the decimator kills it outright, with the phoenix the guy has about 3-4 seconds to jump out. If the damage is lower its at most an explosive crossbow hit.
    And I really wanna know what "easily avoided" is supposed to mean. The only tank that has decent chances is the Magrider because he has 4/8 (depends on how you count that) directions in which he can move instead of 2 like the other tanks. If you're shooting harassers or Infantery. Yeah - my Rhino sucks too. Can't kill tanks with it. It's not meant to, but I need some imaginary drawback to show how much my toy sucks in comparison.

    If you actually charge the lancer in the enemies LOS you deserve to be shot almost more than somebody using the Phoenix like this . The user being stupid is NOT a drawback of the weapon. And if you can't adjust your aim to hit a freaking tank with a pin-point 800 m/s projectile you also simply don't deserve to. Last time I tested the Lancer my aim didn't get locked up while charging.
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  10. Keiichi58

    Actually... You need to understand a bit of the history in general, not simply the fact the Phoenix was nerfed.

    When the Phoenix was announced, even I mentioned certain things that needed to be done...

    One of which, was to make it so it did not one hit kill infantry. They did not do that when they released it and it was nerfed.

    Two, the range of the weapon was somewhat expected, but the reasoning was kind of 'eh' but a limitation of the game given it is tied to the player.

    Three, the limitation of the ammo is not a detriment to the Phoenix. The Phoenix was designed to be hard hitting, low DPS because you are guiding it and reloading between shots, and like in the original Planetside, it was the lowest of the ammo support ESRLs. The Decimator was a 3 shot one use weapon and we had to carry more of them to make use of them, but at the same time, decimators were only ideal for short range heavy rocket attacks.

    Four - It's top range is 300m, not 280. You lose camera control around 290m.

    Five - While the round can be shot down, most people don't try. Those that do try, often go against smarter NC who spawl their missile towards its target, generally tanks and larger vehicles because spawling the round makes it harder to control to target, but also harder to shoot down.

    Six - While it is true that a phoenix user cannot do anything while firing, the same is said for the Lancer and Striker user, more so when they cannot fire their weapon indirectly. Most experienced Phoenix users pick good spots to fire and indirect fire their rounds to protect themselves. Striker and Lancer users do still need to expose themselves to hit their target.

    Seven - As mentioned before, it used to hit. However, in Planetside 1, it never did that and as I mentioned before, even I pointed out that it shouldn't otherwise people would use it incorrectly. And it was until it was nerfed.

    Eight - The Phoenix, like the Striker and the Lancer and all the other RLs, were never meant to solo kill vehicles. This argument is pointless in general because NONE of the RLs could do this.

    The Striker Squads, and prior to that, the annihilator squads were the gripe fests before hand and that was mostly because of the fact TEAMS of them with lockon weapons seem 'unstoppable'. Only the TR actually made better use of the lockon teams than most, and the Striker got more gripe about it because the overall damage of the weapon was MORE than the Annihilator and players were too stupid to know how to deal with the Annihilator back then even when it had a terrible lockon tracking algorithm, and made worse when the Striker and a different tracking algorithm allowed the striker to be ridiculous on hitting its target.

    The current change in the Striker has, more or less, reduced the Striker closer to a Fracture with half the rounds with a vague off chance of actually locking onto an aircraft, but that is pretty much worse than being equipped with a single burster with only 1/6 the ammo capacity.

    To be honest, this is not even close to the original Striker from Planetside 1, more so it is better to use the ML-7, Skep or Grounder in general, with the Annihilator only for long range engagement.

    Kazrak - You can't shoot around a rock with the Phoenix. It's turn radius is not that nice. You can semi-bank shot, but not 'curl a rocket' around. And personally, I preferred the last iteration of the Striker because the last iteration curbed the griping about how OP the Striker when the first iteration of the Striker was bad due to a poorly conceived Tracking Algorithm that had people griping about how the Striker went through geometry.
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  11. Mxiter

    striker have no strengh, even if you hit 3 times of 5 with the striker, youll be more effective with 50% accuracy with every other launchers.

    Your post is full of BS and VS/NC biased opignion.

    any launcher is 30-70% more effective than actual stiker.
    It's what i says: any launcher are more effective in 99.99% situations and phoenix/lancer are the best launchers in competition with the common pool close range decimator.
  12. Alan Kalane

    Wow man, you honestly don't know what you're talking about.
    You should go to VR and try the Striker for free. Then tell me why would you use it over any other launcher in the game.
    And this is comming from an NC main BR 56 with Phoenix certed.
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  13. Shockwave44

    Have fun trying to blow up a tank with your pistol.
  14. OldMaster80

    Did you realize the new striker deals the same damage your Beamer does at 60 mts? But it's slower and it has bullet drop.
    It has been overnerfed.
  15. Mxiter

    It have the same advantages but:

    -Deals less damages per volley
    -Have lower DPM
    -Have lower DPS
    -Have lower damages over time
    -Have a large COF
    -Have drop
    -Have low velocity
    -Have no guidance

    The stiker is as effective as a QCX hunter with 5 explosives darts, or like a lancer with no charge mode, slower ROF and smaller mag.

    I tried all ESRL during hours and i can tell you that even the release lancer was better, and it get 2-3 buffs patches to reach it's actual level.

    What is more effective: 50 guys hipfiring with hunter QCX explosives darts or 15 guys using a RL?
  16. Kumaro

    Hint for phoenix users Hit E and you exit the camera the rocket will then behave as a dumbfire rocket. -w-

    As for the striker. Hopefully it will from now on get buffed. I just think that perhaps this kind of change should get informed about a bit more than just the PTS. Not everyone has the internet or the space to download that.

    Just saying if i can read a message from the dev team saying. "look we are going to do changes on this weapon it will be really weak at the start but then we will up it from there" I can say okay fine i will test it and give my thoughts being aware of where you are going with this. o.o it's not that hard telling us that.
    It's not like there is another game out there that can take that information and use it against you or anything so there isn't any loss in it.
  17. Pikachu

    And the main reason it worked so good at sniping was the render bug and the still present stupidity of players. Infiltrators dont even bother unscoping when the 2nd missile is coming. The average engineer sticks to his turret like a dumb***.
  18. Mxiter

    Others hints:

    -Disable HUD (ctrl+F10 or 11, can't rememeber) to have a full screen camera.
    -Put your aircraft mouse sensitivity at maximum for maxium manoeuvrability.

    It will incease your phoenix efficiency.
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  19. Tycoh

    "Don't be hatin' the striker. It's perfect as it is..."
  20. Scatterblak

    Here comes the standard bullet drop comment. You guys know that, as a race, Vanu could fall asleep trying to care about bullet drop. You seem to think it's some big advantage, when those of us who play all three classes know it's a load of crap that *barely* affects gameplay and is largely immaterial. You get used to where your shots go with all three factions in about 5 minutes and you aim accordingly, and it's not like the crosshairs are perfectly centered or even visible in a busy firefight anyway.

    Go ahead and nerf the no-bullet-drop -- we'll give you that one for free if we don't have to hear about it anymore.
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