[Suggestion] I wanna shoot stuff too!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SikVvVidiT, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. SikVvVidiT

    OMG being a Engineer in this here version of Planetside 2 is annoying, ever 2 steps I take either someone wants ammo or needs a repair... I am even having people shoot at me because I don't get to their needs fast enough! Sorry guys, I have people SHOOTING AT ME and I would like to SHOOT BACK!

    You put out some ammo and bam 50 feet later someone else is asking for some, following you around spaming "I need ammo" instead of hitting the map key and seeing where the ammo is... You heal a ams and then bam all of a sudden you have 3 or 4 Maxes bunny hoping infront of you spaming "I need repairs"... GOOD GOD!

    I know some of you will say "Well just play a Heavy or LA." I have in the past, but lately I have fell in love with my engy and the tools he has to kill people.

    I guess im feeling like this because playing a Engy in the original Planetside was not like this, you didn't have to provide so much damn support all the DAMN TIME!

    SOE I wish you would do something about this, like let us deploy a mobile but limited terminal of some sort. Were players can not change their loadout, but repair and also pick up ammo, let this "mobile supply terminal" be on a cooldown ofcourse so it will not be so OP. This way us engys can get back to doing something fun and that is kill people too. As it is right now I feel like I am the damn supply terminal!
  2. Oreo202

    Your job as an engineer is to deploy ammo and repair stuff. People were right to say that if you wanted the carbines, play LA.
    Engineer is a SUPPORT CLASS.
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  3. Gisgo

    Bah its not that hard... you have to deploy ammo once (in a good spot) every few minutes.
    Certed ammo pack helps a lot (7m. radius).
    Ignore people screaming for ammos, they need to look at the minimap.
    Max repairs are juicy.
    If you want to shoot more while still supporting teammates medic might be better.

    The idea of a repairing terminal is nice tho.
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  4. GraphicJ

    Engineer is a support class just like a Medic is. I'd rather help out my team with ammo and repair than "shoot stuff". As far team idiots shooting at you, can't help you there and to be honest don't really encounter too many of those.

  5. Jaquio

    I dunno.

    I've logged 98 hours as an Engineer, most of it playing infantry. And I have never been shot by someone wanting ammo.

    Maybe it's because I put down ammo proactively? Or maybe it's the type of fights I get into? I dunno.

    Oh, and to let you know, if you're in a massive battle, you can select your turret and hit "b" which will go to the secondary mode, which is a second ammo pack. If you're in the middle of a heated battle, putting two out can be a blessing. Especially if you put one near wherever you are. You're probably less likely to get shot by someone looking for ammo if you're standing on the ammo box.

    And if the battle is big enough that you have multiple MAXs around you looking for repairs, just roll with it. That's some juicy xp.
  6. LameFox

    Just do whatever you feel like and if they shoot you, kill them until they go bother someone else. People seem to forget sometimes that this is a game, and the person playing nearby as a medic or engineer is not actually employed to do anything whatsoever for them. The fact that I give people ammo or repairs as an engineer does not come from some kind of duty - I don't have any duties - it's just often beneficial to me that you remain functional. Also sometimes it's funny, like reviving people who were being TK'd and then go on to seek revenge.

    The moment it stops being beneficial, like when you're the guy who dies outside a shield after strafing in my face a dozen times and not even having the decency to kill what I was wounding, you get to lie there and contemplate the meaning of life.
  7. Schnitzle

    it's almost like you don't like making tons of certs.

    why would you go engineer if you want to shoot at people but hate repairing and dropping ammo? just go play light assault.
  8. xNPCx

    You could always try medic. Most of the people that need your help are already dead so its not like they can shoot at you if you ignore them.
  9. Shasbot

    If you refuse to heal or repair as a medic/engi then you deserve to be TK'd. I'd do the same thing.

    If you don't want to play support or do teamwork and then just go be another HA or sniper, people will stop assuming you're a team player then, you'll even get a stronger gun for shooting things with.

    What's next? A HA complains about not getting to support and suggests they add a healing rocket?
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  10. fish998

    Well just play a Heavy or LA.