I tried to stay positive...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Niller, Feb 28, 2013.

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  1. Niller

    But this game is more broken now, than ever! I don't think tomorrows patch will do anyrhing good, now when the devs have showed how much and often they **** **** up... The flinch mechanic, that's completely destroying competitive element in the game (first person shooter wise), and also making all low RoF weapons useless... and i play NC. That's just one of many things the devs ****** up, and i'm sure they will continue ******* things up. Tomorrows flinch nerf or adjustment will properly **** up.

    But i will atleast stay a little optimistic and see if the patch does any good tomorrow.
  2. Niller

    Yes i am whining.
  3. Haterade

    You mean the thing that they've already said they're fixing?
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  4. Shiaari

    You don't like the flinch mechanic? That's an old mechanic, my friend, from before Counter Strike and I'm glad it's there.

    If I had my way you wouldn't be able too shoot while jumping, either.
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  5. Hodo

    I hate they are getting rid of the flinch mechanic.

    I didnt let it bother me.
  6. grunties

    How do you feel about the NC max?
  7. Drax

    what is the flinch mechanic?
  8. Konfuzfanten

  9. axiom537

    I don't like the flinch mechanic or screen shake, but I agree with you about the jump shooting, can't wait till that gets addressed.
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  10. MeowMix986367

    Completely useless unless in a Biolab? Which is what, not even 1% of the game acreage.
  11. FigM

    You shouldn't think of PS2 as mostly infantry game, but instead, think of it as mostly vehicle game. There are no better games for vehicles. Driving tanks can be pretty fun, but flying in ESF is super fun, and requires real skill to master.

    Just think of playing infantry as something you do while waiting for next vehicle timer
  12. Kogmaw

    I dont mind the flinching (though i do see where the NC are coming from, i think it needs to be reduced, not taken away)
    But i would gladly trade flinch for being able to shoot while jumping. I hate bunnyhopping more than flinch by miles

    Tired of all the bunny-foo-foos thinking theyre worth anything
  13. Kurreah

    Anyone got a translation of the OP for those who don't speak asterisk? :p
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  14. Littleman

    Can't tell if /sarcasm.

    The game is an FPS first. SOE even agrees they want tanks to be limited more so than they are now. Infantry are free while tanks are not for a reason. The resource system just isn't that restrictive is all.
  15. Konfuzfanten

    Serious? PS2 SHOULD be about infantry with some vehicles on the side, right now the "skill" level required to be effective with tanks and aircrafts is horrible low compared infantry.

    The vehicle play in PS2 has very little risk compared to the rewards, you dont need to be very accurate, you dont need to have fast reactions/be fast twitching, you dont need to be overly concerned with ppl hitting you AND you can repair/heal yourself without paying anything in terms of firepower, mobility or survivability. Ohh and you cant be one-shotted by random ppl.

    Yes you pay at free, passive regenerating resource to access to the vehicle, so ******* what?

    A lot of infantry guys, myself inc, would not have a problem with vehicles if they were, you know semi-hard to use, like most infantry.
  16. GamerOS

    They are also pretty usefull inside a tower, not that it really matters, if you're defending you'll get killed by HE or liberators anywhere away from the spawn doors and every tower has 2 or 1 point away from the tower anyway with lots of open ground.

    so it's more like 1.5%
  17. dough

    Since he didn't specify loadout.. might I just point out that dual-burster isn't a Biolab oriented loadout.. and based on current experience it is a hugely popular loadout. Max has LOTS more uses than Biolabs.. I'm just pointing out the most popular one..
  18. dough

    I'm not sure this is true. Vehicles can be frightfully difficult to employ properly unless its you against some lone infantry. There are situations where they certainly shine, but vehicles require good infantry support to do well.. I've lost count of how many I've seen eaten by good infantry who understand the role.
  19. Marked4Death

    Lol, I guess if you exclude towers, tech plants and amp stations, and ignore the heat maps showing most of the action in game occurs at these, I guess you are right.
  20. Robes

    If i had my way you couldn't move when you shot. We could have a truly skillful game then.
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