I tried missions again...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RabidIBM, Nov 21, 2020.

  1. RabidIBM

    I decided to give this feature another go, given how much attention the devs put into it.

    "Ok, what's one that can't possibly suck?" *flip through* The "8 year anniversary mission"? Ok, the probably put effort into that one. The mission: Capture or defend 3 facilities and score 15 kills or assists with sidearms. The sidearms bit was kind of weird, but I rolled stalker to at least get something for not being allowed to use my primary. KDR went to ****, but whatever, got it done.

    Then the fight wraps up with angry TR dude announcing "we've successfully defended the facility!", ok that will be my first of three *check* "0/3"...did I miss something? I thought I saw the merit pop...weird. Ok try again, and pay attention this time. I drop into a base which is under attack, take note of my merit score, wrap up the fight defensively, see the 50 merit score, see my new total merit score and hear the announcer say that the facility is defended. Check: 0/3.

    Now at this point you might ask "Hey Rabid, why aren't you simply submitting a bug report about this?" and you wouldn't be entirely wrong. But at what point is this not the player base's responsibility to catch things like this? I get a certain amount of bugs getting through. Some are very rare, there's no such thing as perfect QA, and I've done just enough programming to change my career plan away from programming, so I get it. But...the *ahem*...*AHEMEM!* *draw breath* ***8 YEAR ANNIVERSARY MISSION***...doesn't...track...player...progress.




    ARE YOU ******* KIDDING ME!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  2. RabidIBM

    Follow up, I did get it. Once Amerish opened up I cheesed a 1 minute base a couple times, then jumped in for the final 20 seconds of a Chimney Rock capture, done and done. It felt like stat padding, because I'm pretty sure the handful of mozzies on my side and reavers on the other side were doing the same thing, watching the base flip go through, then moving to flip it back, with neither of us really opposing each other. You know, after I fought for 20 minutes to defend a base only for it to not score the defense...this game...it just works.

    This is the most tilted I've been in a while about this game. It's not just that these missions are so bad. I can ignore the missions, which I'll be doing now. It's that resources were put into these, and those resources weren't put into any of the other places they are desperately needed.
  3. Twin Suns

    Infuriating isn't it. Those missions are designed for the Flintstone's chewable crowd. Bullocks!
  4. ZDarkShadowsZ

    It's being fixed in today's hotfix. Also there's a sidearm bug where you only need to hold out your sidearm in a vehicle or when using an OS, and any kills with those two things will still count towards sidearm kills.
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