I TK careless drivers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Skippytjc, May 12, 2013.

  1. Spookydodger

    And what, pray tell, could Sony possibly do other than remove friendly fire, which is never going to happen? They've done a lot in just making the vehicles not TK someone when a friendly puts their hand on the surface.
  2. Skippytjc

    Simple: Reduce team damage. Give people a chance to get out of the way. You are dead before you even know you were in danger most of the time. Reduce the damage, easy as it can be.
  3. Steakbeard

  4. Duvenel

    Edit - Quoted in the wrong thread, happens when you have too many tabs open :oops:
  5. Spookydodger

    I have been run over a few times recently, but the guy had to be going full speed to do it. When I travel under full speed I usually don't TK someone unless they ran in front of me directly at the last second.

    Maybe Sony could give us a /altk command that automatically apologizes to the last person we TKed, as I barely have time to see a full name while trying to play.
  6. Fortress

    Or they could remove* friendly collision damage because all it does is ruin the fun of everyone caught in the giant cluster****s that occur all the time in a game based around MASSIVE WARFARE.

    It wasn't a problem in the first planetside, it shouldn't be a problem here.
    *a 90% reduction would be fine too.
  7. TheArchetype

    Respect bro. If only there was a way to exact justice against "friendly" libs and ESFs ramming my reaver/mossie.
  8. Skippytjc

    You know, the more I think about this it really does just makes sense. The whole reason for team damage in the game (any game) is to add complexity and additional repercussions for your actions.
  9. Neurotoxin

    If friendlies can't apply brakes and keep their ride from smashing my Radar Flash, they can enjoy the C4 too. After all, they demonstrate that they aren't responsible enough to own that ride to begin with.

    I still believe we need Grief Numeration and a Punishment / Forgiveness System. That way, players who roll over friendlies can be punished by getting weapons locked much faster than usual.
  10. SamStarfall

    FFS stay AWAY from my vehicles when i'm driving and/or fighting. I'm kinda busy shooting stuff and avoiding being shot at... ESPECIALLY when i CAN'T SEE WTF is damaging me due to rendering issues >.> This could be made easier if there was a DRIVER and GUNNER for tanks, not both at the same time. But that still won't fix problem finding out a good cover from invisible heavies/engy turrets.

    If i TK you - it was purely an accident. I got better things to shoot at than my allies... If only my allies did not strafe into my Reflex Sight when i'm in a middle of a burst.

    The other TK which makes me laugh and facepalm - when enemy LA rushes into a tight group of my allies. They start shooting, killing LA and each other in the process. Talk about Hive Mind Failure...
  11. Stew360

    Sometime its not careless , so time it is , but infantry render while driving a fast vehicules is tricky sometime peoples literally pop in your field of view when they are already under your wheels
  12. Stew360

    its mostly a infantry render issue :(

    many time you dont even see the guy and he pops rigth in your field of view when its to late :S
  13. Liquid23

    I always apologize if I accidentally run someone over but a lot of the time it is simply unavoidable... not only because of the weird hitbox issue (you can run them over sometimes without visually hitting them) but because of the limited view when in 1st person in some vehicles

    I do not apologize tho when it is their fault... like when they are driving a flash and cutting in and out of the tank column, when they are standing on or directly in front of the vehicle pad, when they decide to dart across the road on foot dispite the fact vehicles are zooming by or some such event
  14. Pockets

    Geez people, its just a game.

    I get run over on occasion and I really just don't care unless I see them making a habit of it. Far too easy to run over people by accident in this game even when they aren't running in front of vehicle spawn pads or trying to use your vehicle for cover. I don't know why they do the latter, not like tanks have time to see if people are hiding back there when fifteen rockets are heading their way.

    Hell, there have been a number of times where I'm driving straight ahead on the road, no infantry or flashes in sight, and suddenly someone just dies out of nowhere.

    Unfortunately their names are long gone, and forgotten, by the time I've found a safe enough spot to think about sending them a tell.

    Death is cheap on Auraxis, lighten up.
  15. Poacher

    I could be one of them? I learned in PS1 to send a "T" apologizing after every TK, well....nearly all. It only takes a few seconds. I sometimes die during typing but I don't care....it's the right thing to do if accidentally TK'ing someone bothers you as much as it does me.
    • Up x 1
  16. NoctD

    You sir, are the personification of road rage!

    I wish I could say I get the same satisfaction out of a TK... it never gives me an ounce of pleasure to TK ever, though on occasion I've had to do it... hey if you're shooting at me and no one else is around, its safety off. And then there was some dude that was intentionally TKing others with tank mines.

    It does give me lots of satisfaction to take revenge on my foes, but then if you die to them again, you rage even more. LOL.
  17. LibertyRevolution

    Make friendly fire hurt the guy that is firing...
    So if you kill a teammate, you die.. that would be the proper way to have friendly fire damage.
    • Up x 2
  18. ent|ty

    I get enraged when they run over my MAX, that is very important to holding off Air units, and now they reset the timer. No apologies, no cares, they just drove thru me. Sure warrants some creative retribution for sure.
  19. Disinclined

    I'd argue that 99% of the time nobody is at fault.

    #1: The physics are a bit wonky when it comes to vehicle - player collision. Why is it that it's very difficult to run over enemy players, but when you try to avoid a friendly by braking or damn near doing a barrel role, almost without fail you will run them over.

    #2 None of the vehicles really have brakes. They mostly handle like a boat on rough water when it comes to emergency maneuvers.

    #3 Despite all your caution, the network code doesn't really give a damn. This shows best when two vehicles collide. Both parties will more than likely brake, but I bet Mike in NY is watching Joe in Cali ram/push his vehicle while Joe watches Mike push his vehicle.
  20. Pehe

    I find TKs ether hilarious or "sigh" worthy.

    Once I was camping with a prower and was more or less constantly shooting at the spawn room while waiting for the cap. Once the base flipped I started shooting more intensely, killed a couple of enemies and about 7 friendlies with them. After chasing some enemies down(I think) I stopped a bit further away to repair, than one of my allies that I killed comes and mines my tank and kills it, than he kills me. I was kinna constantly shelling the spawn room so I don't know why they rushed from that side but fare enough, I did kill quite a few ppl without a good reason. and when I respawn he comes and kills me again. Now that was rather rude.

    I find this story rather funny.

    And I've also been squished by a hand full of cloacked flashes, which I think was on purpose since there was plenty of space. But I always run with a squad so there were medics to revive me.

    Also, pro tip. If you repair a friendly tank NEVER stay behind him, you are as much likely to die there as you are exposed on his side. Stay where the edge where the side and back meet, less likely to get run over and you have some cover from the tank as well. Took me quite a lot of death to figure this out.