I TK careless drivers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Skippytjc, May 12, 2013.

  1. Anantidaephobia

    TKing, even for a "good" reason, is not a thing to take lightly. We have enough enemies as is ;)
    But sometimes I admit that one can cross the path of an utter sucker that deserves a free journey to the next spawn point. So let's just hope you can make the difference between people who somehow "deserve" a TK and those who don't :cool:

    LOL I hate careless drivers. Every single time I kill someone by running them over I will apologize via proxy chat. Unless of course that person was carelessly running in front of me in which case i dont care to much. Vindictive? sure, but I say keep on keeping on and try to thin out the A-hole numbers in the armor column.
  3. MrEclectic

    I am a Vanu player, so I have a high tolerance to becoming roadkill. All hail the Magmower, the avatar of Vanu, and Vanu demands a blood sacrifice of His own children!

    But still, I'm coming closer and closer to feeling like the OP after the introduction of the Harasser. I hate the damn thing with a passion, and not because of enemies using it, but because of friendlies. Friendlies who try to get to the most impossible places with the damn thing, running over everyone in the process. Idiots who zip out of cover trying to farm perhaps one or two kills, and as they run into trouble, scoot back into cover, running over a squad of their allies.
  4. Endlos

    I don't brake for footzergers. If a person is directly in my way and 300m from any form of a firefight, I'm probably not going to bother swerving. The vehicle physics in this game are terrible and any hasty turn into a 10-degree incline can easily result in a flipped and exploded ride. If someone can't be arsed to get a vehicle (a vehicle that may very well help the team significantly) to go from base A to base B, I'm not going out of my way to spare them.

    Now, if we're already swarming a contested base, I'll try to move as gingerly as possible (especially if i have a bus or a buggy, in which case I'm using a 360 controller and have analog steering, throttle, and brakes and that helps immensely with the 'not-crushing-people' thing) so as not to squish friendlies who may be preoccupied with trying to not get shot moreso than looking both ways before they walk between any two walls.

    My personal pet peeve is when people use my active vehicle for cover. I got some colorful language over proxchat just last night when I backed my lightning up all of 10 meters and mulched the derp crouched right behind me.
  5. ToggleSwitch

    I use to be that way Skippy... I immediately hunted down the TK'r if I didn't receive an apology. But then after being on the other side of accidently shooting/running over teammates and not having the time to apologize... well, I don't seek the vengeance any more. It's difficult in this game to not get a TK here and there.

    One thing that bothers me now is me getting the warning of TKing when someone else is in a Sunder I spawned and they're accidently shooting our own. Oh well...
  6. insane2170

    I like to give presents to careless drivers.

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  7. Ultimatestormer

    If I am in my Harasser, and I stop right behind you and honk and flash my lights at you for ten seconds, I expect you to move. If you don't move outside of my turning radius after those ten seconds, you're roadkill. It's not careless drivers, it's blind and deaf infantry that don't know a horn and flashing lights mean get in, or move out of my way.
  8. Markus.D

    I have no day without crushing some fellow by wheels of my harasser... It makes me very sad. And i never hunt fellows, i slow my speed when see a lot of soldiers running around. But some of them just think that they must die under my vehicle.
    My gunner says that i very skilled in crushing infantry by harasser, especially fellows :)

    In one day we had some incident. We defend Galaxy Solar Plant from TR. There were two harassers in my squad, other was on feet.
    Also there was some amount of fellows, and one of them was killed by my gunner at one time. He jumps from cover and aim us with his RL, so my gunner instinctively shoots and pierce his head (1st TK). At another time he jumps at top of my herasser while it was parked. At this time some mossie starts firing us and i starts moving. Seems, this HA at the harasser's top takes some damage from mossie. And i crush him by my wheels (2nd TK)... We survive and destroy that mossie, and after that this HA jumps from behind and start shooting us by his RL! What could i do in this situation... i go out and down him just in his head (3rd TK).
    After that we prefer to run away from solar plant and from this angry player... Seems, he mindless or just stupid. He have done all needed to kill him.

    As vehicle driver, i have one attention: Pedestrians! Be careful please, don't run across driving lines. Don't try to repair vehicles, staying right at theirs back, while they under attack. Stay at the side of vehicle, i always do that and i very rarely have killed by vehicle. Please, don't be mindless, think about your safety.
  9. Zan_Aus

    How many times as a tanker have you selected an infantry free spot or the ONLY place a tank can be viably placed to have infantry slither up around you and try and play parkour on your tank in order to get a view of the action.

    Unless the tanker is being a completely outrageous clown he has right of way.

    Yes that sundy demobilising and moving suddenly to avoid missile fire is more important than your infantryman, he is the spawn point for the whole operation.

    TL;DR you are only looking at this from your blinkered viewpoint and infantry are usually far more at fault in these situations than they think.
  10. Revel

    And what are you going to do when you do this to the wrong person and you're put on an outfit's **** list, and they shotgun you to the face every single time they see you?
  11. gudman591

    When I'm in a tank, I'm a very careful driver. Only run-overs that happen, only happen because of various bugs and netcode issues (for example, I run over people who aren't anywhere close to me).

    And you see, if someone tries to TK me after that, I have the whole platoon I'm in shooting the guy on sight until he either ragequits or goes somewhere else.

    So... if you're TKing because you feel vengeful, be ready to get shot at, that's all I have to say. Go for it if you feel like it, just be ready to face consequences.
  12. Mostadio

    I don't know why people think this game is any different from reality when it comes to being a pedestrian. Look both ways before crossing. Now on the other hand... I was trying to get from one base to another and my flash was on CD. So I decided to run the 500m between bases across a flat, open field. Some guy in a harasser somehow peelayed me in the middle of nowhere. He and I, the only souls in BFE, in a wide open expanse, somehow found me by utilizing his bumper. This is like two comets colliding in the far reaches of space. No apology or any other message received on my end from this guy. I saw him later on at some random base doing donuts in the courtyard. I deposited some tank mines and then began to shoot them. He wasn't very happy about that, but he can kiss my ***.

    As a driver, a little common sense is all that's required. If you have a vehicle capable of high velocity and there's a lot of doods around, maybe you should slow the **** down. If you're driving a magmower, rolling up on an embankment populated with infantry and doing the ADADADAD thing really isn't the wisest course of action. But then again.. this is the internet and everyone's going to be a ****stick because they can.
  13. Pivke

    good! i would too, but i cba to look for them.

    you need to start a new outfit [ATP] auraxian traffic police.

    and please stop by on Woodman NC sometimes, we are in need of your "expertise"
  14. Mastachief

    I tend to avenge any 100% tk for which no apology is made. Personally if i tk someone accidently i send them a tell or at the least a macro sorry.
  15. Hemi

    Biggest TK machine in PS2 = Lag

    Skipping through the fields while downloading ****...you're asking for it.

    I always apologize for my driving though... We don't have eyes in the back of our prowler. (rear-mirror would be nice lol.)

    The only reason I see for a TK is maniac-killstealers. Once I had a Lightning park his *** right in front of my prowler, while I was shooting the enemy. After asking him to move nicely 3 times I had no other choice since he also drove like a tool - locking my prowler into stuck position. BOOM - off you go

    Boredom TK's are also terrible *sshats. For those I can understand that you want to hunt them down, yes....totally justified.
  16. devs

    you should be glad you are on a different server, come to Woodman, identify yourself to me and find yourself in trouble!
  17. Revel

    I may as well throw these out there.

    If I'm shooting and you walk in front of me and get shot, you deserve it.
    If you're running in road when there is a lot of vehicles flying by, you deserve it.
  18. SpecOps Delta

    I never TK on purpose. If I get killed by a team member I rage in front of my PC but never start to hunt this player down. I would say in 90% of the cases it happened by accident. Nearly all the time the TK'er says sorry - that is good enough for me.

    Very often people are also running over the street without looking left or right. If someone like that is jumping in front of my vehicle I cannot do anything about it. But running around and teamkill other players is ridiculous. Maybe the game will increase their anti-TK measures at some point.
  19. CupBoy

    You could just say 'sorry' if you accidentally kill a friendly.
  20. Skippytjc

    Wouldn't it be nice if when somebody team killed you they got "tagged" so you could find them on the map for an hour? The only way for the tag to go away is to send you clickable apology that pops up on the victims screen or you kill them?

    Either that or SOE could halve the damage on teammates....
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