I thought feeding was bannable SOE?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CptFirelord, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. CptFirelord

    [IMG][IMG][IMG]Top picture is their chummy chum chum, whoever he is. Just noticed this really, since Ameda is either usually jerking into a corner or killing teammates.

    You used to be pretty good about banning people for doing this SOE, what happened? New moderators?
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  2. Blarg20011

    You know what else is a bannable offense? Naming and Shaming
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  3. CrashB111

    Naming and Shaming is bad, but does it really surprise you that Ameda would do this?

    Every time I see him he is in someones tank secondary, shooting friendly sunderers until I inform the driver, they boot him out, and I shoot him dead on the spot.

    He is the only person I will turn into to run over on the road.
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  4. Akeita

    Yea that's pretty pathetic that the fact he's so useless that he can't kill anyone so he kill his teammate... There was a time once I was so mad at this stupid MAX from fourth faction kept camping in the spawn room while we can win if he actually come out ( Alert Defense ) so I just kill him and none of medic in my platoon wasn't even bother to rez him up..