“You know Hagiel... Ever since Clair died... It's been hard to sleep.” Dr. Huxtable spoke to the young medic as he continued his examination of another female soldier in the Terran Republic. Hagiel scratched her chin absent mindedly as Dr. Huxtable spoke. She took a moment to glance over at Clair Huxtable. She considered speaking up and reminding the good Doctor that while his wife DID die; she was almost instantly brought back to life... but decided against such action after taking another glance at his “Shut the hell up face”. “Do you know what I want to do to the Vanu?” Dr. Huxtable questioned her. “What?” Hagiel replied. “I want to make them Jello Pudding. Filled with toes. Their toes. Do you know what I am saying Hagiel?” Dr. Huxtable continued. “Sir?” “I am going to stick my pistol here against the palms of their hands. Pull the trigger... and cook their digits into my jello pudding.” He continued slowly. The dark brown eyes of Bill Cosby, or Dr. Huxtable to his friends, fell upon the limp body of a Vanu Soldier chained to a table. “I don't think we should do this.” Hagiel spoke softly. “Shut up and keep stirring!” Bill Cosby spat as he drew his combat knife and began to saw pieces of the Vanu Soldiers body off. “The Jello pudding is good for you. It's tasty... and you eat it and it's good.” He continued to pratter as he sawed at the flesh. “Ok.” Hagiel sighed. Not the first time she had dismemebered a Vanu soldier for dinner. Human flesh jello was hard on the nose but delightfully porkish. That is my RP. Can I join someones outfit please? I am male, 26 YOA, ex-military, and I want to hang out in Vent and shoot people in game. Thanks!
Hey Appletini, join Edge Gamers at www.edge-gamers.com. It is a multi-gaming outfit with huge vent server and there is always somebody playing.