I Pressed The Respawn Button

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scifi, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. Scifi

    I press the respawn button after I got killed near to my sunderer from a mosquito and my sunderer wasnt destroyed, but yet as soon as I pressed the respawn button I was transported to the other side of the map and not to my sunderer which was a stones throw away.

    I am sick an tired of this happening.
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  2. Liewec123

    it kept happening to Wrel (whos now a dev) during his latest uncut gameplay vid and he was getting pretty frustrated with it,
    so hopefully it'll get a fix soon :)
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  3. lynx123

    i just had a rant in my outfit chat about this. during the day i casual squad and always try and follow objectives. sunderer being attacked so i swap to hevay and return fire, die to a tank shell and choose to spwan back at the sundy to try and protect it. sundy dies and i'm catapoulted across the map (i swear sometimes i think smedley was here to piss off the playerbase and kill off the game), ffs if my chosen spawn is dead prompt me to choose again please. Don't throw me 3000meters away from the base my squad is attacking (spawn hopping back is an annoyance that won't help your cause in me being a subscriber), totally counter intuative to squad teamplay and serves only to annoy the playerbase. and don't get me started on ants being used as battle platforms. moronic doesn't even begin to describe it.
  4. Eyeklops

    Pro-tip: Don't use the respawn button. Always click furiously on the map icon for where you wish to spawn.
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  5. DeadlyOmen

    Can't a person choose where they want to spawn?
  6. D4rk50ul

    It's really bad on PS4, you can hover the cursor over your bus and end up at a 96v96 bio fight across the map like you instant actioned.
  7. lynx123

    if you choose a sundy or gal for example and it's destroyed the game automatically decides you hit that button doesn't matter if you manually chose respawn point. bam your halfway to china (taking the slow boat back) whether you like it or not. to say it makes my blood boil is an understatment.
  8. lynx123

    yes but it then says screw you i'm going to put you where i like whether you like it or not.

    quite frankly i'm surprized people pay to play this game. obviously a lot more tolerant than myself.
  9. The Rogue Wolf

    What's better: At one point I got tired of the fight I was in and let it spawn me at the new place it wanted me to go. I died there... and then it wanted to spawn me back where I was before.
  10. JKomm

    This has never really bothered me... what has are random spawns at times. I have been sent across the map for zero reason whatsoever, such as I'm running in a field(Not redeploying) and suddenly I'm in a loading screen, sent across the map. Other times I'm on the redeployment screen, checking things out(Not even hitting the spawn button) and I spawn anyways. These are the actual bugs with the system, right now what people are experiencing are just poor game design mechanics, not bugs.
  11. Archard

    I've had the spawn system refuse to let me go to the Warpgate of all places.

    The spawn icon would either vanish entirely, or I'd select it as my spawn and appear at some random battle instead.
  12. Eternaloptimist

    Yes, I always use the 'change spawn' button then select where I want to go so I end up back where I was killed (or occasionally I choose another fight). Respawn sends you where reinforcements are needed according to the game rather than automatically back to the fight where you got killed. (And if you are on Hossin EU server the 'reinforcements needed' location could well be an empty and uncontested base!)