I miss the 1990's when we wouldn't argue features of a game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nregroepis, Sep 4, 2015.

  1. TechPriestess

    Whoa there buddy, PS2 is a F2P game, there is absolutely no reason they need to have a copy of my age, birthdate, and credit card/driver's license.

    You realize how easy it would be for any ******* to steal your info?

    As to the notion that people need to stop taking games seriously and instead like... go outside or something??

    Millions of people fanatically obsess over sports every year and dozens die to the fervor associated with that. And THOSE people aren't even playing said game, so, y'know - asking what the hell is going on with people talking about balance is silly. Even great classics were rife with old bugs, just no one could do anything about them.

    XCOM - UFO Defence had a bug where you could -only- play on the easiest difficulty, etc, etc.
  2. Crator

    I'd imagine, once all this comes to fruition, that humans can focus on being human rather then working all the time. Also, imagine the possibilities with all this. It's truly going to be the new era in human society.

    Hopefully we won't ever run out of energy to power all the robots and devices. And hopefully robots won't ever take over humanity because they become self aware.
  3. sjtw_w_stot

    So no one told you 2015 was going to be this way
    global leaders are nuts and society is deranged
    It's like war is the only gear
    The poor continue to die every day, week and yea, but

    No one will be there for you
    (when the blood starts to fall)
    No one will be there for you
    (like the've all let you down before)
    No one will be there for you
    ('cuase I'm too busy texting to)
  4. Nregroepis

    You shouldn't do that to yourself.
  5. sjtw_w_stot

    what do you mean? at least 2x a day keeps the $5.00 hoes away.
    • Up x 1
  6. JustBoo

    • Up x 2
  7. Nregroepis

    You get a thumbs up.
    • Up x 1
  8. Nregroepis

  9. Crator

    Possibly but I don't think humans will give up learning, dreaming, and reaching farther. We'll be able to do it more because we are free from the mundane tasks that technology will provide.
  10. KnightCole

    We didnt debate cuz the game was so amazing that we didnt feel a need to debate it. Well, that and I dont think game forums were really a thing...in 1990 I was 0 years old, so...idk. BUt I do know games that I later played when I got older, they just had amazing gameplay.
  11. TheMish

    I think this is the same thing like music.


    It's all crap. You probably don't remember the 90's, but people definitely judged and complained.

    Back then, the internet wasn't as big as it was now.

    Every generation had crap, and based on that, said the earlier days were better.

    So far I couldn't care less, I just find what I like, and I'm all good.