I miss the 1990's when we wouldn't argue features of a game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nregroepis, Sep 4, 2015.

  1. Nregroepis

    What the hell are we doing here? What the hell am am I doing here too? I respect the fact that debating features over a game on an internet forum is for trying to make your only source of entertainment more fun... but,

    Why are we worshiping internet celebrities? Why are we bowing down to our game developers? Can we once and for all just meet our family and go to the local fair and watch an outdoor demolition derby like we did in the 1990's? The vast majority of people on the internet and online video games are so hostile like a pack of wolves than what they used to be is because of the lack of vitamin D and/or exposure to cabin fever.

    I'm sorry folks, this thread will most likely be criticized at. I'm gone for a drive outside, it's going to be a hot day tomorrow...well, where I am. but IT'S JUST A GAME GUYS, OMG. Being in critical situations of an online game where you obviously can't pause is much more worse in real life than what you think they are. Please guys, let's give it a break and lift weights and not have skinny gamer's arms.
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  2. Donaldson Jones

    Anonymity makes for poor neighbors.
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  3. FateJH

    Did people actually do that?
  4. Yuki10

    Dude, you are the one with MEMBERSHIP here and you are telling others to care less about gaming and internet?
  5. Nregroepis


    That membership lasts for 30 days and was renewed several weeks ago...
  6. PWGuy93

    What I miss from the 1990s were Game Developers that pushed our hardware and made upgrading a thing.
  7. toast2250

    Mainly because games were shipped out as mostly complete and either failed or succeeded. The game ran its course for the ones that liked it and those who didn't simply left for something else or were never there to begin with.

    Now you have games that promise an ongoing drama and give you a chance to be involved, those people that have ran its course with the game are looking for something new to be delivered that fits the players needs.
  8. Tommyp2006

    Go away normie /s
    But seriously, what i miss about older games, is that they actually released in a completely finished state.
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  9. Pokebreaker

    Pfft, my memory of the 90's was playing Golden Eye until my thumb was soar and my middle fingers had swollen lumps on the sides.
  10. CorporationUSA

    I get your point, but I wouldn't say any of those things are better than playing video games. Especially not wasting money at a crowded fair.
  11. Nregroepis

    You either pay for it once or have that big monthly or weekly or whatnot internet bill!
  12. BlueSkies

    *cough* rednecks *cough*

    Not saying he does or doesn't have one but...

    Fun fact: even if you cancel your sub, the All Access tag doesn't go away... you can't even manually remove it. Its almost like they want it to seem like there are more sub'd players than there are :eek:
  13. Nregroepis

  14. Turekson

    It's always good to go outside and play the "My Life" simulator.

    But seriously, most of the things that were fun in the 90s were so because there were not much alternatives. I'm constantly in awe of the sheer amount of things and their variations that you can do today. It's simply mind boggling.
  15. Tycoh

    I miss that back in the 1990's, micro transactions weren't a thing and the lame money grab games died as they deserved to be. Plus the fact that game developers cared a bit more about their games and released games that were actually tested and FINISHED PRODUCTS.

    Big corporations publishers F'ed up the gaming industry past 2003-2009 since it was a fresh hunting ground of customers.
  16. Lord_Avatar

    Going to a local fair is in principle no different than playing video games - entertainment. "It's just a game" holds as much "stopping power" as "it's just a fair".

    Also - let's get the nerdy gamer stereotype out of the way because it seems to be so out of date it should be considered more of a mild joke than anything else. ;)
  17. CorporationUSA

    My internet bill covers far more than just playing video games.
  18. Crator

    Um, so you think you can't do other things then play this game? Do you have chains around your ankles that are bolted to the computer desk?
  19. Nregroepis

    I hear them clinging and clanging all day long
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  20. Crator

    Sorry to hear. Where do I ship the chain cutters?