I love you Pulsar VS1

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Roland2TowerCame, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. ATRA_Wampa-One


    Although strangely enough I am enjoying the Solstice.

    Real talk, 90% of the problem with VS AR/Carbines is the crappy damage per mag. Upgrade them to have 34-35 rounds (so they're on par with 167 damage 30 round guns) and adjust reload time accordingly and I'll it would fix a ton of problems.

    Hell, you could even restrict that buff to sub 750 ROF 143 round guns and I would be fine with it.
    • Up x 2
  2. Weatherchild

    I never used the Pulsar much.. Curently I am using the Equinox with a smoke launcher and I love it. But my favourite AR is the CME. That thing is powerful... and oh so accurate :)

    I have the terminus but I just cant get used to it. I changed to the Equinox and I feel right at home. It still isnt my trusty CME, though...

    Just goes to show these are all personal perferences :)
  3. nehylen

    It's not entirely personal preference. What you probably like a lot with the Pulsar and CME is how stable they remain with the combination of low vertical recoil per shot and low rate of fire, which lowers vertical recoil over time.

    In theory as you progress, vertical recoil becomes less and less of an issue, being regular, whereas horizontal recoil isn't. With a foregrip the Terminus is actually potentially more accurate (especially compared to the Pulsar), as far as horizontal stability is concerned: it jitters horizontally more per shot, but is bound in a tighter area than either of those.

    There are "sweet spots" in stats between horizontal recoil and tolerance when you equip a foregrip, and as it happens the Terminus is in one. But not the VS1/CME or Equinox, unfortunately.
  4. MasterTater


    Yea - the NERF STREAK of "on par" with other empire weapons does not end for VS.

    Weapons which have almost exact copy cat versions on the other Empire get nerfed into uselessness for VS while their equivalents stay untouched on other empires.

    The weapon loadouts of VS were already useless and most weapons a down than a sidegrade.

    And VS gets nerfed over and over again just due to intriguant, malicious TR/NC nerf calls based on lies, deception and untrustfulness.

    Most TR/NC players would do everything to get the edge of better gear over the most hated faction of all the VS.

    Even if it means to lie, state wrong statistics and outdated numbers to get enough thumbs to force Devs into action of Nerfing VS.

    Anyway - terms of balance this game already sucks hardcore for VS.
  5. Dumpsterprophet

    I guess i dont get all the terminus hype when you have guns like the NS11, cme, hv45, corvus that are just better. Plus that stupid barking noise after each shot on the terminus is just annoying.
  6. XanIves

    Before I read this thread, I loved the Pulsar with all my heart, having slaughtered veritable hordes of enemies at mid range with it.
    Now, I still love it, but I also have the peer-pressure-created "vanu needs buff" "our weapons suck" "higby pls" rising up in my throat, unbidden.

    In all seriousness, I love the vs assault rifles, especially the Pulsar, and if they underperform compared to their faction eqivalents in the tr and nc, well, I might have to reopen my br 26 nc alt I left in the dust so long ago. Not to, you know, be a medic, just to do some.... stuff.
  7. nehylen

    The argument is questionable, if only because of roles (the Terminus is a general-purpose gun -and blows the H-V45 away in my opinion-).
    All the guns you cite got messed up one way or another stats-wise compared to what other empires, or even what VS has available in other categories, except the NS-11A which is a gem.

    There are 3 ARs available to the VS medic which don't get a handicap of some sort compared to what they should be:

    - NS-11A
    - Terminus VX-9 (slightly better than the wonderful T1 Cycler, but with 30 rounds mag)
    - Equinox VE2 Burst (unless you consider that the burst mechanic itself is a handicap)

    The whole rest either has horizontal tolerance issues (Pulsar, Equinox, Darkstar, CME), RoF issues (Corvus), horizontal recoil issues (CME), slightly inferior version of a NC gun (H-V45, significantly less stable if both have grip).

    It's not just ranting for the hell of it, at least as far as i'm concerned. What the Pulsar (and derived guns) needs to be balanced is ridiculously little: more first shot recoil (+0.25 on first shot multiplier) and -0.2 horizontal tolerance. 1 buff, 1 nerf, and it'd be just were it should.
    Right now it's less accurate after 3 shots than Terminus, even the CME (which fails at being an AR version of T5 AMC) is in the same situation! It doesn't feel that way because of lower RoF, but that's the truth of the stats.
    Obviously that doesn't mean you can't kill stuff, but it's sad to see how some guns are imbalanced compared to the general tendencies applied to others, and i'm not only thinking about VS there, though VS does get the most oddities.