I knew there was another reason why I didnt play

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Orpheus66, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. Orpheus66

    I forgot why I stopped playing. I remember lagging all the time so i set the game aside and started to play BF3 and now BF4. So I herd about the performance overhaul so I downloaded the patch and started to play and was actually having a good time...

    till the ZOE Maxes....TTTTHHHAAAATTTSSSS right. Now I remember why i set the game aside. Comment or not I will not be coming back to this thread.
  2. VanuSovereignty

    Why would you post a thread that you have no intent on coming back to? There are hundreds of other feedback threads that you could have put your thoughts in.
    • Up x 1
  3. MrMurdok

    OP reminds of a ZOE MAX, standing in the middle of a pitch black field, surrounded by TR Heavies.

    Just begging for some explosive and raging attention.
  4. Jbrain

    OP, I know how you feel.. as a new player myself that's what I originally thought.. However I checked to see if the development team was aware how ridiculous vs max was and it seems they do..in stark contrast to NC maxes which are just pathetic right now.. you can get a few kills close up but other than that ez kill.. I also was like F this but now that I know that nc over all and our maxes are going to be buffed and the zoe max toned down I decided to stick it out a while longer.. I have fun but it is very hard to play good enough to overcome all of the nc disadvantages.. I do my best and I hope for the future.. but I also agree if nothing is done soon I will be right along side you with my FU- Tshirt on.

    I am new but I am still blown away that sony has let the current state of lopsided balance exist for so long. Im waiting for NC weapons over all to be looked at and fixed so they perform equally well.. Im waiting for NC maxxes to be reworked entirely or something.. Also, some of our better performing weapons are limited to light assault instead of heavy. If these things are not already aggrevating enough you get constant harassment from enemy tr and vs players who basically just make fun of NC. I don't get that at all. I have just tried to ignore it and hope that ps2 dev team actually knows our pain and is working on helping us. The problem is not many people have the patience I have and if it wasn't for a glimmer of hope I would of already quit..

    So, I am hoping you don't quit yet.. give the devs a little more time to fix nc and balance the zoe max.. and other issues that make it where nc have to work doubly hard to achieve the same result. I do wish devs would at least tell us something though, when is nc getting the buffs we need devs ? if something don't give all new players we try to recruit will just quit..
  5. bodmans

    Can I haz ur stuff?

    If your intent was to create yet ANOTHER ZOE thread,
  6. KAHR-Alpha

    Well, Highby confirmed ZOE was in for a nerf (not sure I still have my screenshot though, it was on the testserver) so you might be coming back very soon.

    Edit: found it