I Just Unlocked C4 on My Medic and...

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Mostadio, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. Mostadio

    My life has changed. Holy crap this stuff is great.
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  2. Dictatorfish


    Enemy MAX + C4 as a medic = best feeling in the world
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  3. Van Dax

    I still remember that one time I c4 a flying liberator...as a medic
  4. asdfPanda

    Scatmaxes: You ain't got nothin on me brah!
    Locked down prowlers: Oh no you didn't!
    <3 c4. It's situational, but better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.
  5. Messaiga

    Lol, if that is how it is, imagine us ScatMax's after the update just holding a shield up to a Locked down prowler being like "Sup bro, come at me".
  6. Dictatorfish

    Que appearance of ESF roflpodder.
  7. Messaiga

    Queue*, :p. But still yeah we get the idea, hell this thing takes somewhere between 12-14 dalton rounds on the test server, add on Flak armor and you are almost invincible. Edit: Wait did you mean NC Max W/Shield is in front of prowler distracting him while a friendly ESF Lolpods him?
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  8. Mostadio

    Fed a scatmax a block of C4, took out two sunderers and two MBTs in about 30 minutes. Now to grind out the certs for the 2nd block :O

    Before, I'd see a tank and just say to myself, "Nothing I can do but stay away from that thing." Now it's just an opportunity waiting to happen.
  9. asdfPanda

    Agreed. Sometimes I wonder why people want to limit the interactions between all of the playstyles in this game, such as infiltrators not having a vehicle deterrent(hopefully SOE will change the EMP grenade to disable vehicle movement for a short duration) but that's for another discussion.
    Unfortunately, we don't get the angle of approach advantage that light assaults have, but c4 is still an effective tool.
  10. Mostadio

    C4 amongst medics must be a rare thing. I've strolled up to a handful of tanks today and casually placed it and wandered off without taking a single hit. Both the driver and gunner were aware of me. They pointed their guns right at me, then turned away and went back to shelling a base. If anything, they could have wiped me out with the click of a mouse and gotten a free kill, but they didn't and I got two. I guess they felt that since I was just a medic and they were in a tank, I posed no immediate threat.
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  11. asdfPanda

    It's just not a high priority compared to nano regen and the medical applicator. I still love it in the right situations.
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  12. Kupcake

    Good tankers treat any charging infantry like a suicide bomber.

    Bad ones, though . . . It was probably something like . . .

    TR Cam: *picture of a giraffe*

    What else are you really going to get? I carry around 3 meds on my other classes, but that's kinda pointless on a medic. :p

    You have a few priority upgrades which come before it: Regen 5, Applicator 5, Flak 4, and a good gun. Once you get those, I'd start grabbing C4.
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  13. }{ellKnight

    I got my C4 on my LA first. From that moment on I decided I'd get 2 bricks on my LA, medic and heavy. They're awesome. Sure, you die and it sucks when you die after placing one but it's so awesome when you manage to blow people up.
  14. Mostadio

    I agree with the picture of the giraffe. I've seen a stranded HA out of rockets and I was just like "mmkay, you're no longer relevant. Just hide behind a tree and I'll leave you alone."

    I agree with priority upgrades. I maxed out the medic tool and the regen, got nanoweave to 5 (1000 certs to 6? zomg!) so I figured it's time to fill up that empty utility slot. Heal kits on a medic? Yeeeeah no. Only thing left to do is grab the 2nd C4, maybe invest in revive grenades (I never kill anybody with frag grenades, no matter how many people are standing around the area I throw them at), and.. triage....? People ride with one another in vehicles? I thought we all just pulled a flash and zerged on to the next base like a pack of Mad Max extras.

    But anyway, back to the point... are maxed out/high ranking medics so rare that few if any pack C4? Sure, it's situational, but like someone said earlier.. better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. I've even gotten to the point where I'll drop a block near a door, spray some bullets at a guy in a courtyard, do a little dance to get his attention, then run back and blow him up when he comes to teach me a lesson. Not because it's a worthwhile expenditure of infantry resources, but because I wish I could see the guy's face.
  15. Kupcake

    The problem is that it doesn't really pay to max out medic right now. It's a cool choice to make, and some people enjoy the playstyle.

    But in practical terms, medic only most _useful_ when two conditions are true:

    1. Enemy air and ground vehicles aren't a problem. Otherwise you're adding more utility preventing these vehicles from farming you by pulling a launcher.
    2. Your force has already reached critical mass. As in, having one more shielded heavy won't do a ton of good. If it's a really small battle, like a handful of people fighting over a small oupost, the shield is enough of a deciding factor in 1v1ish exchanges that it's hard to pass it up.
    3. And your team is actually short on medics. In my experience, once you get into heavy infantry battles, CM's are the third most common class, behind HA and LA. Engis are the real rarity in a lot of situations, and repairing MAX's and dropping ammo is also enormously beneficial to teams.

    Unfortunately, it's very rare that all three of those are true. I like medic, but when I'm ground-pounding, I usually just roll what I feel is the most useful.
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  16. Zagz

    Kupcake, I completely disagree and that's coming from a guy that has always been playing medic since the dawn of Team Fortress 1 and Return to castle wolfenstein. I played medic on a competitive level in several games.

    2 smart medics can keep an entire squad up for pretty much eternity if no one focuses on them. They have weapons with enough stopping power to effectively stand toe to toe with any infantry and with C4 or other gadgets, they're capable of putting a stop of minimal threat such as tanks and max.
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  17. WASD123

    Cue* :p a queue is something you wait in.
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  18. Roland2TowerCame

    Wait until you unlock the second one and can blow up tanks and wounded sundys. ;)
  19. FlayvorOfEvil

    Slightly indirect, but the Wraith Flash with basilisk is a really fun AV weapon. Just cloak behind, fire 12 shots into the back, cloak, re-position and fire again. No only is it insanely annoying to the enemy, it is a very viable AV weapon if they are damaged, unguarded or being attacked by other sources.
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  20. Disinclined

    Yup, two C4 is a must have for the medic. I don't agree that a medic should have access to C4, but since we can it's a must have.