I hope nobody else gets their directives reset.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fredfred, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. Fredfred

    Mine did, almost done with the Lightning, Infiltrator, Force recon and explosives. All gone as of today, this is fuuking bull shiit!

    Out of all the hours and auraxiums I have earned in this game, this actually makes me want to finally quit for good. I made a support ticket for this, however, I do not have high hopes for this to get fixed. I heard people are just getting and 1 Day XP boost. That is clearly not good enough, not for me anyways, and especially for any one else that enjoys PS2.

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  2. Goretzu

    That's pretty terrible. :(

    They simply can't have breakdowns like that, if it isn't ready (or isn't backed up) it shouldn't be in the game yet.
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  3. NinjaTurtle

    Mine have luckily not reset yet. Is there any known cause for it or is it completely random?
  4. Fredfred

    I am not aware of what triggers it.
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  5. Covah

    Reseted 2 times already.
  6. MasterDk78

    i am working towards my directives.. 1160 kills with anti-personal turret is a bi***
    if it get reset.. i will loose hope
  7. No_STG

    If mine reset, I would quit for real. Would be too demoralized.
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  8. AssaultPig

    I would have such a sad if my lightning directives got reset (almost got that swag lumifiber), and I wouldn't even have lost all that much progress because most of it just involves weapon medals. I really feel for the people who have lost a lot of progress in other areas.

    Gotta assume it won't be fixed though; if SOE thought it was even a possibility they wouldn't have already posted that they can't do it.
  9. FieldMarshall

    1114/1160 AV turret. I keep taking screenshots of my Engineer directive progress just in case they can restore it if they "believe" me, or something.
    Because i have been working towards that since the release of directives at the expense of fun. And it its suddenly wiped then i dont know if ill bother.

    Im guessing ribbon/weapon medal directives dont get reset as they may be tracked differently?
    They were awarded retroactively when directives were released anyway, leading me to think they are tracked differently than the "Deployed AMS kills" and "Infiltrator Kills" etc.
    Just a theory.

    Edit: For refrence, here is my Engineer progression.
  10. TheKhopesh

    I had Combat medic finished up to the last level, and then I lost all my standard and savior kills toward it so it was reduced back to the gold tier.
    I've taken some screen shots as proof of where I am in my progress, so if I have to I can submit a ticket and show them.

    In order:
    -Force Recon

    So, this is before the update, and in 30 minutes I won't be able to change any of these images.
    I also have them in a video that proves that this was on my character.

    I think I'll also start off and end each play session by making a short documented video showing my progress, just in the event anything may come into question so that I have an up to date account of my progress. Only the latest progress video will be kept unless I lose progress, in which case the most advanced point will be kept along with the point after my losses.

    I must say that I am disappointed that we have to take it upon ourselves to do so, rather than SOE manning up and finding a way to back our information up so that no more than the current session's worth of progress could be lost. :mad:
  11. tigerchips

    If something is up with stats, well, it's sometimes related to visiting the VR training area, so i would stay away from there if i were you.
  12. hostilechild

    If they think you are exploiting to get the directives they will reset them all not just the one exploited. Not saying this happened but its possible some automated catch mechanism might be getting triggered instead of them manually resetting even when someone doesn't exploit to get it.
  13. Gambitual

    My directives got reset. I don't know what other people experience, but this reset only hit the directives that are not counted by ribbons and medals. I know ribbons and medal progress are hard counted by the system, so I don't know how those get wiped.

    A few arbitrary things got saved, but things like Deployed AMS kills (hard as hell to do), Multi-Kills with explosives (never seems to work), and Roadkills with my Flash (also hard as hell) I really miss. Facility Captures got reset too, which sucks because I defend 90% of the time.
  14. Champagon

    There was a directives glitch that SOE found out about and people were getting all directives with 1 kill of any type. SOE roll backed the servers and also resetted those who got directives completed illegitimately. It's all in the update notes, if you still got reset submit a support ticket
  15. NoctD

    SOE seems totally incapable of doing a proper rollback, they just reset things and it NEVER goes correctly. Remember when there was the glitch that causes anyone that hit VR to get legit items locked and unusable? HA's couldn't activate their shields, LA's with no jump jets, and when SOE rolled back, everyone that was affected got upgraded to max level unlocks.

    A true rollback is simply something one cannot expect SOE to do. And good luck if you think your screenshots is going to save you - cause the game's GM's are utterly useless and won't bother to go through the trouble of trying to set someone correctly to where you were at, even if you can proof it.

    I expect some less than stellar response to any support tickets, and a 1 day XP boost is just a real insult really.
  16. Champagon

    Try the support ticket first then judge from there. I work in IT and issues are WAY easier to resolve/track/close when there is a ticket to go along with it. Who knows, they might even give you the "hook up" ya know?
  17. LT_Latency

    They should be taking backups like crazy if they know this is happening.
  18. Desspa

    i had 150 maxes killed. now i am back to 15.
    i have the auraxium on the decimator but i still need to kill 800 people with rockets.
    not even trying the airdetterance..

    from what i know weapons dont get reseted only the ribbons do and the kills
  19. Booface

    Yeah this happened to me a few days ago. Was very close to getting the auraxium knife and infiltrator armor, and then they reset. Seemed to affect anything that isn't counted by a ribbon or weapon statistics, so things like infiltrator kills, kills as a certain class, headshot kills, and deployable destructions (ouch, that was the worst one to lose) were all lost.

    Didn't bother opening a ticket, since in a few days I was pretty much back in the same place except for deployable destructions, which takes forever (esp. since EMP grenades don't give credit). If anyone else does open a ticket, please post how it goes.
  20. Fredfred

    This ******* bulll****!