I haven't played planetside 2 in a couple of days now.

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Niller, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. Niller

    And all i hear on the forums are a LA nerf? Why? I always thought that the HA was the most effective class in the game, most people use it. Why nerf something that is good at killing the overused thing? (HA is kind of overused, but not really OP, they are just a good all round class) LA is good at killing them because they have flanking, HA then have their shields, which is very effective against other infatry classes, including LA. A nerf to LA would make them MUCH more worthless than HA, It's a AI class, that requires some skill to get good at (yes there are other classes that a harder to get good at, such as Infiltrator)

    Making the Jumpjet louder would make the flanking abilities almost useless. And does all this have something to do with shotguns? Because im not using much shotgun lately, and a nerf to LA would be unfair for people liking to use carbines.
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  2. Stargazer86

    One, yes, it's partially due to shotguns. Why? Because doesn't every topic on these forums have to feature or relate to shotguns in some manner? It's becoming a law of the internet. I don't recall anyone complaining about jetpacks until after the pump actions were introduced, so take that as you will.

    Two, it's because lately infiltrators have been whining that the jetpack is louder than their cloak noise, as much as I can guess. Instead of asking for their cloak noise to be decreased, they seem to want the jetpacks increased instead. Why? Because heck if I know. Schadenfreude or something.
  3. Volccis

    Forums are always meant for popcorns. Without them you may have serious face on! Silly stuff here, mostly ;p
  4. blzbug

    It was silly until 2 days ago. The arguments about jetpack noise were theoretical. Now they are real and not silly at all. If I had to listen to the current jetpack sounds assaulting my ears every single time I hit the spacebar, I would go nuts. Or in reality, I would just not play LA anymore. Which would put me one step closer to not playing PS2 anymore. Or just playing Engy or HA all the time, which is apparently what SOE wants.
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  5. Niller

    Then HA should have louder shields too.
  6. Sandzibar

    them moving at 50% speed and glowing like a christmas tree isnt enough?
  7. omni2

    HA-shield already glow´s (hello i m here shoot me) and makes you slower when active,
    another disadvantage?
    No it´s good as it is.
  8. Niller

    The Jumpjet is also good as it is.
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  9. Goretzu

    HA shield being turned on are already a LOT louder than operational Jumpjets, pretty much everything in the game is in fact.
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  10. blzbug

    You're beating the drum so hard for a jetpack nerf that you can't even hear yourself think. Do try to keep your facts and opinions separate. HA shield is not a LOT louder than the jetpack. It is not LOUDER than the jetpack. Half of the HA grunts out there probably have never even heard their own shield! And I'm pretty sure the guy who suggested making HA shields loud was being ironic to prove a point.

    Continue spouting off about the overpowered jetpack if you wish, but have some measure of objectivity please.
  11. Dramma Lamma

    No, we have asked a million times to reduce the cloak noise.

    SOE seems unwilling to do that.

    So they went with the jetpack noise instead.
  12. Goretzu

    Er.... yes it is much louder, test it yourself.

    So STATING THE TRUTH that the HA Shield turning on sound is much louder than the Jetpack operational sound, is being somehow "un-objective"? The truth is just the truth. :confused:

    The irony was, of course, that suggesting the HA Shield have a sound, when in fact it does and it is louder than the Jetpack operational noise just underlines how near-silent Jetpacks currently are on Live. :eek:
  13. Mythicrose12

    Which is no reason for how loud the noise is on the test server. Unlike your cloak, the jets are only going to go in one general direction (up). The obnoxiously loud sound is a dead give away where LA is going to be at. Let alone how annoying it is for the actual player to be constantly hearing that. Don't you believe the infiltrator community would be upset if SOE decided to change the current cloak sound to one that constantly (loudly) pings when cloaked? Clearly near invisibility (would work better if low graphic settings are fixed) isn't enough for some of you. I do well enough with my infiltrator and have similar score with it like I do my LA.

    For those considering the noise a "fix"...well..the jet pack already has noise that made it through Alpha to the current live servers. It's akin to a "fix" for the HA shield no longer working against infantry rifles or a fix to allow MAX units to revive indefinately.
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  14. Ibuprofen

    First off, that guy never indicated he played infiltrator.

    Secondly, while the jets may only go in one direction, it is a direction that no other infantry can just "go" in. If I cloak and a heavy decides to follow the sound/follow me, he can get to me, I can't outrun him, and I probably won't win a pitched battle with him. With the jetpack, even if he can hear where you are, he can't follow you if you just get on a roof and hunker down.

    Thirdly, I can pretty much guarantee that 95% of infiltrators would have greatly preferred a reduced cloak sound to an increased jet pack sound, but the increased jet pack sound does push the LA out of the infiltrator roll a bit, so it's preferable to no change at all for us.

    Finally, my personal opinion is that they significantly overdid the volume increase.
    It should either be a constant sound that is loud enough that you can get a good idea of what direction the LA is in by listening carefully if he's within 40-60 meters in an empty base or 10-20 meters in a heated battle,
    - OR -
    It should be relatively quiet during use, but have an initial empire specific sound that's a little bit louder than the infiltrator cloak and a short(~1s long), semi-quiet but distinctive whining sound when it shuts off.

    The second option would put it closest to the infiltrator's noise conditions, which is a little bit homogenizing IMO, so I'd prefer the first one, but either one would work. Currently, they've added both(I don't know what the shutoff sounds like in test), and made them both very loud, so yeah, way too much.
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  15. Mythicrose12

    He may not, but the majority of his posts are comparing the two classes. A lot of the people in favor for the obnoxious jet packs are infiltrators...including a celebratory thread in the infiltrator forums.

    You're downplaying the speed of the Jump Jets. Couple that with the short TTK with nearly any weapon in this game, if someone hears the jet pack and looks up, there's plenty of time to kill the LA before he/she can hunker down on a roof (assuming he/she wasn't "Q" spotted). I too play an infiltrator and have lost people because of the cloak. It is a sure fire mechanizim to keep me alive? No. It's definately easier to shake someone that doesn't use low graphic setttings, though.

    I've advocated a change in their cloak volume for some time now. What's ironic is that many in the infiltrator road map thread want grapple hooks (i.e. jump jets) and gliders (i.e. drifter jets). Both classes are stealth based. Infiltrators get acess to a nearly invisible cloak whereas the light assault relies on silence. I already know I'll be playing more of my infiltrator if the current jet pack noise on the test server hits live. More so if the infiltrator spectre cloak (true invisibility) ever gets put in the game.

    It needs toned down considerabley. I personally would get very annoyed listening to the constant noise of the jump jet as it on the test server. Being heard by others at 40-60 meters (considering how slow the jump jets are) severly puts the LA at a disvantage. Enemies know we're in the air where we get a large accuracy penalty to begin with. It would be exactly like an infiltrator's cloak constantly pinging as they run around.

    At best, I would rather have the jet pack only be heared to within 10m if the vertical speed isn't increased. Similar to cloaking, you never know who is in within audible range. Unlike cloaking, LAs remain completely visible rather than nearly invisible (the low setting white/dark ghost needs fixed).
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  16. Ibuprofen

    Ahh, didn't look at his post history, just the two posts in this thread.

    I was actually thinking more about the guy on a different floor or the next building over that hears my cloak and comes to hunt me down, not someone where I was already within their LoS. The primary point though, is that it gives an extra degree of freedom to your movement that no other infantry has, allowing you to ignore a lot of barriers that effect everyone else. All you have to do for a 100% guaranteed escape is cross one of those barriers that only another LA could follow you across.
    This goes back to the LA's ability to bypass natural barriers. The LA can move silently, the infiltrator can move cloaked, but only one of the stealth focused classes has the ability to bypass natural barriers, which is absolutely huge. With the added JJ sounds, I'd like to think fewer infiltrators will feel that it would be fair for us to have access to the defining advantage of the LA's ability.

    I'd actually say that the primary purpose of the jetpack was always that ability to bypass natural barriers and thus flank effectively, never the ability to move stealthily, but that's just my personal opinion on it.
    Well, just FYI, they have said that the sounds are currently planned to be added to live with the next update.

    The 40-60 meters would be in an empty(i.e. very quiet) base, the infiltrator can be heard from 90m away in the same circumstances. Also, if you are trying to be sneaky, just don't use the jetpack except when you need to, that's how infiltrators have to do it. Half the time I'm running around in enemy territory I am uncloaked just so that I don't have to worry about making noise when my cloak runs out.

    Also unlike cloaking, you remain capable of firing your weapons. Again, do what infiltrators do, plan your jetpack usage so that you land/end in a defensible or, better yet, unreachable position. The ability to reach places other players can't is your defense. There are places where it will be less effective than an imperfect(though pretty good when it's not in ghost mode) and limited duration invisibility and places where it will be much more effective.
  17. Goretzu

    "My cloak"? If I was in fact worried about making Inflitrators OP to my own ends I would indeed probably suggest there be no sound for Infiltrators.

    However I'm more interested in making the game better as whole, and the cloak sound is there for a reason, so that there is a counter to stealth, a warning sound for other and penatly (potentially) for using it.

    That's exactly the problem with the Jetpack being functionally silent, there is no counter to it, nor any potential penalty for using them.

    That is nothing to do with Infiltrators (or HA who also have a louder shield sound) and everything to do with LAs.

    The only issue I have against LA Jetpacks being silent is the utter lack of counter that brings with it - no secret agenda I'm afriad (I rarely play infilatrator except as a sniper).

    Ironically it's probably one of the things standing between LA and other buffs, because SoE can't buff "silent flying death", however if they make Jetpack audiable, then a lot of buffing options become open.
  18. Dramma Lamma

    Am I crazy? Or did a lot of posts in this thread get removed?
  19. Mythicrose12

    Many threads about the jet pack noise are getting cleaned up.
  20. Dramma Lamma

    Yeah, I get it when just plain insulting things get removed and people are being ***-hats for no good reason.

    But the post I'm beyond disappointed to see has disappeared is the one clearly explaining the differences between PS1 infiltrator and PS2 infiltrator.

    There was no badmouthing in the post, only someone simply stating the fact that PS2 infiltrator is the way it is because PS2 was designed to be a mass appeal game.

    Just wow, a clear logical fact is stated in a calm collected manor and SOE has it removed because they can't handle the truth.

    I have no words to express this disappointment............