i have a question for you

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Coliax, Apr 27, 2018.

  1. Coliax

    But first some quotes of rules. This stands on the PS2 Website under the rules:
    Here's the link: https://help.daybreakgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/230647807-What-are-the-rules-of-conduct-

    And this is from the Forum rules:
    Ok then here is my question:
    How the (insert any expletive) do you explain ingame taunts (V+6). Who ever of the Dev's think "hey, why don't we put a emote in the game so that our player can insult each other" would be a good idea, it. is. not.
    It sould be one of the main goal of game dev's to make ther community happy because getting them mad result in rage quits and rage quits result in less Profit.

    Nothing make me more mad as someone who just spam V6 after every time he killed you. Sometimes my blood pressure get so high that i wonder why my hearth will burst because i get so (insert any expletive) angry.
    I mean would you like to get insulted if you play? No of course not, only those who insult like it.

    So now that we agree that nobody likes to be insulted why the (insert fitting expletive) is V6 still in the game.

    PS: In the case that someone say "But Insulting is not the meaning of a taunt" please see one of this links
    (aka the Internet dictionarys proof me right)

    And if you say now "too mutch work, have to develop construction system": Even I (and I have no idea from coding) can delete some code lines that enable V6
  2. Coliax

    And bevor you get any wrong ideas, I'm normaly a very very calm and friendly person, but little mockings get me mad very fast.
  3. Sazukata

    Always assume V6s are satire. Never take them seriously. We're all playing a game to have fun, after all.

    For when you think someone is serious about it: Weak people that need to upset others on the internet to feel validated don't deserve a reaction. So don't give one.
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  4. Coliax

    Then give me the Option in the Audios to filter V6 just like the Insult filter. I would be extreamly happy if i never hear that emote again
  5. MuggieWara

    Most people who want to taunt me hit V-1 :p
  6. Doc Jim

    I've never understood why one of the options is a taunt. That is essentially wasted space which could be taken up by a useful callout like "I need a ride!" instead of having to aim at a specific vehicle, hold ... was it Q? and then rotate through the round menu. It could also be replaced with "No can do." or "Negative." which would make sense as we already have the "Confirm." or something along those lines.

    Provoking people aside, the taunt is simply inefficient and inconsistent game design.

    Edit: I got it the wrong way round, instead of "I need a ride!", I meant "I need a gunner!" which requires the spotting menu.
  7. OldMaster80

    "I need a ride" is V5.
  8. Skraggz

    I never V6 people, or well really rarely, I usually v2 :cool: them, or v1... but you have to be out right gunning for me or doing something to get my attention or im returning the favor. That a side, if a simple taunt triggers you maybe internet gaming isn't for you? Muting taunt will not stop them from letting you know... trust me.
  9. Doc Jim

    Oh wait, you're right, I meant the other one, "I need a gunner".
  10. FateJH

    Rather than too much work, more like a waste of time.
  11. raffa2

    I think most of the oversensitive little kids might not find this game amusing, so they must have ragequitted long time ago.
    What's left is a community that mostly resembles videogames at their inception: cocky little ****heads taunting you after a kills, sending PMs, and saying stupid **** on the global chat.

    I think this is the most healthy enviroment for a videogame, the complete opposite of what blizzard is doing for overwatch.
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  12. Skraggz

    Copy and paste, I usually put them on blast it ends that fast... if it bothers you that much you block tells and or the person. I find putting them on blast usually resolves their childish antics.
  13. JibbaJabba

    Any form of auto-taunt in any game is just crappy game design. It doesn't really bother me personally but it's just... ew. It's a bad game feature that should never be added to any game. If people want to insult let them expend the effort.
  14. OldMaster80

    V5 or v10 while you are inside the vehicle will do that :)
  15. The Shady Engineer

    I don't know about others, but I V+6 tactically.

    I don't use it as a bad manners emote but as an actual taunt instead, mentally throwing the enemy off balance and hopefully causing them to make a mistake.

    I fire at an enemy but they take cover before I can kill them.
    -Tactical V+6- *Is that all you got?*
    Enemy gets pissed and peeks me before his shields have fully recharged.
    Easy kill.

    I find TR's taunts to work best. You call yourself a soldier? That was painful to watch. It's almost too easy.
    Really gets into your opponents head. :D
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  16. adamts01

    Pretty much this. ^^^

    OP: Just picture the child on the other end of that taunt. He's so insecure that he has to talk tough in a video game. And that little kid gets under your skin? Just forget about it.
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  17. heyturnkey

    Taunting is part of every competitive sport.. aside from golf maybe. It's just a game, and if that's getting in your kitchen, maybe try to use that anger to focus on your game... that's what pretty much every competitive player does.

    That being said, maybe have the devs make that mutable. I would not oppose that.
  18. Sprant Flere-Imsaho

    I believe this thread to be satire. You log in to try to simulate killing people with gunfire but the built-in sesame street level taunts are too traumatizing? Can't be real.
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  19. Coliax

    No it really piss me off
  20. Twin Suns


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