I hate cloaked Flashes, and getting run down, etc.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hackomatique, Nov 17, 2014.

  1. Sn0w

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  2. DK22

    can't believe I'm reading any of this, let alone how long you've been playing, should know better by now!
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  3. Pikachu

    Flash fail 9 out of 10 roadkills anyway.
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  4. TraatAdmiral

    "Everybody needs a nerf but me"
  5. gary the sewer hobo

    This is a troll post right? It has to be. I can't accept the fact that someone wants the flash nerfed, a vehicle that is insta-gibed by every explosive in the game, is easily visible even when cloaked, has awful handling and requires third-person mode and significant cert investment and skill to be even mildly useful.
    I love my flash, but it does not need a nerf.
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  6. Ransurian

    Stealthy flashes can be annoying if they're piloted by C4 monkeys. I've died to that sort of nonsense maybe three or four times, though, so it's thankfully not too common.
  7. Rikkit

  8. Copasetic

    Not even a Flash with guns, just a Flash. :eek:
  9. Cyrek

    I'd wish the flash had more utility, how about having composite make the flash resist explosives a little more, so I can use it respectably as partial cover?
  10. Bearlover

    i dont think there needs to be a nerf.. but i do think one should be able to lock on to a flash with his rocket launcher after it went stealth. I mean, that's how heat seeking missiles lock on right...? .. through heat signatures? .. Nevertheless if it went stealth, it is still generating heat from its engine..soo... i dont know what kind of future, space frontier we are in our beloved planetside, but yea.
  11. Hackomatique

    When I started this threat, I never said Flashes were OP, or that they needed a nerf for balance. I just wanted to express that my least favorite aspect of the whole game is getting killed by being run over, especially by Flashes, and I wanted to explain that the reason why this is annoying is because it doesn't make any sense to me, and it breaks my fun of playing a game where I get to be a well-armed soldier or even a tank driver when I find myself being embarrased by lighter vehicles or just run down.

    It's interesting that so many people only read this as a nerf suggestion for balance reasons. I just want to express that it is not fun or clever to me, but I am not trying to say Flash or OP or even that they need to be nerfed or changed. But I do want to be able to express that I don't find the "ramming ATV" concept to be fun, and the experience of being run over by all sorts of things often without knowing they're coming till its too late, to be fun, for me.

    For me it's about things representing what they're supposed to be, and feeling trollzored, so to speak, by a smartypants tactic that shouldn't really work. It has nothing to do with balance, and I am glad to hear that all the many times I have been run down by ATVs, it was by luck or extreme skill, and that usually people die when they try it. Because, my casualty rate to being run over seems quite high, while for example I expect people being run over in actual combat is extremely rare, and may have never ever happened as an intentional ram by an enemy driving an ATV. Because really, it would tend to be suicidal, avoidable, obvious to see coming and shoot dead, wouldn't work, etc.
  12. Scatterblak

    ...yeah, it almost breaks the illusion of reality and immersion the max's and force fields and healing beams and floating tanks generate.

    It's a game. Play CoD if you don't want some futuristic fiction. :)
  13. Scatterblak

    HV/HS works by detecting infrared radiation; why would we assume that only the visible spectrum is 'bent' around a cloaked object, but not infrared wavelengths?

  14. tahn1000

    ok, as someone who runs around with rockets ALL THE TIME i will state here and now that you are wrong/lying. absolutely no rocket can take out a flash in one hit from any ha weapon. it takes 12 rounds from a striker which would amount to 2-3 from any other rocket launcher. and unless it's guided, and the driver doesn't know what he's doing, that isn't going to happen before you're dead. of course if he's cloaked - FORGET IT.
  15. Hackomatique

    Actually, my guided rocket launcher will kill a Flash in one shot, if it can actually manage to get a lockon and not hit something else while the Flash is zooming all over the place and going behind various things breaking lock etc. I think 90% of my Flash kills must be with a lockon rocket launcher, but it's not at all easy since they move so fast it's hard to get a lockon. I have a much worse rate of success with any other weapon though, as even a near miss with a tank cannon won't take a healthy Flash down.
  16. Hackomatique

    Oh so clever. I've never heard such brilliant insight before. CoD? Surely you troll.

    And yet, I will answer you seriously. No I will not waste my time with CoD.

    Just because something is a game does not mean things shouldn't work anything like what they represent.

    Just because a game includes futuristic things does not mean that non-futuristic things should have random properties.

    PS2 does an OK job having the force fields and floating tanks and MAXes behave something like such futuristic things might actually behave, sort of.

    As for healing beams, I do happen to think those are pretty silly, too. But they aren't as annoying as losing 4/5 of all encounters with a person on an ATV trying to run me down, because it's almost impossible to shoot or get out of the way and it doesn't crash when it runs into a heavy or a max or a wall.

    Sure there are many games that don't care and have silly values for things, and are extremely gamey and don't care. CoD seems to be one of those, which is why I'm not about to play it.

    I like PS2 because it does a fairly good job at representing quite a few things. Like it actually has a fairly big map instead of making you fight in a small boxed off area. The guns are pretty weak but it's actually fairly possible to kill people with them, unlike many shooters, and the stats on the different kinds of guns actually make some kind of sense and correspond to real-world weapons a bit.

    That's why it stands out and disappoints me when that experience is messed up by a cloaked ATV which has a major tactic that shouldn't work, of running people down and taking advantage of certain weak points in the game to be much more annoying and effective than it should be, from the point of view of things making sense. Which is important to me. I started this thread to communicate my feelings. Not to say Flash is OP. Not to say you have to agree. Just to express that this really is the most annoying part of the game to me.
  17. Scatterblak

    Fair enough. I don't troll - it just seems silly to isolate this one small play dynamic as a huge problem and support your position with the fact that it's not realistic in a fantasy online game that takes place in the future. My apologies if my post came across with more angst than intended. There are about a bazillion things in PS2 that are annoying and aren't as realistic as they could be, but singling one out of that list for elimination based on that fact doesn't hold water - it's more likely that it's a particularly annoying tactic to you and a smaller subset of the playerbase, as opposed to being a huge problem that everyone is anxious to get rid of.

    For myself, I'd sooner they get rid of the stupid "SUICIDE - Stop killing yourself" message that I see fairly often - usually due to a bug, falling through the world, ejection seat, etc.
  18. gary the sewer hobo

    You must be a really bad shot. I just made a video just for you about how many shots it takes for every rocket launcher in the game and every AV MAX weapon in the game to kill a flash. Surprise surprise, the only 1 which doesn't OHK it is the striker, which kills in 4 shots.
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  19. Hackomatique

    @Gary thanks for the cathartic Flash-killing video.
    The Flash video in your signature is an awesome musical homage to how ridiculous (not stictly OP for balance purposes, just ridiculous) the Flash is, especially how one with a cannon mounted can actually take out tanks. The Flash riding on a flying Galaxy is hilarious! All it wants is shots of several people being mowed down by the Flash to be perfect. ;-)
  20. gary the sewer hobo

    You do forget that for every successful flash eun there is usually around 3ish failed attempts where you're insta-gibbed by a stray tank round or sniper bullet. That shot of the flash on a gal is testament to that.
    Most of the tanks in that video were all either distracted, on low health, had very poor spatial awareness or were whittled down by myself over a few minutes. A successful wraith flash relies on a lot of factors, the main being terrain, enemy population and skill of the flash user. If any one of those is less than great (especially terrain) then you're going to have a bad time.
    I agree the flash can be ridiculous, if used in the right hands. In fact it's my go to vehicle if my squad calls for an armour column. It might not be able to provide the DPS or general longevity that a lightning or mag provides, but it can be a huge thorn in the sides of any enemies that try to attack us. Enough that I can generally keep the attention of any enemy armour long enough for our mags to show up at their rear.