I got TR battle-rifle today, now I know how it is to have the SAW, exept SAW is better

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DrazahNede, May 5, 2013.

  1. DrazahNede

  2. Liquid23

    stop whining...

    they could give me nothing but a pointy stick and I wouldn't say a word... just smear **** on it and go poke out some NC eyeballs
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  3. AngryPlayer

    SAW is LMG, AMR-66 is Scout Riffle. The closest thing you'll get to a SAW as TR is the TMG-50.
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  4. FnkyTwn

    Stay Classy TR!
  5. DrazahNede

  6. Liquid23

    the AMR-66 is a battle rifle not a scout rifle...
  7. Kastrenzo

    Battle rifle is just a different name for a reskinned Scout rifle

    Same fire sounds. same accuracy, etc
  8. Liquid23

    not really... it's kind of close to the semi-auto scout rifles and completely different from the full auto ones
  9. Phrygen

    only decent Battle rifles is the vanu (epsilon or somthing?)

    other BRs are garbage because of the bullet drop.
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  10. E-Fuze

    They bullet drop is horrible. I regret getting the battle rifle for TR.
  11. Liquid23

    that's because for some odd reason they have lower bullet velocity than some of the carbines.. .which effectively makes them crap at the only ranges where they would be usefull
  12. Tact

    Saw is good, but i'd take the Carv any day over the saw. It's different strokes for diff folks, if you feel you chose the wrong faction then re-roll.
  13. CupBoy

    In the game data, they are the same category of weapons (Battle Rifles). Some of them are just called scout rifles.
  14. FnkyTwn

    No. They're completely different Categories of weapon.

    Battle Rifles < link - Battle Rifles hit for 250@m
    Scout Rifles < link - Scout Rifles hit for either 143@10m or 334@15m
  15. MrGurrenLemfox

    you know you just can play NC HA right, there is no faction loyalty anymore with 3 character slot. SO USE THE DAMN THING
  16. Liquid23

    with the free month of premium or if you sub you get 6... so you can have one toon of each faction on two different servers.... YEAH no faction or even region loyalty!
  17. thrikerr

    Bullet drop is easy to compensate for. Cone of fire bloom and low damage are not. When they "buffed" battle rifles they didn't fix either of those problems.
  18. Phrygen

    BR bullet drop is extreme and undermines the purpose of the gun completely.
  19. thrikerr

    I'm about halfway to auraxium on it and bullet drop has never been an issue for me, no matter how far away the target is. You can aim up a little bit if the target is far away, I don't understand why some people can't understand that.
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  20. Mekaniz

    Well, I've got the Warden (NC battle rifle) and it's also worse at everything than Gauss SAW, including long range sniping. Bullets are so stupidly slooowwww