I got bored of counting deep operative seconds manually, so I made a phone app for it (Android)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hegeteus, Apr 1, 2019.

  1. Hegeteus

    Note, I'm not very good at programming on Android so I have no idea on which devices this program works on properly. I only tested it on my device and it at least works there. This is very primitive and doesn't require much attention (which is the point), so it helps mostly if you'll wait out deep operative seconds almost if not fully in their entirety. This is mostly a QoL thing than anything else, and I like to use it after every time I spawn for example. I despise having to uncloak and guess again, so this helps me shave off a few seconds on average.

    Once you open it, it projects basically a black screen until you press anywhere on your screen. Screen turns red after pressing, yellow after 9 seconds (D.O 5 time after a kill without taking further damage) and finally to black when 12 seconds have passed. Back button should quit the program, but that might not work on some devices. I made this because it's annoying to second guess and switch the cloak on and off.

    I figured out that someone else might be interested and brave enough to download a strange APK from me: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AqdT_0jo0Wweadk7I5dKX52Evlc

    (I posted this originally on Reddit, maybe someone is interested in here too)
  2. Beerbeerbeer

    I agree, counting is annoying and while I applaud your effort, the devs are just being lazy for not changing the icon like Counter Intelligence to indicate if it’s active.
  3. Hegeteus

    I wish the devs stopped being lazy about it too, but since it ain't happening I decided to take matters to my own hands even for something small such as this. At least this program won't be full of bugs <3 (I think..)

    Why didn't you integrate it to Recursion? Would have been so much better :)
  5. Hegeteus

    This is pretty much the extent of effort I'll be ready to give, it's primitive but at least it's light to operate and future proof unless devs tune the implant itself. I really hope devs improve the UI once they sort the new things out most of all.

    I'm thinking of giving it some sort of a menu though, and simple settings such as using faction logos instead of just colors for example and a timer but I don't know. I like to tinker, but focusing on the game itself has been more important. But if anyone thinks that some extra swagger would make it more appealing to use, then I'll consider it.

    Could you do one for Ammo Printer too?

    Like tapping when you get Ammo and then it counts to 60 and resets back? :)

    Same principle but just more long termy :)
  7. Scrundle

    I don't have a phone capable of running applications like that but I applaud your efforts and community spirit in sharing it, thank you!
    However, everyone knows that the current in-game implant icons really should be doing this job for us anyway; the fact that there are several timer/charge/conditional implants which don't show their state to the player is completely absurd, especially when there are some which do so already! Just make timer/charge based implants use the "Filling up" mechanic and conditional implants either lit or dark.
  8. Hegeteus

    Sure, I'll see what I can do tomorrow! Here's a rough concept:


    Since ammo printer just works non-stop, I was thinking of having a play button on the left (which doubles as a restart), time in the middle and stop on the right that makes the timer dormant until play is pressed again. While it's in play mode, it works on continuous loop and once it reaches zero it flashes the buttons with a different color a few times while it seamlessly restarts the timer. I'll likely use a black background and some dark tone of orange perhaps so that battery drain keeps to a minimum.

    I would have thought about Planetside 2 Style: Light Blue and dark background lile we do in Menu etc but I think we all appreciate your current efforts :)
  10. Hegeteus

    Sounds good actually, I'll start working on it later this evening, expect update soon(tm)
  11. DarkStarAnubis

    I have given some look at Recursion modding and it is extremely powerful because it can overlay information on the PC screen on top of PS2 graphics and can intercept keyboard/mouse events.

    The possibilities are endless. For example I am thinking to an old idea of mine, to display an "hit counter" so players can finally understand how many bullets have hit a targets versus how many bullets they have shoot.

    Recursion has a module called "Dynamic Hit marker" that displays hits, this module has been now superseded by PS2 with its build-in hit marker, but the module shows Recursion can get info about hits from the API.

    In a former life I was a C/C++ programmer so I am going to get in touch with the people of Recursion to understand whether there is any SDK to develop additional modules.
  12. DIGGSAN0

    The best for you would be to log into the Recursion Forum, I am open for any questions regarding suggestions :)
  13. DarkStarAnubis

  14. Hegeteus

    Here's the AmmoPrinterCounter: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AqdT_0jo0Wweb3OqwFkDwSbrP5A

    This is what it's supposed to look like

    If the button text symbols appear different on your device or not at all, let me know. As with DOC, you should be able to return from the back/cancel button of the device.
  15. DIGGSAN0

    The Play Button is not Displayed but does work

    And ot is only on Fullscreen (Smartphone Horizontal)

    I would have liked a Vertical view (if you turn the Phone) :)
  16. Hegeteus

    I figured that the text symbols might not work, I better replace them with images instead. I'll add a way to flip the view, but I think it's better to keep it separated from phone turning functions since this is designed to be put on a table instead of being held by hand.
  17. Hegeteus

    It's updated, it's under the same link: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AqdT_0jo0Wweb3OqwFkDwSbrP5A

    There's now a small round orange button that flips the view for vertical liking. I decided that it's best that automatic rotation remains disabled. It might not be easy to flip it if it's sitting on your desk by the keyboard or it might flip in an undesirable position easily.

    Now the button images are sprites instead of text symbols too. Earlier I thought I could be lazy and catch a lucky break with text symbols, but apparently your device doesn't have all the same character sets as I expected.
  18. DIGGSAN0

    Thank you very much :) I enjoy it very well.

    I often use the Vertical mode to lean it on somewhere so i have fast access while not looking away from the screen :)
  19. JobiWan

    Can I have an app that mocks me every time you kill me with that damn Mag Scatter?

    Actually don't bother, my phone would overheat.
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  20. Hegeteus

    As long as you play fair and stay classy, I don't think that you deserve mockery. I've spent an insane amount of time to make mag-scatter viable in my hands, and I didn't do it just to make anyone embarrassed even when it's not considered the strongest sidearm. I just want to become as effective stalker cloaker as possible.
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