I give up.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Yaesu, Sep 10, 2022.

  1. Sumowning

    This is also something I've been saying for years, when there's no other option but to either seek a new fight or set up permanent residence inside a spawntube. There's very little options but to try and sneak out for the average public player.

    Fighting iWin shield heavies has always been an uphill battle, because math exists and character with 1000 effective HP loses against a character with 1.450 effective HP on equal player ground. The only way to counter this, is by getting the drop on the Heavy with either a vertical flank, like a Light Assault or an Infiltrator.

    I don't, they're just fine for me. The only issue I'm currently having is that randomly the cloak starts being visible by non-existent Darklight, or Darklight that goes through walls. It's kind of weird.

    It's clearly not working the way it's supposed to, but I wouldn't call it ineffective as I've crossed off many infiltrator with my ghost busters loadout on Engi. Or just my sidearm+Darklight.

    I have seen however it can differentiate wildly per system, as someone pointed out a while back in a similar discussion. Where cloakers were nearly invisible on his screen + Darklight being wonky. Whilst on someone else's he said it was fine.
  2. Sumowning

    Apparently you haven't read your killboard, because again. You're being overly dramatic or at least not truthful.

    Yes, a meme. People moaning about infiltrators because they need someone to blame has been a meme for eons on Planetside2 because positioning/awareness is a hard skill to acquire and people would rather just shoot without thinking twice.

    Go ahead, look it up. Ask around. The no.1 answer: "My class is balanced, everything that kills me is OP." meme ~Planetside 2

    There's a vocal minority of PS2 players who are bitter enough to not just complain in yell chat, but also go to the forums/Reddit and continue their toxic behavior there. You know how there's always gonna be that 1 guy who flames/acts toxic towards everything and everybody in a competitive shooter lobby? That's them, and nobody likes them for that reason.

    Point is: Don't be like them.
  3. Sumowning

    It's never as OP as people claim it to be, it's mainly just because they keep dying to the class because they don't understand the counters.

    Darklight isn't a counter to snipers, a shotgun LA or anyone getting within 200 meters is. Once people realize where snipers are likely to hide, they'll have a much easier time to stay alive. So really experience, and awareness is a counter to sniper. It's easy to know where they are going to be, avoid sightlines, flank them, and you get a good 7+ kills out of it. It's like a buffet. :D
  4. JibbaJabba

    If the counter to something is itself then it doesn't have a counter.

    The flashlight is noob bait.

    You use one and you'll get massacred by any vet on the server. They'll spot that light shining through the wall and clientside+prefire you so hard that you'll drop dead the previous tuesday.

    Even if it actually worked right it would never be worth it to make your self more vulnerable to everything in the game just to get some help with one thing. Noob bait.

    And infils that fear it shouldn't. You see a guy coming for you with a darklight? He's a noob. Kill him.
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  5. Fishbread

    My original comment says "counters", which is plural. Countersniping is one of several counters. Sniping infils have weaknesses that a good player can exploit.

    Stalker cloak sacrifices your whole primary weapon slot while darklight just takes one attachment. The guy with a darklight is likely in a much stronger position in this engagement. If you're a regular cloak sniper at close range, "kill him" is having once chance at a headshot with your x12 scope on a moving target 5m away before you're killed with an AR or shotgun. SMG or short-range sniper/scout infils are the only setups where countering with darklight is potentially disadvantageous.
  6. BlackFox

    It doesn't take a primary weapon to outgun MGs in this game - just take an Underboss, Commissioner or Pilot and you're already better armed than any poor bloke with an automatic rifle.
  7. Fishbread

    Yes, those poor blokes with an automatic rifle. That's why everyone only uses pistols, because they outgun automatic rifles.
  8. BlackFox

    I can't tell you why many people don't switch from using MGs to those pistols - usually it's very easy to win by using them
  9. Demigan

    Yeah! Weaknesses like "tunnel visioning" and "staying too long in one place" and "becoming so complacent they barely use their advantages beyond the immediate one's".

    The point still stands. The best counter to a cloaked sniper is another cloaker who either snipes or gets close with an SMG or strong pistol.

    You completely gloss over the advantages of the Stalker:

    - they can spot enemy players from 300m away, the darklight player has +/-15m of range, if that.
    - they have a FOV the size of their screen, the darklight user has an effective FOV of about 1/3rd of their screen or smaller.
    - the cloaker is far less visible even when moving compared to any non-cloaked player. A darklight user adds visibility to themselves letting players know they are approaching a room/door/corner on top of attracting more fire/attention in any other battle.
    - the darklight also takes a spot that could for example reduce their COF, which is useful in any battle while the darklight is detrimental in all battles and only an advantage against a cloaker who doesnt engage the darklight user despite having the vision and first strike advantage handed to him AND being signalled perfectly when the opponent might be in danger of spotting them.

    Because get this, a darklight user wont just be fighting the cloaker, they'll be fighting anyone they meet. And with a neon sign that screams "I AM HERE!" even before players turn a corner that means more people than usual. Which means a cloaker is a problem even if they dont participate in the fight.
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  10. Piska

    Why always people who defend this broken class bringing theoretical arguments, which don't have reflection in reality?

    You can't counter snip an infiltrator by its (broken) design. Only time you will get killed by enemy infill sniper it's when you just stay in same spot and don't move an centimeter, which every one knows to move a little bit in any direction fater shoot.

    Let me tell you a story, that will summarise why there no such a thing as infil counter sniping.

    Imagine that there is a good infill sniper on the roof in intense battle.
    You have an engage with someone else and than in in 0,5 s you see a figure on the roof and his projectile on your face.
    You were killed by enemy infiltrator sniper.
    You probably thinks "i will counter snipe him as any other class but infiltrator".
    You picked egi because engineer got Archer, which it can skill in one headshot.
    So you run on the battlefield, takes cover and aim on the roof where enemy infiltrator is waiting for him to decloak.
    Enemy infiltrator decloak and you start to aim at him.
    Problem is, that he declocked on the right sie of the roof and you were aiming at the middle.
    Game gives you less the a second to aim on empty spot where enemy infiltrator head was, becouse he clocked back after shoot.
    You missed, but enemy infiltrator saw your projectile.
    You change position and still aiming at the roof.
    Than you see enemy infiltrator is decloacking again but after you saw him decloack you also get killed by him, becouse he got plenty of time to find your position and aim at your head.
    You thinks "i need to move a little bit, left and right, so this infill will have trouble to hit me"
    You went back on the battlefield, takes conver and start moving left and right when aslo aiming at the roof
    You are moving and aiming at the roof for around 2 minutes and there's no infiltrator on the roof.
    Cloaked infiltrator saw you and knows that your main goal is to kill him, so he decidet to go on the other side of the roof, so you wont see him from your position.
    You then thinks "let me just pick light assault and blast that infil with my shotgun/carbine with darklight.
    You picked a LA and start flying on the roof where that killing spree infill is.
    You jumped on the roof and than you see at least 2 enemies, which one of them started shooting at you, you killed him but socond enemy killed you.
    You then thinks "it's time to pick a proper sniper counter! let's fight fire with fire!"
    You picked ifiltrator and went uphill so you can see that killing spree sniper on the roof.
    You are safety clocked and ADS on that roof.
    You see him decloak!
    You thinks "finally! this is my chance!"
    You know that you have 1s to aim at his head.
    You than perfectly aimed at his head, becouse hes declaocked just near the spot when you were aiming.
    Than you realise, that you also need to decloak to shoot, which is around 0.5s and also the bullet travel time makes to long time to fit taht 1s mark to prevent enemy infil to move.
    You thinks "screw this! decloaking take too much time to engage target what is visible for 1s, let me move a little bit left and right. I'm far away afterall, theres no one around and he didn't saw me yet"
    You decloaked and star aiming at the roof and after 5s from the right you het killed by other enemy infiltrator.
    You thinks "i give up! let me redeploy to the other battle or just ignore taht infiltrator on the roof"
    The sniper infiltrator on the roof is still enjoying his safety killing spree.

    Similar situation, or even worse is witch SMG infils, witch the got huge buff lately.
    Cloaking in this current state have no rights to be in this kind of game.

    If you make some simple 5 min. tweaks like:
    - make infills pure invisible when cloaked
    - cloakcing have no duration limit
    - 2s decloak/clock time
    - can't ADS when cloaked
    - made clocking silent
    - prevent clocking when hit for 5s

    If you make those changes, than no one will complain about them.

    And bonus from me.

    Show this clip to any video game developer and say that this is how you should design snipers.

    And also show this clip to any video game developer and tell them that this pure and balanced "flanking" mechanic.

    You forgot to mention, that dark light attached to a weapon illuminate left side while sprinting, which makes it useless when you want to catch running infiltrator and when you slowly walking, you become even more simple target.
    Even stalker infill can see you slowly approaching and shoot/run away before darklight range reach him
  11. Jingstealer

    Suggestion: PS1 style: equip cloak => no main weapon slot (only sidearm and knife). Remove cloak from snipers or cloakers running around with shotguns or SMGs, problem solved.
  12. AuricStarSand

    Stalker requires a buff. I'm fighting 44% nc pop for 2 months now, with 60% of them running 1 hit shotguns & trying to knife a 1 hit shotgun user left & right. No, stalker is weak as hell. Also every other class gets a quick melee attack, which is 50% the featurette of what the freak a stalker is used for. So every class gets HALF of my purpose. Which makes stalker even weaker.

    Crossbow or Heartstring doesn't duel HA that well. Yuwara isn't that strong either. So all mid range pistols are meh. Besides Blackhand & I don't use blackhand & am fine nerfing blackhand if they nerf all scout rifles & sniper rifles to have lower dps at medium to near ranges.

    So Buff stalkers & Nerf scout / sniper rifle users. Make Stalker have more cloak invisibility & scout rifle to have less visibility for stealth. Make a unique cloak utility per weapon & name them after the weapons (meaniing every rifle has its unique stealth utility type). So pistol has the strongest cloak, pistol has deep op & better as deep op sucks and I'm spotting by 60% of the players way too easily. Even when I'm running deep op.

    Also " decloak delay " no, none of that. Actually they should rid the recloaking delay from stalker that's already there, I don't want to wait 1 second to recloak or 2 or whatever it is right now. Scout & Sniper may get cloak delay, tho stalker & smg should get zero.

    Also SMG Infil, rarely never does a pro SMG Infil run around & own all my allies, similar to how a scout rifle infil would or any other class. I don't believe SMG infils are that good, very few are & I don't even believe my server has 1 single vet who mains SMG's , not 1. SMG is the LEAST played Infil ever. So how is the least played Infil gun type, even being talked about? What one SMG guy killed you a few times? Get outta town. They rarely get killstreaks. Unlike other weapon types. TBH a pro SMG'er is probably easier to hunt than a pro HA running avoidance.

    Everyone & their neighbor is able to see a deep op user who barely is walking around. The only time that's op, is if the guy is a near range scout or sniper rifle & he decloaks to shoot you 1 or 2 hits & you die soon after. Tho why are you blaming the cloak? It's the dang gun that had a kill time too fast, blame the rifle(s). Simply nerf scout & sniper rifle from 1 hitting or 2 hitting at door fight medium ranges. Make their dps weaker per range type. Meaning they are only allowed to 1 hit headshot for sniper, or 2 hit headshot for scout, only at far range from now on.

    Also you try knifing 44% NC pop when all of them run shotguns, go have a sweet time with that. Here's how it goes (takes 2 knife swings to kill the guy, well, * they shot you & killed you with 1 hit before you even got the first swing off *. Rinse repeat. So if your gonna talk about Stalkers, you may as well freaking nerf all Shotguns as well.

    Also I don't want to wait 12 sec for deep op to start, I don't want to wait for whatever ideas you guys have to delay cloaking, & I don't want to wait for new ASP skills anymore, they shoulda been figured out for Infil when all the other classes were given a SECOND GUN TO EQUIP. & Infil wasn't.

    Where's my ninja utility batman belt of shurkinas, trip wire, & 10 other utility items to strategize & use when sneaking around. Heck as a stalker I don't even want to use senser darts or spotting items as I don't need help finding allies, I'm too pro for that, so spotting items are meh. Also my mines are useless for 1 out of 3 peoeple who run sweeper hud or avoidance, meanwhile Heavy Assault don't have some damn implant making their C4 entirely useless. They don't have that. & they get 2 weapons to equip. & they get AV launchers. & they don't need adrenaline pump to knife so they have a spare equipment slot, & they don't need deep op, so they have a spare implant slot.

    FORGET THAT BS. I just named 4 to 6 things HA get that superseeds wth a stalker infil gets. So All I get is some grenade access I don't use, like flashbang, & a flashbang mine that costs 75 nanites (50 nanites to much) & isn't effective at knifing when they are blind, unless I want to get shot & quick knifed by them, while they are blind. So I only get to use 1 knife, 1 heartstring, & smoke grenade after 4 to 6 YEARSSSSSS of running Infil. & All I get is 3 SIMPLE ITEMS?!?!?!

    Not to mention people keep menting cloak, well YOU try jumping over a enemy engi wall door frame, wiith 20 enemy medics stacked at A point, for Outfit Wars. Ye good luck getting over that engi wall while cloaked to " pistol the room ". More likely you get shot at mid range, then you die, even with deep op. From a enemy medic, who had 20/20 vision, has more fps than me, & uses a assault rifle's op accuracy.

    My BR 10 TR alt, has a crossbow & knife, why did I just lvl myself to ASP2 lvl 100 then ?!?! To get nothing that a br 10 doesn't have, for my sneaky main. Zip zero. Zero ASP, zero bonus utility slots, faction pistols that shoot like boring bb pellet guns & require 100+ fps to even be decent (beamer, cerberus, manticore, spiker, meh). Not to mention the vs pistols all shoot too similar style & would like most of their names renamed. & mines that have implants negating their use by 100%. Mines either shot or avoided. So why have the enemy chase me, to throw down a mine & hope he doesn't step on it? Only for him to avoid it & kill me. Brilliant.

    P.s. Oh I wasn't aware your class has to deal with potential hackers who have wall seeing hacks, for spotting stalker infils potentially. A type of exploit that is tough to detect or report. I wasn't aware the other classes have to use intuition to decipher that. Oh ye that's right, they don't have to think about that. As even if some dude has a wall hack when dueling a HA, the HA still has a shield ability to help the duel. What does a stalker have to counter that possible exploit? Ye nothing. The only thing would be to give deep op default to stalker, make stalker cloak 100% more invisible, than any jank enemy user who overly sees you too easily, is gonna be known as a potential Infil spotter exploiter, more easily. As you just gave stalker such invis, that if anyone spots you ridiculously easy, you know they may be worthy of a report. As of right now, deep op sucks so bad noobs see you too easily, so you have no idea if someone is exploiting spotting infils or if the stealth just sucks. Either way people should need to use flashlights more often against smg or pistol Infils & they don't have to, it's way more easy to spot a infil than people agree. Unless the guy headshots you too fast & like I said, that's not a stealth problem, that's a sniper scout kill time theme.
  13. Demigan

    I wonder if Auricstarsand might be lying through his teeth?

    Huh, going from 30% of NC using OHK shotguns to 60%, not bad! Also funny how there's little proof and that it doesnt really matter since you are the OHK knife wielder and should get the first strike in, right?
  14. AuricStarSand

    I haven't used a OHK knife for many months. Since a few months prior to the knife nerf.

    I use a 2 hit Vcitory shop knife, which has the same dps as any class who is able to shoot me once & quick melee knife swing. Any class has quick melee, meh.

    Fighting this NC LA guy yesterday, when fighting at Moss Ravine. Wasn't a door fight. I was literally walking around the grass, with nobody around me, while I'm crouched. He ambusher jetted & would land RIGHT on top of me, & then he would OHK shotgun me instantly. He did this 10 times. He found me crouched in the middle of a grass field with nobody around, or by a rock, or crouching on my way to a building. Or slowly walking near a river. He would jump right on top of me, from 100 yards out & 1 hit shotgun me. While I had deep op. Maybe some people just turn their brightness higher & wa la, they don't ever need a flashlight. & are able to see all Infils when flying 100 yards around ambusher jetting around with a 1 hit shotgun.

    If this dude is 1 hit shotgunning me for a grass field fight randomly, when I'm crouched, imagine how door fights go. Obviously seen before I take the first step to the stairs. How many NC use shotguns? " Yes. "
  15. JibbaJabba

    back up.. guy with a darklight is a noob. it's noob bait. You see him coming from a whole room over through the wall with that thing. What's he going to do, clientside peak you? kill him! Pop out of cloak and do the deed before he gets to even bring it close.

    Don't use the choices that got you 5m away from enemies with a 12x scope as an argument that the darklight is any good.

    At the end of the day the Infil is an invisible player class in a pvp shooter that has clientside hit detection. roflcopter at the whole thing man. Look at the average KDR of the whole class. If heavies or some other class had that the whole game would howl for a nerf.

    It has no real counter. The infil only dies from bad choices, not the skill of the opponent. If folks want to play it, that's fine. I opt to very little. I get tired of hearing that it's balanced and suggestions otherwise met with the same old L2P.
  16. BlackFox

    Strange, if I fight the overpop NC on Miller I see maybe 15% of the enemies and the rest runs around cloaked
  17. AuricStarSand

    Maybe that's true for your server.

    For Connery VS, most play Medics.

    2nd: LA
    3rd: HA
    4th: Sniper or Scout Infil
    5th: Engi
    6th: Pistol Infil
    & least played for all factions is: SMG Infil
  18. OSruinedPS1

    Killing snipers with a stalker is the best.
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  19. Yaesu

    Tried the Hunter in VR land. You LITTERALLY need to be "at the back of" whatever it is you're trying to take out. The drop on the explosive bolts is HUGE. You also need the extended ammo when using it. Don't know if it was nerfed but it was talking 17 shots to take out a sundy. I tried it in game play and eventually gave up on it. I got credit for a few assists but with the bolts drop rate and slow shooting speed it was terrible for moving targets. I couldn't get credit for any kills with it because whatever it was I started shooting at would be repaired faster than the damage the bolts were causing. Most targets had players around them making it almost impossible to get close enough because of the bolt's drop rate. If anyone wants to try the Hunter, practice in VR land for a bit to get the aim down.
  20. synkrotron

    been away for a while... just catching up with things around here

    an interesting read