I finally got the MKV Suppressed Auraxiumed!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zeleharian, Apr 4, 2015.

  1. Zeleharian

    So this took me a really long time to do. I haven't really liked the MKV compared to the other SMGs. Anyways, I made a terrible video of me getting the final two kills with the gun.
    . Now I just have to auraxium the PDW and I can get the Skorpios!
  2. ronjahn

    Worst gun ever. It was very frustrating auraxiuming it. I see no reason to ever equip it again.

    Why was that thing even released? Who asked for that?
  3. Crowne

    Ronjahn, are you in a bad mood man? :)

    Congrats Zeleharian! You're alright, you know, for a vanu ;)
  4. Iridar51

    MKV is okay. For all intents and purposes, it's an NS-7 PDW, which is not a bad gun compared to some other SMGs. MKV's only real vice is low damage per magazine at range without extended mags.

    My advice would be not to put too high hopes on Skorpios, as it's basically Eridani with more recoil. Not all that exciting. It's merely a prestige weapon to show your dedication to SMG weapon class, though I can't imagine anyone enjoying using them.
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  5. LodeTria

    It was the first SMG I ever used (and Aurax'd) because I got it for 1 SC during those old sales. After doing the NS7-PDW which was alright but then I got the sirius which felt so much better.
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  6. Ballto21

    Remember with the PDW to stay at least 15m out, or almost every gun in the game will out DPS you in close range.

    The skorpios is an eridani with more recoil
  7. Clay

    The day when I started to become good at using the NS 15 M and NS 11 C (or t32 bull) I learned that all that rambling about DPS is totally meaningless and no one who can aim at least mediocre shouldnt care a second about this. High theoretical DPS means (nearly) nothing if 80% of your shots going to spray around your enemy while with other weapons you actually hit most of them.

    You can ask all those sub BR50 with orions and CARVs who (i think) looked really suprised when I gunned them down with my ns15 while still barely damaged. Headshots are incredible effective in this game.

    I auraxed mkv and I liked the gun (I even aurax it again on another char right now, maybe even on a third). Its the only suppressed gun thats (for me) is still worth using after the suppressor nerf that maximum damage range gets busted. All other smgs I am using now without suppressor and to be honest im not missing it in any way. I even feel my performance improved.

    So whenever I feel the need to go stealth I take my good mkv with 1x, exmags and SPA and just get close, ADAD dance around them and you should be fine. Dont make the mistake and take it as a midrange carbine like the ns pdw (which I also love)

    I already have the skorpios and I like it
  8. Ballto21

    I fully understand that DPS is not the be all end all stat, youre talking to someone who loves the beamer, nyx, corvus and eidolon. But in CQC, DPS is a very important stat, and unless you can get reliable headshots (not all too hard within 15m, but still) you will get slapped by the guy with a more cqc oriented weapon
  9. Clay

    cqc oriented weapon is not equal high DPS weapon in my opinion. Sure most weapons with a lot DPS are more built for closer combat but I am an extreme aggressive player, and with extreme I mean extreme. I like to push up close into heavy cqc fights and am the first one who runs into rooms. Thats why I like using carbines and smgs. And here comes the DPS thing: Some low DPS weapons have incredible good hipfire accuracy (like all ns weapons, some carbines, even some low dps LMGs) and these weapons allow you to hipfire in combat while dodging shots. I think this ability is MORE important in cqc than dps. If my opponent is not a lot higher skilled than me I will drop their heavy assault with my infil most likely, because I can run around and unload my MKV into them ADAD dancing while they have to aim down sight and be relatively slow. And a weapon like for example the ns pdw allows you to even score headshots reliably while hipfiring AND moving. That way you can kill better than with a CARV. This is why heavys with smgs are so crazy good in cqc.

    Guns where you are right : the 850 rpm carbines. With laser sight you have a good advantage here.
    For LMGs and SMGs: Nope high DPS will not make you better (only if you are very very good at headshots and an aiming pro so recoil isnt a problem for you). The highest KDRs I have with the lowest DPS weapons (funny eh)
  10. 00000000000000000000

    Is there any advantage to the MKV at all? Don't you get the exact same benefit with a PDW+Suppressor?

    (I have it because 1SC sale)
  11. _itg

    The MKV has a marginally higher RoF and better velocity compared to a suppressed PDW. The drawback of the MKV (other than being forced to use a suppressor) is one more tier of damage dropoff and slower reloads.
  12. prodo123

    I auraxiumed the NS7G-PDW (free from WDS) first. I ran it with extended mags, SPA and compensator, which was a joy to use. I tried playing the MKV the same way, using extended mags, and the absolutely horrible horizontal recoil pattern made the gun utterly useless. With forward grip, it's more manageable but I iterate this again: it has worse recoil pattern than the NS7, and now it has less rounds per mag to boot.

    The Blitz, which has a similar RoF and same damage per bullet, handles like a freaking beast. I don't even need any recoil reduction; I run laser sight and silencer. Much, much better than the MKV in almost every single way.
  13. Iridar51

    Erm sorry to burst your bubble, but MKV has exactly the same horizontal recoil as NS7.
    It has higher vertical recoil and higher first shot recoil multiplier, but both remain relatively low. MKV even has a bit less recoil angle variance than NS7.

    Man I loved auraxing the MKV. I picked it up on a 99SC sale just because potato, but I actually didn't use it for quite a while because I wasn't expecting it to be any good. Then after 2 or so months collecting dust in my inventory I finally decided to give it a shot. Turned out that it is hands down my favourite SMG. That is because I generally like to run my SMGs with a suppressor and suppressed nothing comes close to the MKV Imo. It's also nicely controlable in ADS when compared to the rather shaky empire specific SMGs.

    Congrats dude, I hope you enjoyed it just as much as I did!
  15. TheKhopesh


    I'm currently working on and off on my Cyclone.
    I got a bit burnt out on the Cyclone a while back when I auraxed the gold variant for the black camo, but eventually that paid off.

    After the Cyclone is finished, I'll have to aurax two of my PDW's, two of my MKV's, or one of each.
    (And it'll be a while, as I'm bouncing around between LMG's and SMG's. I'm a bit over half way on LMG's and a bit under half way on SMG's, and I want to bounce around so I have work left to do on my SMG's for when I find myself in close quarters, and work left on my LMG's for when I find myself at range. I've grinded out doing one, then swapping to the other before, trying to force ranged weapons into CQC, and CQC weps into ranged use, and that's not worth the trouble.
    Doing it the smooth way like this bouncing around between weapons just means that it'll feel less rewarding each kill until I get finished, where as grinding each wep til it's finished gives a more solid feel on progression thanks to semi-regularly earning aurax medals.)

    Oh yeah, and I'm 3 pistol auraxes in on that.
    Two more to go, and I've already got about 500 and 600 kills respectively on the remaining ones I plan to use to complete it. But those are fairly slow, so I'm not really holding my breath on them.
  16. MarkAntony

    After only hearing bad things about this weapon I am pleasantly surprised by it. It's actually pretty good.
  17. Clay

    Correct. I think the MKV can feel a bit worse due to higher RPM and the slow bullet velocity that the supressor causes (stil better than ns pdw with sup though.) But I would really not recommend a forward grip on it. I tried it and fount it way better with either exmags or laser if you can do headshots. Its a close range weapon after all and meant to be hipfired.

    As already been said it has a little higher ROF (helps in cqc a little) also the bullet velocity is a bit higher than a normal smg like ns pdw with suppressor which in my opinion is a huge benefit.

    But the BIGGEST + of this weapon is that the maxiumum damage goes out to 10m (15 with SPA i think) compared to the 6m that empire specific smgs have (and that is EVEN LOWERED with a suppressor now). That makes it more versatile. Lower min damage is kinda irrelevant because if you are shooting this weapon at ranges 30m+ youre doing it wrong.
  18. omfgweeee

    Posts like this almost makes me to get MKV. I have Cyclone, Blitz and PDW auraxed, only MKV left but cuz i heard tons of bad stuff about it i didnt bother to get it. Now i may reconsider...
  19. MarkAntony

    beware though that I view it like this from an infil only perspective. I ambush my targets with help from a motion spotter. this makes it quite a bit more effective than how it might be otherwise. just saying.
  20. omfgweeee

    Dont worry i play my SMGs same way. Almost only inf play with rare LA /PDW fit nice on my LA/