i do feels like that VS has siege weapon, not TR

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RottenHeart, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. RottenHeart

    PPA, AKA boom the s**t out of their spawnroom.

    VS attack a base:

    almost every time VS try to take a base, they'll have a bunch of infantry attacking, and their MBT and harassers find a place that they can see inside the base, and then the lightball storm started, our health drop half before encounter any VS infantry.

    NC attack a base:
    infantry, maxes, some MBT drive around looking for our sunder or other vehicles.(i'd like to fight the NC, infantry against infantry, fair and fun)

    TR attack a base:
    you don't see any prowler until we fall back quickly.....

    the problem here is the PPA are fast and with blast, capable of long range booming(bulldog can't) and they can use by harasser, and what else i need to say....

    and yes, i know, all the TR weapons are OP, you guys don't need to tell me one more time. i'm just being a b**ch here..sorry.
  2. thingymajigy

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  3. Fellgnome

    Prowlers are just not very survivable tanks - large squared hit box, no durability advantage like vanguard, and a special ability that makes it stuck in one place. They're great if you have an entrenched advantageous position, but terrible to push forward/surround more difficult bases with.

    And while TR's Prowler used to be the best infantry farming tank due to the dual barrel primary, with all the HEAT and HE nerfs the PPA seems to've taken over - and it's on a tank that can get angles on infantry other tanks cannot.

    TR also doesn't have any good ground AV weapons to take out opposing tanks. Both our AV MAX weapons are very weak against any vehicle at a decent range, and our empire specific launcher has been uh... out of order for a very a long time.
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  4. Iridar51

    That's how it is with abusers.
    Nerf one cheese, they'll just switch to the other.
    PPA is the one thing in a long list of flavor-of-the-moment farm crutches. I really don't understand why the game must tolerate them.
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  5. Xasapis


    Some notes from these stats:
    • The Prowler kills the most, but dies the most too. On the opposite end, the Magrider kills the least, but dies the least too.
    • New people do a lot better with the stock Magrider and Prowler, than the Vanguard. That changes drastically in the opposite direction when you look at the veteran crews.
    • Best secondaries for new people are the ones on the Magrider, by far. Best secondaries for the experienced people are the ones on the Vanguard, again by far.
    3460 - Supernova FPC | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 10.98
    4008 - P2-120 AP | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 12.75
    3730 - Titan-150 AP | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 9.75

    In other words, best AV tank is the Prowler.

    Main default cannon:
    3400 - Supernova PC | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 4.66
    3700 - Titan-150 HEAT | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 4.70
    4000 - P2-120 HEAT | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 5.45

    Prowler still is the best, by an even bigger margin than the AP cannon.


    3731 - Titan-150 HE | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 3.00
    4009 - P2-120 HE | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 3.21
    3461 - Supernova VPC | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 3.36

    Here the Magrider has a very small lead over the Prowler. All three MBTs are very close together though in effectiveness.

    This is tied to the amount of people using them:

    3731 - Titan-150 HE | Uniques | Daily Average: 208.47
    4009 - P2-120 HE | Uniques | Daily Average: 286.99
    3461 - Supernova VPC | Uniques | Daily Average: 328.73

    compared to the 10 times higher number of people using the default guns:

    3700 - Titan-150 HEAT | Uniques | Daily Average: 1864.96
    4000 - P2-120 HEAT | Uniques | Daily Average: 2137.19
    3400 - Supernova PC | Uniques | Daily Average: 1755.85

    and 5 times higher number of people using the anti vehicle guns:

    3460 - Supernova FPC | Uniques | Daily Average: 1027.25
    3730 - Titan-150 AP | Uniques | Daily Average: 1159.54
    4008 - P2-120 AP | Uniques | Daily Average: 1249.30

    Bottom line, the Prowler's main cannon is in an extremely good spot at the moment, compared to the competition. Lets now see how the secondaries perform.
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  6. Ztiller

    You say you don't see any prowlers, until you fall back. Maybe that's becuase you're TR so you don't look for it.

    Prowler HE is the ultimate siege platform. It have ´the range of the PPA, with a higher DPS, AOE and anti-taank capabilities.

    The NC are the ones falling short, since their shotguns forces them to bruteforce their way in.
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  7. Xasapis

    Lets start with the AV empire specifics:

    3442 - Saron HRB | Uniques | Daily Average: 953.57
    3704 - Enforcer ML85 | Uniques | Daily Average: 895.57
    4029 - G30 Vulcan | Uniques | Daily Average: 418.98

    3442 - Saron HRB | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 10.88
    3704 - Enforcer ML85 | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 11.05
    4029 - G30 Vulcan | Vehicle KPH | Daily Average: 7.01

    The Saron and Enforcer are really close, while the Vulcan is heavily underused and under performing. No surprises there.

    Now lets look at the anti infantry secondaries:

    3404 - Proton II PPA | Uniques | Daily Average: 1201.46
    3707 - C85 Canister | Uniques | Daily Average: 198.59
    4007 - P525 Marauder | Uniques | Daily Average: 217.32

    There is a huge gap of usage between VS and the rest. VS use PPA 6 times more than the other two empires. Lets look at effectiveness:

    3404 - Proton II PPA | KPH | Daily Average: 68.48
    3707 - C85 Canister | KPH | Daily Average: 59.17
    4007 - P525 Marauder | KPH | Daily Average: 56.04

    So the PPA performs 13% better than the second best, which would be the Canister. Considering the huge gap between usage and actual results, one would expect the PPA to perform a lot better.

    For Harassers the PPA-H performs almost identically to the Marauder, if you look at the stats after the magazine size changes of the PPA-H. The Canister on the Harasser lags behind though.

    6124 - C85 Canister-H | KPH | Daily Average: 91.04
    6122 - P525 Marauder-H | KPH | Daily Average: 112.20
    6125 - Proton II PPA-H | KPH | Daily Average: 113.54
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  8. Vixxing

    Prowler shelling from the hills means you dont even get the "light" warning just instagibbed, PounderMAX easy the best AI AV there is... Seriously OP banshee mossys sweeping down killing AA-MAX'es in 0,79 seconds, Maurader-harassers shelling spawnpoints OVER the walls...

    Yeah... poor TR that has to deal with straight line of fire vehicles with almost no AV- capabilitys...
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  9. RottenHeart

    i'm not saying got kill by PPA, all i'm saying is i got blow to half way died by PPA, then get kill by infantry.

    PPA don't get too much kill, then why so many VS use it, i'd think because they also get many kill assist XP.
  10. Vixxing

    And i say TR got plenty of cheezy weapons too... Banshee,anchored HE-Prowler, pounders... just pick one and farm...
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  11. RottenHeart

    if you put it this way.

    prowler and PPA are like sniper and machine gun, one kill easily, another don't kill by one hit but it can injured bunch soldiers and let your soldier finish the job.not to mention that HE prowler must sacrifice it's AV ability to have that.(and you do realized you are using a MBT's main weapon to compare your secondary weapons, right? and what is that says?)

    and there is the maurader shoot over the walls, you do understand that means the shooter can't see he/her target, right? the person at #7 give us some thing to look at, and the usage of PPA say's it all.

    and if you want talk about pounderMAX, have you try it? it almost has no effiect against infantry, and at mid or long range, try to hit something with it are very hard.

    and at the end, like i've said.the TR weapons are all OP, we don't need to discuss them no more.
  12. Vixxing

    A HE prowler gives up 10% of its AV to use HE... a Magrider gives up 50% to use PPA, a harasser gives up 100% to use PPA...
    And yes i used pounders alot since i can afford them on my TR account... and they are 10* better at AI than Vortex or Comets... and why would you need to longrange when you are spawncamping? (that was the topic siege!)

    So you want PPA buffed so it kills infantry in 1 shot instead of injuring it? Im fine with that...
  13. RottenHeart

    if you really believe what you just said, then i don't think there is more to discuss, all i've wanted to say has been said.
  14. Goretzu

    Prowlers are everywhere, with Anchor they tend to spam the spawn room from about 3 miles away (ok more like exactly 300m away :D ), half the time you can't even see the Prowler that hit you out of nowhere (probably why you don't notice them).
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  15. Tyrant103

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  16. Xasapis

    You forgot Ravens for the NC and Pounders for the TR. VS don't have anything comparable for their MAX.

    (Is this a full swing whine thread now?)
  17. ShureShot

    What a TR attack really looks like:


    Higby pls, give these people a siege tank already!
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  18. AmitGr

    Am I the only one that looks at the pictures and thinks: "So many certs! my C4-fairy is going to profit from all those unaware tanks standing below the tower" ?
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  19. Ragnarox

  20. Vixxing

    What is not to believe? That HE-prowler is a infantry farming machine? That Banshee is seriously OP? That Pounders easy is the best AV weapon at killing infantry or other MAX'es?