Can you not make something less empirce specific? I dont want to see a smurf threesome everytime I start the game. Higby please give me some glorious TR max or whatever.
It's not just that smurf threesome....on top of it a vanu is being shot by another smurf and that TR seems to be losing a knife-fight vs smurf no.5. Time for a petition....;-)
They are aware. The loading screen will hopefully have other empire specific themes later on, according to what d_carey was saying in other threads.
Three NC in the middle. One of them killing a venu. Another NC blocking the knife attack of a TR while preparing his own.
its a beautiful piece of art, and dont worry i already asked D_carey about it, he said they are going to be doing a rotational type thing bet you didnt notice the VS infiltrator with an Orion LMG did ya?
Art is the only place NCs are winning... And you know, NC Space America, bringing Space Cola and Space Donalds to the Fascists and the Weirdos...
More new players will join NC. More ppl to kill. I would also like a screenshot of NC/VS/TR taking each others by the hand with a rainbow over their heads.
You ****** serious? The game is currently TRASH everything lags, hit boxes are off..and THIS is your biggest problem, oh and almost EVERY SINGLE dev plays TR why dont you cry about that and cry for bias for TR getting all the "OP neat stuff"? /thread
So do I.... well the art is really good. What I dislike is how it may push new player logging onto the game to choose NC. Emerald NC do not need more NC
I dunno, I kind of like how it show's a biolab getting blown up around the NC. Kind of a hell no, we won't deal with the shotgun/scatmax maze.