If you can't kill the enemy before he responds (ambush), you shouldn't probably fight unless you have an advantage in terrain (ie. you have cover, enemy doesn't, you can escape easily enemy can't). If you get caught off guard, for the love of your sorry *** run in zig zag, behind cover, anything! Cloak once you are out of sight and try to run and hide/shake them off yourself (it can happen that they play on low in which case you are gonna make yourself more visible instead of less... but oh well most of the times this works for me) If you are hiding in an awkward spot, shoot the dart, sometimes it can give you an forewarning (tho at other times enemy just pops out without being shown on the map ... so ye, don't rely too much on it) Don't forget that you can turn around while you hack (once you start hacking just hold e, you can look around while still hacking the whatever you hack), this way you can get an edge at the guy you are hacking out of the turret, and/or just have a better view on your surroundings (so you can run if you see someone) P.S. i would suggest you try to get the smg for infiltrations as it is fairly superior (in cqc) to anything else we have at the moment.
I tried to play infi as infi, but anyone can spot cloaked ppl from 0m up to 100+m, and a moving one, you can see from long as you can see in game. So i decided to try out sniping. Its ok (exept the no bulletdrop crap faction snipers), but from long distances, strange things happening. no render, ppl standing there but in reality they arent there, stupid heavy fog at 150m etc. so game is ********. snipers arent snipers. mostly max range is 300m imo. PS: no bulletdrop nubweapons shouldnt kill from 1 shot
I didn't read most of the responses and these probably have been said quite a few times but here is my list for survival: Play with bolt action sniper rifle, get free kills from sitting ducks. Play carefully, don't try to challenge too many enemies at once, know your capabilities. Choose your pray, shoot only when you know that you can either get a clean headshot (one shot kill usually) or the target is in open area and you are in better position. If you fail with your first shot (You should decided whether you'll try to get a clean HS or two shot him in to the body before you shoot. If the target is on an open area you can go with double shot to body, if the target is still you should always just shoot to the head.) If someone ambushes you from superior position / from behind, try to run away (around the corner which you should have close by because you had chance to choose your position) and get rid of him by cloaking and then ambush him when he has no idea where you are. Don't stop moving, you'll be another sniper's pray if you stop moving - this applies also to shooting, aim fast, don't stay still for too long or you'll end up with a bullet in your head. Also, don't stay in same place for too long or someone else might come to hunt you down. TL;DR be like Simo Häyhä. So many free kills if you just play sniper carefully and roam wildly.
The ESFs have the option for scout radar which puts you up on minimap if you are uncloaked. He could have heard you cloak/decloak (very easy if there is no other fighting around) and went to his ESF to try and get you to blip. Also remember that those pesky flashes also can have scout radar, so if you are within a 100m of one of them you'll show up to everyone in that range as well. There has also been a bug which makes you pretty visible while cloaked to players who play on low settings... so standing still and trying to be invisible can be a real hit or miss endeavour. The cloak is decent for medium to long range "not to be noticed" type cloaking. If you are within pistol range though... even on high settings, it's pretty easy to see the cloak if you are looking for it. Also, remember to use it sparingly in quiet bases. It's loud as hell no matter what faction you are on, and i've both been tracked and tracked other infils by sound alone.
there are no no-bulletdrop nubweapons for one-shot-kill sniping. All 3 bolt action rifles are carbon copies across factions.
Vanu sniper rifles have bullet drop just like everyone else. Thanks to the people pointing out the scout radars on vehicles. Let me ask some questions. Is the radar active even when the vehicle is unmanned? Does cloaking temporarily remove you from the scout radar? That seems really lame that a vehicle can be certed to have a more effective radar than our temporary, limited ammo recon darts. Basically means any class can do our recon job better than us.
yes, it works all the time and yes, darts suck donkey balls given they requre 3x more certs sunk into them to be effective. Also it shows dots all the time, while darts are movement sensors, so a guy standing still won't be detected. Plus you don't have to be close to get data from it. If you see abandoned flash, always expect it to snitch on you. I think cloak makes you disappear but given the max levels are 100m radius for flash and 200 (!) for ESF it's not much of a consolation.
I always assume abandoned enemy flashes have radar running and destroy them. I just use my pistol for this; it only takes a few magazines to destroy. I'm breaking my cover, but I'd rather they know where I am for just a few seconds than for the whole battle. Cloak definitely make you disappear from the radar screen. Also, I think being absolutely motionless (not even turning your head) also hides your dot. That's what I assume, anyway, and if I suspect there is radar in the vicinity, I always freeze before my cloak runs out, and don't move again until it's refreshed. I haven't tested this myself yet (I need to do that..), but when I'm hunting other infiltrators with my vehicle radar, their dot occasionally vanishes for far longer than cloaking duration and I'm guessing that's what's happening. I have scout radar maxed on my ESF and flash, and even have it on my lightning tanks. It's just that useful for my playstyle. We have to play smart to survive in this class, and I make sure to always know where all of my enemies are at all times. If I have no vehicle, I use the dart and if I run out of ammo I stop whatever I was doing and find a terminal to reload. I'm paranoid that way, but I very rarely get surprised by another player now. It does suck in towers though due to the cluttered minimap, but is still better than nothing. Also to add - the dart gun is definitely buggy. I've seen non-cloaked enemies run across a dart-covered battlefield through several pulses and have no dot appear. It seems to only rarely happen but when it does it's irritating. I've never seen this happen with vehicle radar. I'm kind of surprised that non-infiltrators have access to vehicle scout radar at all really, given the dart gun infiltrators have is clearly inferior and costs much more to cert for a lesser effect.
Simple answer: Infiltrator - used recon darts to see you on radar or else heard your cloak/foot steps. As for seeing you through building, inf vision lets you see through buildings as well as cloaked infiltrators.
What do you mean by "inf vision"? I just checked the following in-game: Infantry weapons - The HS/NV Scope - Cannot see through buildings or cloaked infiltrators. Vehicle weapons - Both Infrared Optics and Thermal Optics - Cannot see through buildings or cloaked infiltrators. Is there a scope I'm missing? Also, an update on my post above about the utility of scout radar vs the recon dart gun. I tested this thoroughly with another faction infiltrator today. Scout Radar - Shows a red blip for everyone EXCEPT a cloaked infiltrator. Movement does not matter. When cloak runs out your dot WILL be seen, whether you move or not. Recon Dart - Sees EVERYONE that is moving, even a cloaked infiltrator, as per the description. Once someone stops moving, their blip disappears, no matter their class. Only way to hide from this is to stop moving. Though now I realize I forgot to test whether using mouselook makes you visible. I'll have to check this another day. I suspect that any action makes you visible, even looking around, since I've had snipers pop up on my dart radar before, but I don't know for certain. So each method has some pros and cons. We can briefly hide from scout radar, but only as long as we're cloaked. We can hide from the recon dart by staying completely still. Either way, if an enemy is using one of these methods, expect to be seen eventually by anyone paying attention to their minimap. For use against enemies, scout radar is clearly the best option unless you are trying to locate another infiltrator. For that I'd pull out a dart.
I realize that the description says that you can't see through buildings. However, I have had several occasions where I was using the Infrared scope on the Dalton and have been able to see Infantry inside of buildings. I have used this to get kills because I could tell when they were heading towards the doors. Disclaimer: This was back in December when I started playing and may have been nerfed since because it was definitely O.P. Thanks for the info on the recon dart. I always use them when sniper hunting but I had no idea how all the specific mechanics worked.