I can't believe what you did to the Infils...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Elia Chobanov, Jun 21, 2013.

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  1. Elia Chobanov

    I just recently started playing infil. I had quite a bit of fun, but people would see me quite easily. I was quite aware why, since I play on Low and cloaked players were VERY easy to see. But the infil is meant for stealth play, so you shouldn't be facing people anyway. But GU11 brought CLOAK IDENTIFIERS! FRIENDLY CLOAKERS WILL BE HIGHLITED WHEN CLOAKED! WHAT?! Is this a joke? This may/may not be the biggest nerf a class in PS2 has seen. Please revert this. Please. Please SOE, THINK before you implement something. And for the love of Vanu, don't listen to stupid whiners/trolls.
  2. thePankakeManne


    The identifier only shows for allied Infiltrators. What's the issue here?
  3. gloowa

    lack of comprehension
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  4. KAHR-Alpha

    The issue is that it's a no-brainer now. Colorless shimmer -> fire at will.
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  5. Darkard

    This line, man. My sides.
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  6. Xasapis

    I wouldn't be so fast on the trigger just yet. I got multiple instances of friendly cloaked infiltrators without the outline yesterday.

    Still, I can understand how less experienced people will have less of a trouble recognising friends from enemies. Biggest nerf though? Hardly, unless you become visible again on the IR scope.
  7. Pivke

    its actually a buff for friendly infiltrators. i TK them less now.
    i am used to shoot at any cloaker i can detect. if i get the friendly fire sign i would stop. if i happen to carry a shotgun or some hacksaws well, it can end badly for friendly infils :(
    now i still do the same, but now there is a 98% chance i wont shoot a friendly any more because they are different color.
  8. iccle

    I'm guessing that the OP prefers to be ran over and Tk'd by his own side rather than easily identified and avoided.

    The enemy do not see this, its for friendlies only so they can recognise you quicker in order not to TK you.
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  9. Rogueghost

    IMO I find it easier to find cloaked infiltrators on ultra settings then low, as I find it a lot easier to see a shimmer as opposed to a shadow.
  10. DonRaphaelus

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  11. HadesR

    Yeah like this will stop that :rolleyes: ... You get run over and Tk'd what ever class you play .. So glowing a faction colour isn't going stop the nubs still doing that.
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  12. S1eB

    Why the hell are you moaning about being able to see friendly infis?
    I've TK'd quite a few in the past because sometimes the dorito doesn't show and all I see is a cloaked infi.

    At least now I can tell they are friendly and can see where they are positioned.
  13. Elia Chobanov

    Maybe you guys didn't get my point. Friendly cloakers are shiny. Enemy ones - not. What that means is when you see a red infil, it's a friendly; you don't shoot. If he doesn't shine - you'll automatically know that he is an enemy. Which really hurts infils that try and sneak. As for the TKs - i've not been Tked as a cloaked infil, ever. I've been Tked when wearing shiny camos - like the Giraffe one.
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  14. S1eB

    You only see friendly infiltrators, enemy ones are still the same. You don't sneak past your own team mates so this changes nothing other than you seeing friendly infiltrators.
  15. HadesR

    It's more a case of now Friendlies glow it's a no brainer that " A non glowing Infi " is an enemy .. Before Infiltrators who actually bothered to infiltrate had " indecision " in their favour .. Being able to be mistaken for an enemy Infi was a big boost in actually trying to Infiltrate Bases.

    From a Sniping perspective little has changed ..
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  16. RobotNinja

    Here's the real issue. Infs allied or not, can be seen clear as day. Pics in thread.

  17. then00b

    Unless you were blasting your friendly infiltrators in the face with a shotgun, a few lovetaps to their shield won't hurt them, and if you kept firing after the annoying blare of friendly fire, that is your own stupidity shining through.
  18. Mythicrose12

    Try to picture this scenario in your head. A friendly infiltrator and a hostile infiltrator are standing side by side uncloaked. No problem there right? Easy enough to tell friend from foe. Now picture them both cloaking. The friendly infiltrator will glow your faction color, the hostile one will not. There is no more guess work whether Casper or Shadow man is friendly/hostile. The game now takes that thought process away from players. No glow? Shoot to kill. Glow? Friendly, shoot just to annoy.
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  19. maxkeiser

    You've missed the point entirely. So many people do for some reason.

    I don't even play inflitrator much and I can see how this alters the dynamics. It's just more dumbing down. A change that nobody wanted or called for.
  20. iccle

    Not really i have never had a problem distinguishing friend from foe infiltrators, the name above their head gives it away, as well as the colored dot on the minimap so i do not really see the perceived advantage it gave you.
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