I CANNOT do this anymore, this is BULL

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MichaelMoen, Oct 4, 2017.

  1. MichaelMoen

    Nearing 1,300 hours played, that's it, I can't do this anymore or I'm seriously gonna break something valuable.

    I just HAD to be an NC main on Connery. A server where the NC NEVER WIN. I just came from Hossin, we were finally doing something. 62 Territory Control my Hive still standing when the Alert started. We were finally going to win for once. FINALLY for once. But then all the Vanu and TR poured in from Esamir and the NC couldn't defend for ****. The VS captured an Outpost that cut off a chunk of territory, taking away 10 points. Still at 50 that's okay we can still win. But with 5 minutes of the Alert left, TR zerg starts capping an outpost chokepoint too. And this one led to a MASSIVE chunk of other territory. I couldn't believe this. We could not turn the point no matter what. The outpost flipped and we lost 20 more points with just 1 minute in the Alert left. We were ASSURED a win, and we still lost.

    And all I got from all that time and effort on Hossin, just for 50 ISO.
  2. FateJH

    Did I ever tell you about the time that Connery NC won a tense battle with the VS and managed to conquer the Palisade with less than five minutes on an Alert timer?

    They broke a tie for first place between the VS and the TR by doing that.
  3. Humoreske

    Sadly, NC can not win by the same number of people. DBG also allows it. You should give up. :cool:
    However, NC's winning percentage in Connery is too tragic. especially the winning percentage below 19% in Hossin is miserable.
  4. LtBomber1

    I cant belive. If you fail to secure those 2 high value bases, maybe your playerbase needs to get a better understanding of tactical and strategical gameplay. This game is not "just" a shooter. If you loose one of these cut-off bases, you would still be fine and unless outpoped by a HUGE number you should be able to do so.
    Use command chat, defese and offense marker and orders chat to funnel the lemmlings into important battles.
  5. FateJH

    Connery NC has been notoriously bereft of tactics and strategy since Beta. There was a time when Connery was considered "an NC server" even though the majority of the faction was still incapable of accomplishing anything if not for the big name outfits like Recursion or Praetorean Guard.
  6. DemonicTreerat

    Try Emerald. TR and VS do the same intentional double-team NC but ignore each other (even when one has triggered an alert) as Connery. However Emerald NC has a bit more organization and lots of experience with having to fight from a disadvantage in numbers,
    while the TR and VS are constantly falling apart when the tide turns against them. Plus no early-morning/ midday Asian zerg outfits to screw everything up.

    We'll be waiting.
  7. MuggieWara

    I feel you man.Its infuriating...Watching your faction collapse on all fronts.

    It happens a lot to us TR on Cobalt too...It happens when one faction has active zerfit platoons and the others dont,most of the time..The one who zergs better wins.

    You have to not let it get to you though since there is no personal responsibility involved..
  8. Drascalicus

    I feel you too as Connery TR. We have YLBT and P4LE. 2 massive zergfits, that when it comes to strategy, fail horribly. And we get double teamed as well. You might not be on when it happens, but it does. The VS could have locked down all 4 continents and the NC are still pounding us with a zerg. Even when a VS alert triggers, there is sometimes a 48-96 or 96+ of NC capping our frontier.

    My advice, pull out an infil with your railjack and have some fun snipin' from the spawn room.
  9. adamts01

    Find something else. This game is like a bad relationship. Great when things are good, but most of the time it's just bad. I'm shelving it till I'm able to switch my Connery accounts to Emerald or they do something to deal with Asian zergs and faction hopping.
  10. Skraggz

    This happens on all factions on Emerald not just 1, try them and see.
  11. Zathrus

    Yes.. I am also on Emerald and agree with murdoc.

    I think it will take some time for people to get used to how this new alert system is working... People are only starting to understand that coordinated effort has become far more important... that they actually need to think a bit more strategic as a faction... and pay attention to requests, orders, get into coordinated platoons, etc.

    This system makes coordination and strategic thinking more critical... it is very hard to win one with lots of individual uncoordinated efforts... unless the other two factions are playing the same way.

    In most cases, when one faction comes in and just stomps on the other two to win the alert, it is because a higher percentage of that faction was working in a strategic coordinated effort than the other two. As murdoc said, on Emerald that has happened to all three factions. It depends on who is on when the alert is up.
  12. OgreMarkX

    I play TR connery and I notice NC often keeps fighting TR when TR has almost no territory and VS is prepping to lock. Largely that is because the alerts are so rigged by the design that they are often not worth fighting, so people just stay at the same fight for the fun factor rather than worry about taking one faction from 55% territory to 36% in a ridiculous 30 minute period.
  13. MichaelMoen

    I'm usually one of the first or only of the Defenders that charges or flanks into the Point to try and break it while the majority sit back on corners and vantage points firing rockets or waiting to see the enemy come up to them. And at the same time I'm no leader, I don't have a Mic nor the skills to take charge of a Squad, I just hope others will see what I'm doing and follow.

    To agree with you it is usually the VS that locks a continent. FPSK + others acts as their zergs that caps territory while 24x7 builds and raids Hives. And the NC have no Platoons whatsoever to counter either of them. A common sight is to see 7 purple Hives on a Vanu majority map. But then again, it WAS the TR last night that zerged onto Hossin at the one Outpost stealing the Win from us. o_O But I won't deny that, the NC there cannot figure out on the whole who exactly is the real threat at times. All they care about is their farm. Telling them in Yell or Re chat never does anything.

    But yeah I've resorted to some salty tactics before. Taking a Railjack Infil to an Air Tower and just snipe away at everyone from a nearby hilltop trying to grab a Mossi. Racked up quite a nice K/D doing that...
  14. Zathrus

    I think your statement above confirms what I was saying here
    in the old system, you could have lots of individuals and uncoordinated squads simply grab more territory over time and win.
    The new system requires a strategic plan on how to win within the time frame left... individuals combined with uncoordinated squads cannot accomplish that against a faction that has coordinated platoons with platoon leaders coordinating in command chat.

    On Emerald, it depends on which faction has the highest percentage of players operating in a strategic coordinated manner. We are lucky in that all three factions seem to have this capability. Although VS and TR tend to do it more often than NC on Emerald... but all three factions have proven they are capable.

    I think it is just a matter of giving players time to learn so that higher percentages of all faction populations on each server understand the critical need for coordinated alert efforts. Part of that is on us more experienced players to begin mentoring folks we end up playing around into that mindset...A mindset that understands the sudden urgent need for coordination when an alert starts if you intend to win it.
  15. Insignus

    If I may.

    Our consistent criticism, via consensus, on TR is that the NC does have a decent population of strong players, and even good outfits. The issue is not the player skill or factional equipment, but always one of organization and strategic direction.

    Specifically, from an outsiders perspective, there doesn't appear to be any re-evaluation of strategic direction going on. When I check the map, the direction the NC have chosen 30 minutes ago is generally the one they are going to be on now. There are just patently unexplainable strategic choices being made.

    The VS seem to solve this problem generally using large numbers, the ability to project a very large outfit and a very disciplined midfit at problems, often in tandem with each other. The NC seem to have smaller chunks of population that don't necessarily combine or coordinate. When they do, it often seems to result in lane trains that specifically avoid fighting the VS.

    Only thing I can tell you to do is actualize the change: Start leading yourself.
  16. AuraBliss

    That is the issue with NC They are a tuff faction to get used to while tr and vs are usually cake.. But that doesn't mean shiz when you have a large group of people point their guns in the same direction and are on the same page. Like today we had a chance to take over a bio lab and cut off the tr.. But none of them bothered to switch over to help do this instead they kept defending pointlessly. Yes it might be good to have 2 fronts but when it was only 1 squad of people attempting too do it while there is 3 or 4 a enemy squads redeploying like smart people should its just not going to happen. Even then 1 person was able to stop 1 squad of nc which I laughed at so hard.. I did manage to kill the 1 person but it was too late to even bother at that point because his friends came over and I was outnumbered. Sometimes I really do feel nc is filled with idiots.
  17. Humoreske

    I think the skill of the player does not matter. Even if you exchange players the result will not change.
    Fundamentally NC weapons are too weak. I think that the balance is good if "hard to hit but strong". however, reality is "hard to hit but not strong".
    Although the DPS on the data sheet is not much different from TR / VS. but do not forget the big recoil and spread. We are not machine.
    Reaver also requires high control skills, but it is not strong. The way NC to win is only overpop + zerg.
    The illusion that there are many players with high skill in TR and VS is that the clever player who was disappointed by NC is disappointed and is only transferring.
  18. pnkdth

    NC won 15 of 50 alerts according to PS2alerts*(on Connery). While it isn't perfectly equal I think it would be absurd to expect everything down to the last alert win to be a perfect three-way split.

    Fun fact; If each faction in a three faction game win an equal amount of fights each faction will be losing twice as much as they win. What this usually means is that even when things are fairly even it still feels like you're losing more. Well, you are but not more than anyone else.

    TL;DR: Stop listening to the doomsayers and keep earning those bonus checks.

    *I know PS2alerts aren't measuring alerts since the CAI.
  19. Demigan

    Yes, instead of considering that a server-wide phenomenon that clearly indicates that the NC arsenal is inferior to the TR and VS causing them to lose more battles, let's just blame the players themselves!
    Did you ever read things about team color and games? In agressive fighting games and most FPS's the players wearing the red color are more likely to win as red makes them more agressive and adopt playstyles that favor them.
    But in a MOBA game for example the blue team is more likely to win, as blue encourages the viewer to think more of the long-term goals and how to achieve them rather than the short-term goals that red encourages. Now what kind of long-term goals would the blue-shrouded NC be thinking off? Whatever it is, it must have something to do with tactical and stragetical gameplay. Ofcourse when the most powerful strategy is "throw a few more guys at it until it breaks", there's not much tactical and stragetical gameplay to actually execute. Additionally we have plenty of people who played all factions who claim the same thing: All factions are populated by, let's say "less than ideal tacticians/strategists". So claiming that one specific faction is somehow worse at it simply because they lose more is a fallacy.

    Since population skill can be filtered out (NS weapons across all factions score similar so there can't be a skill factor there, and since actual tactical skill can also be filtered out due to the natural way humans react to colors, we can safely look at the one remaining thing: Available armaments.
    With the NS weapons the NC scores similar to the other 2 factions across all servers, but the ES weapons are harder to quantify. Still, the Reaver is a giant brick that's easier to hit than the other two and the Vanguard barely makes it out on top in vehicle killing power compared to the other two tanks despite being hailed as the tank-killer of the game, and the Vanguard falls behind in just about everything else it can perform. Most ES infantry weapons for the NC have the drawback of high punishment for misses but still a similar DPS to the low-punishment VS and TR weapons. Considering all else for these weapons is relatively equal (similar COF growth per damage point, similar range per damage point etc) the NC's loss ratio has to be attributed to these factors.
  20. DemonicTreerat

    Do and have for a long time. Its how I learned that among at least some outfits its intentional. Plus if it "happens to all factions" then why is it that prime time its rare to see more than 96+ VT & TR combined fighting each other while multiple cases of 96+ VS or TR will be fighting the NC?

    Face facts. Emerald TR and VS have - for whatever reason - intentionally ignore each other to attack the NC no matter the strategic situation. Which makes the times we kick your lazy ***** around when the population or situation is in our favor so much sweeter.