i can run most conts on ultra, hossin on medium only

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by eldarfalcongravtank, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. eldarfalcongravtank

    i can understand that hossin is a visually lush and fx-heavy place to fight in. but it's still kinda not acceptable in my view that i can run indar, esamir and amerish fine on ultra while hossin runs absolutely atrociously on those settings. i now decided to set the gfx options to medium to be able to play on hossin at all. anyone else got this problem?

    that said, i'd love the devs to optimize hossin as well as the entire game more. it seems to me this has been vastly neglected ever since the optimization patches rolled out half a year ago
  2. Camycamera

    it's still in early expedition, meaning that it isn't finished yet, and that they still have some optimisation stuff to go.
    • Up x 2
  3. MaxDamage

    I don't experience the same kind of drop you describe. Maybe there's a little, but I think it runs really well considering the environment.
    I would be disappointed if they simply nerfed the environment more just to make Ultra play better on 2010 systems.
    S'called Ultra for a reason.

    Personally I think they should make Ultra always a setting that gives the most value for CURRENT top end machines.

    Not being elitist because my machine is still chugging away on my unimpressive but faithful 2500K.
  4. Captain Kid

    Hossin costs me 10 fps. Since my fps normally is 25-45 that's a bit of a problem.
  5. Chipay

    If they still have to optimize the continent, it shouldn't have been brought out yet. We're not playing Early Access or Beta. This game has been out for about 2 years now.
  6. Leftconsin

    Hossin brings my FPS down into the 12-20 range. Its kinda bad for me.
  7. Liam23490

    I get equal performance on all continents. Perhaps it's a CPU issue?
  8. Gambitual

    It is their game and they can release what they want when they want. They had been working on Hossin for a long time and to try and finally give it to us they released it with some stuff unfinished. It is no secret. For a continent that, for all intents and purposes, works as a playable battleground, you don't have room to complain. </righteous>

    As for being on topic, my crappy laptop sucks. 6GB RAM and Dual 2.7GHz processor. I get 30ish frames at my absolute best on the absolute minimum settings. Decent sized battles put me down to 15. Some people say it is horrible, and I agree, but 15FPS is 100% playable. I personally don't see a difference in performance on Hossin, but I haven't been on it a whole lot and am not the best subject to give information.