I bet if you compare the average K/D ratio between all factions

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Slyguy65, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. McFatal

    Sorry I didn't realize your were being sarcastic, a hard tone to hear over text :p

    You may be right about the jumping hitbox, I really don't know either. This should definitely be tested.
  2. Ruffdog

    TR is f****** great. Once you start investing certs.
    Laser+hip fired carbines or scopes with forward grips. Use your large magazines (avoid reloaditis). Practise and the streaks will come.

    Don't whine please. It makes us look like pu*sys.
    There aint no way but the hard way:

  3. Bassik

    I bet that if you compare the average k/d ratio between all factions, the faction you are currently playing will be the underpowered one.
    • Up x 1
  4. NightmareP69

    K/Dr doesn't matter in Planetside 2, if someone says it does he's obviously playing the game in a wrong way and should go back to Battlefield 3 or Cod where people only care about KDr.
    Also, please stop QQuing allready, the forums allready have enuf TR complaining each day how they're the UP faction yet they're doing perffectly fine in the two servers i play on.

    I find it funny how TR constantly keep calling them selfs bad ***** yet all they do is complain 24/7. Even in-game they b**** all the time
    • Up x 1
  5. Aerolath

    Higby should tweet a graph about it
  6. Intruder313

    I'd love to know where my extra NC armour is....

    Anyway, bunnyhopping is not "what noobs call jumping" it's disgusting tactic which exploits the games hitbox failings but most of all it looks utterly pathetic and destroys immersion.
  7. Joram

    Wait.... are you saying your K/D is related with your personal skill? no ******* way man then whats with all the people whining on the forum.... o yes, 99% of them suck.
  8. DarkNeuron

    I can appreciate what you are trying to "prove", but you can't draw conclusions from a single guy. Also, a more skilled individual (who can produce a K/D of >1.0) would have been preferred.

    Our weapons arent that bad, I can consistently go on killing sprees as light/heavy assault.
  9. QuantumMechanic

    No... I'm saying that weapon balance is fine, across all empires. If one faction's weapons really were OP, my KDRs would't be so even.

    You didn't get that?
  10. QuantumMechanic

    That's cool. Post your stats for your characters on all three empires.
  11. Joram

    Yes i did, you didnt got my point :s
  12. Lancener

    Why do I keep hearing about TR guns being inaccurate. I made a TR character and I could snipe with the default Heavy Assault weapon, if you can't hit with them it's you not the gun.
  13. QuantumMechanic

    Alright. Still waiting to see your characters on all three empires. Put your money where your mouth is.
  14. amega

    first One - I totally disagry, or else 45% of trs on woodman are cheaters with aimbot :confused:. Second one - totally agreed vanu mags climbing copability shold be nerfed!!! .Vanu weapons should have some more bullet spread.
  15. CommodoreFrank

    The NC are the ones that are supposed to whine about guns. Stop trying to steal our spotlight!
  16. Smaisteri

    Whats the talk about extra armor for NC? I think NC has better armor only on Vanguard, and that is only 5% armor increase on the front armor?
  17. Phyr

    So now that TR are claiming to be UP we've gone full circle. Time to start making NC UP threads again.
  18. Joram

    I was trying to be sarcastic, the infantry weapons balance is ok, the people whining on the forums suck, i guess sarcasm (plus my awful english) dont work on the internet.

    http://www.planetside-universe.com/character.php?stats=Joram my main character using vehicles when needed (still most played HA)

    http://www.planetside-universe.com/character.php?stats=JoramNC my NC almost same KDR

    I had a TR br 15 with way worst stat but i played on US servers instead of EU (a ton of lag on US :s)
  19. PixelPunk

    Lol, is this a joke? I'd swap my NC char for TR or VS anyday.
  20. Rusky

    NC only have more armour on the front side of the Vanguard. That's it. Stop listing it as an advantage. Weren't you the same guy that said the Reaver's ok because it takes more hits to bring down ? It doesn't.