I am SO ******* TIRED of Harassers and I'll only give you one reason.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zizoubaba, Jan 2, 2019.

  1. IcEzEbRa

    Harrassers are my favorite target when flying esf, quite sporty.
  2. Redoubt

    Yeah Dog, you're right check it >Link<. Now I need to buy a gun, it is going to be sweet as.
  3. devmelon

    Close your eyes after you play this video (and hope you wont get ads)

    Good on you mate
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  4. Jingstealer

    Archer is severely underpowered. I could use a good buffin'. Like dmg up by factor 2.
  5. Hardwired_DK

    What's next? Nerf Flash for being a pain in the butt?


    To every problem there's a solution. The Harresser sole purpose is to Harrass, the solution to that problem is mines.

    Pure and simple - Everyone with mine cert lay down mines to protect spawn spot, if you want to keep the fight going!
  6. Bombtruck

    Harassers used to be ordinary. Then they nerfed it. Nobody used it. Then they buffed it to the present state so all you get from them is roadkill lunatics.
  7. Zizoubaba

    I'm not asking for a nerf, and I don't think anyone else in this thread is either..
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  8. adamts01

    There are 2 problems. Weapons are so specialized that the vehicle game is basically flipping a coin to see what you run in to. That's one reason Harassers are infinitely more powerful than tanks, they can simply leave if they happen to run in to the wrong opponent.

    The other issue is minesweeper either obsoleting mines or glitching and being worthless. And on the other side you've got floating mines, and mine hit detection issues thanks to their explosions being server side coupled with latency and timing issues against such a fast moving vehicle. Things just don't work half the time, on both sides of the fence. It's frustrating. A simple solution is moving direct fire damage types closer together, instead of farther apart like they did with CAI. Yeah, everyone can hurt everyone, similar to how tank canons are balanced, but it's much less frustrating because direct fire in this game is generally very reliable, the past few months aside anyway....
  9. Vanguard540

    Vehicle itself is fine, but some turrets are stupidly strong and make MBT look obsolete.
  10. Zizoubaba

    someone who can't post asked me to share what he had to say :

  11. Inogine

    Ya'll realize that if it dives into infantry without an out it's dead right? Tank looking the right way two shots it, every time. Takes skill to get those shots in as you can't be lazy about it, but it's very doable. Just means you can't fall asleep and be safe in those MBTs or be lazy about your positioning. No impunity for you. Likewise, the harasser's gotta stay mobile to get the job done properly or have good backup to get the job done. If you, a single crewed tank, are getting blown up by the coordinated efforts of 4 dudes in 2 harassers, seems fair to me. Took 4 dudes to get ya. I rarely see harassers launching into enemy lines without dying horrifically. They have to use the terrain and their speed for good effect.

    Be aware of where your friendly lines are. They will save you more often than not. If they're not saving you, no one's paying attention and that's when people start paying to the hit and run of harassers. If people are just plodding down a line shooting back and forth, they're not aware of what's going on around them and prime targets to get distracted/punished. Also be aware that separating and going it alone tends to lead to you being targeted by other vehicles in hit and runs and they will go in for the kill if you're unable to kill them and start bleeding out yourself with no retreat. Again, be aware of where friendly lines are.

    Mines. They're not super tricky to use. Get kills with'em fairly easy if I'm willing to place'em. Stopped many a rush, killed many a MBT. Harassers are no different and die even easier to them. Most drivers that are worth their salt and probably your "problem" tend to be on the lookout for them. I know I am, and there are a lot of tells. If enemies are camping a spot, or constantly retreating to an area, they tend to be behind a few mines. Thus, I'm on the lookout for those suckers and taking odd pathing to avoid them. That said, still die to the clever dude that places them in odd spots. I've seen and had the glitches you have, though it mostly raised in prevalence with the server lag recently. It occasionally happened before, but not enough for me to not secure a kill I wanted.

    Don't wanna be roadkill? Be smart on where you are and secure an area from enemy vehicles with mines. If they're in tight areas (areas they're "not supposed to be in" like bases), they won't be able to maneuver easily. A few folks focusing on it will down it in a hurry. Couple of blocks of C4, rockets, you name it. Have yet to see a crew survive said encounter in a busy base. Spawning in an open area with no one watching for harasser approaches? Well that sounds like your fault then. I know I've run harasser interference many a time for those solo folks going strictly for roadkills with my buddy to pretty great effect. A line of mines tended to take care of the issue pretty much straight away once the infantry caught on.

    You're also not factoring in something important. The Christmas event was/is still on. Had a look at those directives? One specifically incites roadkills. Now, I've never dive bombed any group like I've seen people do in this directive unless it was just such a large mass, perfect positioning for a surprise, we're unseen on our approach, and it was too tasty. Either that or we're going for the mutual destruction of a spawn point (Doable with a tank/aircraft too before you think that's just a light vehicle thing.) and things there are causing trouble for a base assault/defense. With the Christmas event, however, I've seen a LARGE number of single-seater harassers just dive bombing in there regardless of lives due to wanting the directive. Makes for easy kills when me and my buddy in our harasser started intercepting them, but there ya go. That's probably the largest reason you've seen an uptick in harasser tenacity for roadkills. They've rarely survived the encounter when I've seen it, and certainly not when they've done so in an active base. You might've died in the encounter, but 8/10 times I've seen it, they have too.
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  12. adamts01

    I'm not a fan of Tank/Harasser balance. Getting a jump on a decent MBT at point blank from the rear with a Vulcan often results with a dead Harasser. But at a distance with the tank showing front armor, you either end up with a dead tank or two wounded vehicles. CAI just doesn't feel right.

    I propose much stronger front armor, and much weaker rear armor, and slightly weaker side armor. As well as better Canon velocity with less drop. This let's sneaky Harassers get the kill from the rear that they deserve, rewards flanking tanks, and keeps Harassers from going head to head with tanks at range.

    Nothing feels right with the current vehicle game.
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  13. DeadlyOmen

    quote="Zizoubaba, "I'm picking just one reason which I feel, if it were the only reason, would be wayyyy good enough to justify revamping them.

    They are plain ridiculous.

    They make a joke of the game."


    That is two, and neither are a valid reason.
  14. ObiVanuKenobi

    It's good as is, right after CAI it dealt about 2x more damage but it was one of the few things they fixed because it was incredibly annoying. A couple engineers peaking on a hill would make life hell for any vehicles in a big area.
  15. Zizoubaba

    That is two, and neither are a valid reason.[/quote]

    hmm no, you see, they make a joke of the game because they are ridiculous.

    That's one, and it's more than enough.


    If you want I can argue, provide examples to support my argument and so on, as a matter of fact, I already did to some degree in my original post and all my other posts.

    What I'd be interested in, is why you believe Harassers in PS2 are dead serious realistic warfare simulators ?

    Simply stating things is stuff my 4 year old nephew does all the time.
  16. Zizoubaba

    hes a very bright Nephew by the way so yon't let yourself down :)
  17. Zizoubaba

    hmm no, you see, they make a joke of the game because they are ridiculous.

    That's one, and it's more than enough.


    Didn't think so :)
  18. Daigons

    The best counter to Harassers was already implemented with the downgrading of PS2 with the introduction of Combined Arms. If you're still having issues with dealing with Harassers, than you're just not doing it right. All the countering tools are available to you.
  19. Zizoubaba

    I'm not complaining about the countering and yes, when driving a sundy, I'm having issues with dealing with Harassers, but that isn't the point.
  20. adamts01

    I'd 100% agree with you if this game were successful. But Planetside's formula had never taken off. Arguing to keep things as they are is arguing for a sinking ship to keep its holes, because a few fish people on board really like those holes in the ship.
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