I am looking for a deathmatch outfit

Discussion in 'Waterson (US East)' started by Badname3073, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. Badname3073


    I am looking to join a TR outfit on Waterson, however, it looks like all major outfits have all kinds of tactical ******** and skillful crap, so that I will have to attend "training sessions" and obey some idiots, and pull a max when they want me to pull a max. This is not going to happen.

    So, I am looking for an outfit which runs squads solely to provide quick means of battle insertion for infantry (beacons/sunderers) into "hot spots", and where the squad members are not expected to pursue any "tactical objectives" other than kill as many enemies as possible. There should be no hierarchy in a squad, and the sole purpose of a squad commander should be to deploy a beacon/sunderer where the majority of the squad wants to go (I even agree to take occasional stints as a squad commander for this purpose, if nobody else wants to to do it). No ghost capping please, I am only interested in deathmatch in large bases. There should be no class restrictions, everyone should be able to play whatever class they want.

    Your recommendations are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  2. doombro

    I don't know any outfits in this game, let alone on TR that fit that description.

    You should have no problem running public squads like that, however, you'll be hard pressed to find an outfit that intentionally has no leadership.
  3. Shanther

    I'm not one to want to drive people away from a game. Even less so this one, I would love to see this game grow into an amazing thing. However...it sounds like you should be playing COD instead. This game revolves around coordination and tactics at its core.
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  4. Badname3073

    Thanks for your response. The reason I see for such an outfit is to have a network of similarly-minded people, i.e. anyone who joins generally wants to have a team deathmatch at a large enemy base full of enemies in a company of similarly-minded players. It should be occasionally possible in a public squad, but I want more certainty. Generally, I want it like this: I log in, check if the outfit running a squad, and if there is one, I have no second thought - I deploy at a squad beacon and have a guaranteed and immediate team deathmatch.
  5. Badname3073

    Unfortunately, it is Planetside 2 I am playing. With my apologies.
  6. Camycamera

    you dont have to attend training sessions for some or most outfits. also, some outfits just simply mark platoon waypoints/ squad waypoints, and you do what you can there. at times they will throw around orders, but that is to be expected if you want to win.

    if you dont want anyone telling you what to do, but you still want a waypoint of some sort, join a puppy squad.
  7. Shanther

    My point was the fact you are trying to play a game in a semi fundamentally wrong way.
  8. doombro

    That will unfortunately come down to ghost capping most of the time, so, I don't recommend just joining giant platoons.

    Funny enough, the hardcore-type outfits are probably your best choice, if you want to always be in the fight. Most of the outfits concerned with the grand scheme of things will stray from ghost capping and try to always be in a battle where they are needed.
  9. KidApathy

    If you're active and a top shelf player Pretentious may be for you... contact me via PM with your in game handle.
  10. netsky4life

    NONE (i hope) go back to cod please
  11. Dagonlives

    Talk to Pretentious.
  12. Rhinzual

    Please don't encourage this kind of mentality.
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  13. Dagonlives

    I play in a tactical teamwork based outfit. But if you think that you have the right to tell people how to play an MMO, that in itself is pretty odd.
  14. Rhinzual

    Tactical teamwork based outfit is great, but OP just wants a bunch of deathmatches. We don't need that kind of mentality around here, it's likely to encourage the whole dreaded e-sports idea.
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  15. Badname3073

    I do not remember asking you what you need or do not need. All I asked was whether there is an outfit where people play like I described.
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  16. Rhinzual

    Then I'm pretty sure the answer is no.
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  17. Tulka

    =C22= does NOT sound like a good fit for you, please do NOT apply.