I am just trying to get this straight

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Orpheus66, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. Orpheus66

    We were defending a base, and an Infiltrator hacked a terminal. So, a pubby decides to destroy the enemy terminal rather then hack it again. So now, the assault is over and there is a destroyed enemy terminal that we cant hack, because it is destroyed, and cant repair because it is an enemy terminal.

    This is a bug right, something in the game glitched out and it f**ked up. Because the thought that something this simple and obvious was over looked by SOE I can't even comprehend. Like, I mean, when they designed the hacking ability this situation surely must have came up...
  2. Mr_Giggles

    Yes it is a glitch.
    It is a recurring glitch that was previously fixed.
    /bug it.
    Move on.
  3. Jachim

    [Insert childish rage over how poor SOE handles bugs etc etc etc here]