[BUG] I am a Light Assault MAX... What?...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Amnoon, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. Amnoon

    Sooo I was playing today as a Max and then I died. A medic revived me and I became this:



    That was really funny. I had the movement speed of the light assault, the TRAC-S weapon and the jump pack but the HP of a Max and engenieers could repair me. I could aim too. I engaged the enemy to test the bug and in one moment I couldn't die so I log out for fear to get banned. Now really, what the **** was that jajaj. The Light Assault was my last class before I took the Max.
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  2. pnkdth

    NERF TR :eek::eek::eek:
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  3. Gutseen

    cuz u were given powers of a BATMAX

    to fight rebel scum and alien strapon lovers
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  4. MetalCotton

    Oh hey, TR finally got a buff. Take that jetpack MAX and go give forumside something to actually cry about, you glorious bastard you.
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  5. TheChris

    TR Has Something good? PLS Nerf until its useless. :D
    Put TR-Lightassault jetpacks to 0.1 secs now. ^^
  6. Donaldson Jones

    You became a PS1 VS MAX
    VS Max in PS1 had Jumpjets!!!!!

    The game was telling you to go VS!!!

    Obey damn it!
  7. travbrad

    This happened to me the other day too (also as a TR MAX). I didn't even realize I still had the HP of a MAX though since by the time I got revived the fight was over so I just redeployed.