[Hypothetical] If you were the game design lead, would you have done infantry equipment differently?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Xhaleon, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. Xhaleon

    Title says all.

    I'm sort of happy with the way PS2 infantry equipment is distributed, but can't help wondering if there was a better system to follow in regards to how infantry play and which class gets what and how weapons actually performed. At least at the most basic levels anyway, I ain't a BR 99 with a huge arsenal full of fun yet.

    But here's mine. :eek:


    Stealth suggestion thread go.
  2. CactusLynx

    The only thing I would really change is making the IR optics not work during day as what happens with night vision, you would just see green and sear your eyeballs. All these blind mice running around with IR scopes during the day is ticking me off.
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  3. LordMondando

    I do like the changes to the basic gun mechanics.

    High HP on HA's though, given the amount they are used in squad numbers as shock troops, would I imagine create a rather large imbalance in infantry combat.

    I'm also afraid ,I don't buy into High TTK anyway, indeed I think the changes your making the the guns conceptually would fit better with more damage per shot, and thus, forcing people to use cover and hopefully get a better realizsation of supressive fire into the game.
  4. Antich

    Light assault should have the same hp as infiltrators, they are light afterall.

    Infiltrators should be able to hack vehicles not only turrets and have a tool that is not outperformed by smth else in the gam(all other classes have a tool that makes them unique, infiltrators have a tool that makes them a 50cert vehicle utility)(also mini hacking objectives build into bases would be a nice addition<like a hex wide x seconds 3d spotting of all base owners around aka a tactical deployment terminal, improuved base defences and the possibility to take them down for x seconds by hacking a terminal aka point defence control terminal, disabling 3d spotting for base owners for x seconds via a informational terminal hack)

    Heavy should be heavy so slower movement speed(like the MAX) and more hp then the medics and enginners.

    Medics and engineers are fine in their role.

    MAX units should be less deadly to each other with AI weapons and more resistant to small weapon fire(should require explosives to be taken down effectively).

    Class locking of weapons taken away, all weapons common pool and readjust stats towards balancing different weapon groups for all of them to be effective and have their role.
    TTK set up to 150% on all weapons
  5. StormStrafe

    I would make semi-automatic weapons viable like they should be. I've wasted so much on poorly implemented semi-autos.
  6. KAHR-Alpha

    I would give us real magazines, not an "ammo pool".
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  7. Rusky

    Heavies already trade movement for the extra shield protection.

    The main thing I would change would be emphasising faction flavour. ie:

    - NC has higher(best) damage, lower(lowest) rof, higher bullet velocity, above average accuracy
    - TR has higher(best) ROF, higher(best) mag capacity, lower(lowest) bullet damage, lower(lowest) accuracy
    - VS has higher(best) accuracy, no bullet drop, damage degradation, average damage, average everything in general

    It's mostly what we have now but more accentuated.
  8. Xhaleon

    PS2's kinda unsure whether it wants to be high or low TTK. The accuracy of weapons and NO OPTIMIZATION, NO FPS means that kills take relatively long to get, but nowhere near arena shooter level. The health I have given them makes them weaker than an actual HA with his ability shield activated. Its about one burst less, which is a very significant time difference. They just can't be ambushed as easily as other classes anymore.

    They're fine as shock troops because if they take the LMG they will move slow and be even less effective at crazy hipfire CQC combat. It will be like wearing an ability shield that's not as good and you can't take off on the fly.

    That kind of customized build would be great for medium range combat on the approach to a base. Another specialized build with a Carbine would be better for indoors battles. I think that level of personalization could really make combat very interesting as people find all sorts of non-standard builds and it will take a while to find the optimal setup in this kind of game.

    Eheh, this could actually be implemented if they gave us a one time refund on every cert spent, then everyone gets one chance to decide how to keep playing the game with the totally overhauled balance. But its too big a change, so I guess it will forever remain hypothetical.
  9. LordMondando

    See here's my position, its the future, we all have magic shields. Thus, several peices of lead hitting me at supposedly high velocities with fair bit of force, I don't die from. Fine.

    But make it so we are talking 15-20 bullets per kill, and the gunplay mechanics become laser quest/tag. PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW RETURN TO ENGIZER.

    I admit, this is largely a aesthetic value judgement, but I think the argument can be made, that in a game of this nature, namely a combined arms simulator. If you raise HP and lower weapon damage to the point where gun fights 1 v1 are long protracted things. Then a 78 v 96 becomes some sort of absurd dance with people jumping around bullets bouncing off them like ping pong balls.

    And the argument often touted that 'HIGH TTK=HIGH SKILLZ' is just noise, it'll be just as random as before, the 30th bullet that kills you, your mad skills having no less effect over than the 6th.

    Just thought it important to lay my cards on the table there.

    Ok, I think your clearly giving this a lot of though. In order to prehaps illustrate my problem with it here and making the 'heavy a bit too heavy at assulting' (lets call it that.).

    NC Heavy, jackhammer. Under your system - Talk to me.
  10. HadesR

    Would go with this. Would also remove shotguns from them .. LA + Shotgun is nearly as broken as INFI + shotty was
  11. Xhaleon

    Under the current system, Heavy Assaults are even more durable than what I proposed because they have even more health, although they don't have it all the time. They aren't too much of a problem because in this game, there will usually be more than one person shooting at you, so individual combat speed isn't such a big concern. I think the average realistic TTK in this game is already very satisfying.

    It would be a completely different style of shotgun than what you see now, anyway. In no way would it be a run&gun weapon.

    Anyway, the Jackhammer is worse than regular shotguns, and the HA has them as a weapon choice... It sorely needs a workover in the current game, like right now.

    Nah, Light Assaults do need the armor. They very often get into situations where they'll be shot up very easily, and a flying LA is a bullet magnet because no one wants a roofmonkey to kill all the Medics. For shotgun imbalance, see above. They would actually synergize less with flying around.
  12. Kwanza

    meh its IR/NV - no reason the IR portion wouldn't work in day :b

    But maybe I'd make that concession if they made nights more.....well like night.
  13. Herrick

    I'd make PS1 with better netcode. I'd also require a mandatory test in order to post on these forums, casuals that cannot pass it would be banned so as not to pollute the place with their stink.

    The test would be F-zero GX's story mode, chapter 7. Very hard.
  14. StormStrafe

    Also, I'd give all MAXs swords, instead of just the VS.
  15. Antich

    Except that is not the way flying should be used. You don´t just fly in the middle of nowhere and help for the best, if you do that you deserve to die anyway. That is exactly the problem of LA, their jetpack makes them capable of attacking from any position yet they get the weapons and health for frontal assault.
    More to that, infiltrators can´t shoot while cloaked, LA can shoot while flying. I really don´t see why the 2 classes that compete in the end for the same role get different hp pools and weapons.

    My problem with the current TTK is that for some weapons the latency+human response time > TTK
  16. LordMondando

    Ok, so importantlly what your suggesting is that whilst the HA's shield ability should give them better 'assult' capabilities for a limited time frame. Overall they (along with every player) should be more vunerable to fire?

    Also your wrong about the jackhammer.

    i r hxc g4m0r i betr thn j00 cazjel n0085.

    I can't even tell if you're serious.
  18. Cinnamon

    For base run speed I would apply penalties based on kit. Characters get 1 penalty free before speed is reduced and every one after that adds load. LMG costs 1. Launcher costs 1. HA special costs 2. HA shield need cost no more and not when active and HA special weapons could be better than LMG with speed penalty as balance. Engineer ACE tool 2. Sniper rifle 2. So the only classes that go at full speed as standard would be LA and medic. Although you could be a full speed repair engineer, with an AR, why not, or a full speed inf with an SMG. Or a full speed HA with an SMG/Shotgun and launcher.

    For shotguns, including max, I would lower the pellet damage a lot, and add more pellets, and reduce spread. I would make max shields ignore almost all the damage of low damage projectiles like pellets and to a lesser degree smg bullets. HA shield would also get that to a lesser degree. I would give NC max a 200 damage guass arm, but balanced natch.
  19. Herrick

    Considering I'm demanding players be good at a racing game in order to post on the forums of an FPS game I'd say that no, I'm not being serious.

    Ya dingus.
  20. huundar

    I would bring back ANT's in some capacity. Currently everyone can spawn a tank pretty much non-stop and so resources really have no impact on the game at all.