Hey guys, HYBRID is a group of individuals that likes to focus on teaching and making our members better PS2 players. In-Game we like to use strategy and pick and choose our targets to see where we can be most effective and help the faction the most. We are not overly serious about the game and you will not have any orders being barked at you while playing. We have no problem helping newcomers to PS2 learn the basics and we have individuals that specialize in every class in the game. Right now we are ranked in the top 30 outfits on Waterson and are hoping to increase those numbres in the near future. We hold OPS Nights on Thursday nights and normally have Open Recruitment/Public Platoon nights on the weekend. If you are interested in joining HYBRID you can get a hold of either me DuffmanGU at mduffy633@gmail.com or our outfit leader Gromduraz at nzwiryk@gmail.com for more information about the outfit. Check out our website at www.hybridguild.com