Hunter QCX Explosive Bolt Nerf

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Gobbu, Apr 13, 2022.

  1. Gobbu

    I came back to the game after a break and saw this was nerfed to 300 damage from 450.

    I used to use it for finishing off damaged vehicles. It didn't seem strong. Why the nerf?
  2. TR5L4Y3R

    i suspect since inciendiary bolts have been introduced for infantry crowdcontroll that is when the nerf for infantry has been brought in ... vehicles still take damage based on positive or negative resistancevalues were i think the ammount of bolts to destroy a vehicle stood largely the same ..
  3. Gobbu

    It used to take 22 bolts from the front to kill a MBT, now 33.

    I know you can't realistically kill one from full health but the reduced damage makes them significantly harder to finish off.
  4. Clone117

    Kinda of a stupid nerf considering its litterally the only anti armor side arm. And using it against infantry puts you at a huge disadvantage in the first place
  5. TR5L4Y3R

    can´t confirm that ... went to VR both the chimera and prowler took 17-18 bolts on the front to be taken down, same amount on sunderers ...
  6. Yaesu

    Having just certed out a stalker a few weeks ago, via a recommendation from another player I tried Hunter/explosive bolt combo. I'm thinking SWEET, can finally help take out tanks and sunderers on my infiltrator. In VR land it was taking 17 or 18 shots to take vehicles out. It was the drop of the bolts that really came to issue. Out in game play? To me, a big piece of JUNK. I managed to pull out a handful of assists on some vehicles but no sole vehicle kills. Because of the bolts drop and slow speed, hitting moving targets takes a LOT of practice and on vehicles that are pretty close. Mentioned above, finishing off vehicles that are already severely damaged. Because of the number of bolts needed, reload time, the only way one could take a vehicle out by themselves is finding one abandoned or unattended, with nobody around so can have the time it takes. Honestly.
  7. TR5L4Y3R

    this is why i am asking for infils (and medics) to legit get the rockletrifle (with typhoonammo) as primary, and AV grenades, with the latter using nadebandolier stalkers along with the explosive crossbow would have a level of AV capability to bust sunderers through a specops role but with a fair TTK .. (additionaly any class using a primary with under barrel grenadelauncher should get additional rounds when using an ammopouch, just default 3 rounds is an utter joke)
    take 3 or 4 AV infils/stalkers decloak and unload on the poor sunderer ...