Couldn't really find a wide range of review on YouTube so if anyone has used it for a reasonable amount could you just pop your thoughts on whether it is worth the certs/SC?
It's a long range AR with range in mind. It can be fearsome at a distace, but you'll find it's claws aren't as sharp as other weapons up close. It's a AR so it's still a beast of a weapon, but pull it knowing you're gimping your close range power that other weapons could give you.
I just finished auraxiuming this gun and It's a weapon that will reward head shots and punish pretty much anything else. I use it mainly for mid range to longer range work, as the poster above pointed out you don't really want to use it up close, the lower RPM will be brutal for any missed shots. Fun gun overall, I prefer the reaper, but the Tross is definitely a decent weapon. I used certs to purchase it mainly for another gun to work with to get the AR directive, if I hadn't needed it for this I may not have bothered with it, but I don't regret the purchase.
Even in CQC I've found the tross pretty effective but it really does shine at medium engagements. I use Adv Forward grip, compensator and 1x sight and this thing barely has any recoil at all with that set up. I main TR so high damage models are very nice for me but a friend of mine mains NC and he reckons the tross is the most OP thing NC have right now lol I might not agree but it's definitely a great gun. The only thing holding this weapon back is its magazine size but like i said it's still a great gun.