Howler mining laser

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Tanktarget, May 26, 2020.

  1. Tanktarget

    Doing zero damage to enemy silo's or possibly silos that have 0 cortium inside switching between abadoned/in use skin constantly when trying to destroy.
  2. TR5L4Y3R

    i don´t think they are supposed to do damage other than to walls, no? would atleast be news to me ...
  3. Quimcity

    The Howler lasers damage all of the player made constructions apart from the SIlo (or if it does damage silo it's very very slow)
    It is however a bit random in the amount of damage it does, some items are destroyed very quickly others not so.

    You can destroy an Air term quite quickly (about the same amount of time to destroy a turret) but if there's a Repair module in range it takes forever to destroy the air term but the turret is still very quick . Likewise Walls are hard to destroy if there is a repair mod nearby. The obvious answer is to take out the repair mods first if you can.

    You also used to be able to destroy objects through the shields and the sky dome if someone had positioned a base in a hollow so that you were above the sky shield. But that no longer works.
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