[Guide] How2: The Harasser

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pseudo Neo, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. Pseudo Neo

    I'm resurrecting a series I did back in beta called Planetside 2 How2. This is the first in the new series and it covers the Harasser. Friendly feedback and requests for topics for future videos are welcome. Enjoy!:cool:

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  2. Pseudo Neo

  3. Yeahy

    Dat voice though.
    Nice video, definitely learned a few things.
  4. Pseudo Neo

    I'm not sure if you're sarcastic or not. Therefore pick one:

    Thank you! :)


    Go gargle bleach :)
  5. Yeahy

    Not being sarcastic, your voice is pretty nice.
  6. Pseudo Neo

    Huzzah! I'm awesome according to someone!

    Now where are the trolls telling me I'm awful?
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  7. DurandaI

    did you just jack mustarde's sig
  8. Pseudo Neo

    I did not. Mustarde and I are both lucky enough to be friends with the same talented artist ;) She also did the Thwompy you see at the end of my video. Check out her Deviantart!
  9. Kerlor

    This video takes it up to 11. Mostly because I am in it.

    But on a more serious note, great job!