How would each MBT do if it also had access to the other empires Abilities?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, May 11, 2016.

  1. Demigan

    I have been using VS, and while Magriders can't move straight through their allied Magriders (and I've yet to see the insta-death sequence you describe from any perspective) I've been lovingly using the method of pushing your edge over/below that of another magrider so that you can squeeze through extremely thin area's. Not exactly super-friendly for their aim, but if they fail to make way for me/can't make room for me than I'll rather use that and be capable of supporting them later than turn into a burning husk.

    Maybe it's because I haven't tried to plow friendly Magriders in the rear to get passed them because I view that as a pure act of dickishness since you can much easier and faster get passed their edges with less upheaval, less time spend lifting them and apparently less burning fury.
  2. thebigbortishbort

    TR using the boost would end up being our number 1 death cause , the tank getting unstable at speed and flipping over a small rock / killing ourselves , not so much of a problem for maggy.

    would be amusing as hell though , how would a maggy deploy? , maybe it'll have UFO like landing legs.
  3. Sh4n4yn4y

    I think my fellow TR would like to keep their Anchor, to be honest. How often do you see a line of Prowlers set up on a ridge, locked down and ruining the day of everyone within render range? That is our greatest strength. That and our air, take them away from us and TR will fall apart.

    Give the Vanguard the boost, and you have to most amazing anti-tank tank in history. The punch of the Vanguard, with superspeed. However, as previously stated, the anchor would make them the most feared weapon for us skyknights.

    Magrider? Let's be fair, their only advantage is their mobility. The shield would help though. Give them more a of a chance to run away like the VS scum they are.

    On a final note, I vote we bring back the insta-hit Prowler. Though it was brief... that amazing muzzle velocity was heaven. FEAR OUR WRATH.
  4. Demigan

    Upgrading the secondary canons isn't what I had in mind. Because then you create a dependency on those canons rather than make the chassis worthwhile no matter what you put on it.
    Naturally, having well-designed secondaries is important, but I don't think it's the way to go for the base chassis.

    Just look at the Prowler: good speed and acceleration coupled with a good DPS for the base chassis. Magrider: Stable firing on the move, can dodge, is forced to have it's front armor facing it's opponent, can make use of much more terrain and is less concerned with escape routes.
    The Vanguard: Highest velocity ammo, not exactly supa-dupa in PS2 considering the difference in speed, best armor, but that's easily offset by the exact abilities of the Prowler and Magrider! Leaving the only real advantage the high velocity ammo...

    So something needs to happen, some ability or upgrade that makes sure the basic chassis is better.
    When I talk about allowing the Vanguard higher reverse speeds, I'm talking about 40 to 50 KM/H backwards movement, or even no difference between forwards and backwards speed. That would be a solid upgrade to the chassis.

    I already talked about upgrading the ramming and pushing power, but that would mostly be a very small upgrade since it would be too niche.

    Allowing the Vanguard shell to penetrate a target and hit something behind it, possibly for 100% the damage as the first target or reduced damage. That would allow the Vanguard a solid combat increase, since you can try to finish off enemies that hide behind their friends, increase the DPS by hitting enemies and most importantly you get the option to try and shoot people behind the vehicle they try to repair. That's not even mentioning the incredible DPS you could have if you hit infantry in the leg after which the shell lands almost immediately on the ground for a double AOE.

    Adding a co-ax canon, which might also be too good. Any AV variant like the basilisk could have a large COF to make sure people might choose alternatives or don't get too much advantage out of it. Switching to the co-ax could increase the reload speed as another small disadvantage that could solve too much DPS problems (IE a Vanguard firing, switching to Basiliks for added DPS, then switching back at the right moment for the main canon again). It would still offer a solid extra choice, especially when fighting infantry with a Kobalt for instance.
  5. Archard

    The Magrider with anchor...

    I just picture it falling to the ground like a brick. The image is completed by a cloud of dust/snow rising around it and blocking the gunner's view.
  6. Azawarau


    They wont have much use for eachothers abilities

    The Vanguard doesnt have enough power to compete with prowlers in lockdown fights and a boost isnt at all helpful expect maybe reaching a few random new spots to camp at

    Prowlers have too much to lose with not using lockdown

    Mag riders arent accurate enough or powerful enough for lockdown

    The shield may serve it well though

    Overall Lockdown would be the most used
  7. TheSunlikeOne

    Technically it is, but mentally it's alien fight vehicle. The thread isn't "so serious", so I've posted the same way.
  8. SavatageRoyo

    Magriders best choice would be Shield, worst choice anchor mode.

    Vanguards best choice would be anchor mode, worst choice afterburner.

    Prowlers best choice anchor mode, worst choice afterburner.