I don't care about a minimap that shows things far away, I want to see things close-up and in greater detail. Radar blips in a tower are impossible to see, because of all the Teleporter and Terminal symbols on the minimap cluttering it.
Nope...thats it...We all feel your pain. We all subtly (or not so subtly) curses the man that coded the minimap while playing the game.
Ah good. We shall throw a party when they go out of buisness. Incompitent fools. This is the glitchiest UI ive ever used. And why would it be so hard for the blips to be on top? and how about some transparency to points ffs. *edit* lol nvm, their garbage is used in like every game. I guess everything SOE touches turns to turds.
I don't think zooming on the minimap should exist. I think it helps keep things balance when you can only get a sense of what is around you instead of minute details.
If not zoom, how about being able to toggle the visibility of stationary objects (both on minimap and in view otherwise) with a new keybind? edit: possibly even a 'smart' mode to go with on/off that only shows objects that are contested or damaged or such?
Thats why sensor contacts only refresh once per second. No need to make a map cluttered and unreadable to "balance" things.
I don't feel like it is unreadable at all. Cluttered maybe sometimes, but not unreadable. I use it all the time and gain from it. Just my opinion though.
You can still see the blips on top of the symbols, they DO show up, but it's hard to see, and worse, a tower is all-vertically compressed, so the clutter of the symbolsd means you can't make heads or tails of it. SOMETIMES I GET A LUCKY GLITCH AND MY MINIMAP IS ZOOMED IN A LOT. THIS MAKES IT USEFUL. SOMETIMES I GET AN UNLUCKY GLITCH AND IT ZOOMS OUT A LOT. THIS MAKES AN ENTIRE BIOLAB ONLY TAKE UP 1cm^2 OF MY MINIMAP. _____ |........ | |_____|
There is a difference between balance and bad design. A game GUI should not hinder the player but help him, if for balance purposes it would become too powerful it should be solved in another way (slower update, smaller range or whatever), not by making the GUI bad.