[Suggestion] How to solve the biggest problem with Planetside 2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dBus, Oct 4, 2014.

  1. FactionTraitsFTW

    This idea sis AWESOME!
  2. dBus

    Well, uh, thanks.

    I'm just hoping that the devs actually take notice.

    Would be nice if someone could even comment in the thread.

    I'm dead serious that I think this is the biggest problem in Planetside, and this is a potential solution. So I'm going to try to keep this thread alive for a bit longer.
  3. SerasVic

    Can't wait the tears of a VS getting shot by PPA

    This idea sounds nice but can''t be implemented saddly
  4. stalkish

    Step 1:
    Post a copy of this thread on reddit

    Step 2:
    link that reddit thread in a twitter post to higby

    Step 3:
    Keep spamming twitter until he reads it

    The devs hate their own forums (which is strange since they have the power to change it....) reddit is the only way to go, they've even said as much :rolleyes:.
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  5. Tricycle

    Yes, it might be the biggest problem on the server you play on. However I would say that even bigger problem is the lopsided battles that we have on EVERY server which forces the gameplay into this camp-the-spawns-24/7 boredom.

    Other than that, I do agree that a Mercenary-type system should be implemented. They could also simply make all characters factionless and let the players choose which faction they want to represent each time they enter the game. Some sort of temporary buffs could be used to fill up the least populated faction.
  6. SerasVic

    It's not strange, did you went on reddit?

    only fanboys here saying everything is fine and amen to whatever a dev can say
  7. stalkish

    Are you saying the devs dislike the forum users?
    If so reddit is no better, infact imo its worse since its not moderated by soe.
    Yes ive 'went' on reddit, its just as hostile and full of **** as this forum.

    What i meant was they say they dislike the layout of the soe forums.........its their forum...they can change it..
  8. SerasVic

    I don't see much "hate threads" or "nerf X" on reddit.
    I see only ****** video / funny moments, 1-2 annoucements and maybe 1 suggestion

    Everything else is downvoted to oblivion
    On forum 80-90% of threads are about suggestion/ balance when on reddit there is little
    I think they don't like layout AND people on it IMO
  9. stalkish

    That is my major problem with it.
    So some1 has an opinion that doesnt match yours, downvote
    Some1 has an idea you dislike, downvote
    Some1 has genuine balance conerns about the weapon your currently using to pad you k/d, downvote

    Then crowd mentality takes over, people see downvotes and start downvoting themselves without actualy reading it.
    The whole place stinks of elitism, its not a place id choose to spend my time reading.
    I can see why the devs prefer it tho, any negative feedback gets 'downvoted into oblivion' by fanbois so all they have to read is the wonderful (often blinded) praise given to them by suckups and try hards.

    Personaly, as ill-conceived as some of the ideas and balance suggestions are around here, i think the devs have a responsibility to read these threads and convey their opinions / reasoning about implementations they make in-game.
    It would also be nice for threads such as 'X bug is back, do you know about it' were responded to, even to just say 'we do now'.
    It would be doubly nice to have up to date info about downtime / upcoming changes released on the forums (or better yet - the game launchpad), i dont have time or energy to search 10 diff social media sites for the info, often its the kind hearted players who re-post a tweet relating to such things on the forums.
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  10. dBus

    Well, these are the official forums.

    Hopefully at least ONE of the Devs will read this thread, and then pass on the information.

    Simply ensuring that the balance between opposing forces is even (33% vs 33% vs 33%) is by far the best way to improve this game. Because the biggest flaw in the game is that there is NOTHING stopping a side from getting 60% pop on a server and then just rolling everyone else.
  11. Tuco

    I could care less if the server or continent population is perfectly balanced, when the hex I'm at is at a 2:1 imbalance.
  12. Tuco

    Ideas on how to solve the zerg and pop imbalance problems from 6 months ago, before Hossin

    1) More tree cover
    2) More chokepoints

    Yeah like on Hossin, and zerging and pop imbalance is SOOO much better on Hossin because the tree cover and chokepoints solved that problem. Phew *wipes off brow* I'm glad that problem was solved.

    3) Sunderer shield

    Damn, thank god we have the SUnderer shield now. Zerging and pop imbalance is so solved now.

    4) Give platoon/squad leaders automated turrets.

    Yeah cause it's the platoon/squad leaders who are the zergers in the first place and never defend, lets make them even more effective.


    Awesome ideas guys, keep em coming.
  13. UltimaRecon

    I like this idea a lot, played this game since beta, BR 100 with little need for exp or certs but i would gladly play mercenary, enjoy fighting for the under popped side and mixing up the weapons and vehicles together, just sounds interesting to me.
  14. Who Garou

    So I had a reply from SOE customer service today which included ::

    "I wanted you to know that I have forwarded your concerns to the appropriate game team. Unfortunately, I cannot say whether or not this will be changed in the future, but I wanted to thank you for providing feedback on this. The best place to get in touch with the developers is on the official forums regarding your feedback and suggestions for patch release dates and the development of the game."

    It seems that Customer Service does not know how the DEVs at PS2 behave.
  15. dBus

    Well, when your faction only has 20% pop on the server, that means that you are going to find yourself outnumbered far more often than if the sides are all even.

    It's just basic maths. The enemy is going to go to where the fight is, so unless you want to sit in the warp gate you are going to be CONSTANTLY outnumbered whenever the overall server balance is out of whack.
  16. Brasil

    The honest truth, the game is dying.
  17. Bruhja

    They tried a similar concept in the original planetside. I cant remember what they were called...Black ops or something.

    The Devs would pick players at random, or they had some methodology. These players would be colored in green without faction colors for a certain time limit and they would operate as a 4th empire or sort of a neutral faction, they could hit any facility no connected region needed and they would turn the bases neutral.

    They also had double the armor and health but had limited numbers.

    Never worked and was dumb after the initial novelty wore off.

    Easy fix:
    Slow down how fast each person in an overpopulated faction gains resources and increase the cost of consumables. This will not only balance the empires a bit but will actually represent an empire that is trying to equip too many soldiers whom are spread too far.

    Much like Russia during the second world war being stretched so thin they had to group the soldiers in teams of 2, one with a rifle and one with the ammunition because there just wasn't enough to go around.

    I'm not saying go that drastic however an over populated empire could never keep all the aircraft and armor rolling for very long.
  18. dBus


    That's actually not a bad idea.

    In fact, you could combine a few ideas together to help out.

    So you could have...

    • Mercenary System that gives players double XP and certs to fight for the underpop faction. (Earn nanites through kills & assists, etc.)
    • Overpop faction has a longer spawn timer. (Something like: add 2 seconds time for every % point they are above 33% continent pop)
    • Nanite gain is reduced for overpop faction, increased for underpop faction.

    With all three, the Underpop side is given a bonus, the Overpop side is punished, and players are encouraged to help out the Underpop side by playing as Mercenaries.

    The only difficulty would be with the Mercenaries and whether or not having the sides equal because of Mercenaries would still trigger the other two bonuses. i.e: If one side is 33%, one side is 43% but has 10% of their players Mercenaries, and one side is 23% and gaining 10% Mercenaries, in effect the sides are actually 33:33:33.

    I would probably say to get rid of all or at least most of the spawn timer and nanite bonuses in that situation.
  19. Tuco

    It's amazing how stupid the overpopulation side can be sometimes. You regularly find yourself overpopped on a continent by 33% but you'll still be overpopping an enemy in a hex by 33%.
  20. Chris Bingley

    Hex/base population is the real problem.

    Scenario 1: Enemy out number us. I leave the spawn area to engage the enemy, find one, and in the process of trying to kill him four of his mates show up and kill me.

    Scenario 2: We out number the Enemy. I leave the spawn area to engage the enemy, find one, and me and a bunch of mates kill him.

    I know it's not always as cut and dried as that, but which scenario would you enjoy more? I'd rather spend my time getting assist XP and the occassional kill than basically throwing certs at the enemy.

    However, hex/base population is an issue that cannot be easily fixed. If you limit the troops in a base to a certain percentage, what do the rest do? Sit in the warpgate waiting for more enemies to log in?