How to manually resupply equipment (grenades/c4)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Deathlock163, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. Deathlock163

    Hello guys, haven't played Planetside 2 for quite some time now and I can't figure out for the life of me how to manually buy grenades, c4 etc. Auto-Resupply does work but I would prefer to stockpile a bunch instead of buying 1 at a time. Pretty sure I'm just missing something small and silly, so would someone please enlighten me on this?

  2. yillay

    You can't stockpile anymore , its been removed.
  3. Klypto

    Stockpiling was removed.
  4. Deathlock163

    And that explains it, kinda lame imho. Thanks guys.
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  5. _itg

    Well, it's not necessary, anymore, since you don't get stuck with 10 resources per 5 minutes anymore if your faction is losing.
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  6. Velicc

    Have you even heard of the Ressource Revamp?
  7. _itg

    I, uhh...yes? That was kind of my point?
  8. Velicc

    Sigh... Ressources are awarded equaly for everyone (don't include member boost). Whether you have 6% of territory or 85%, you always get 50 Nanites per minute, WHATSOEVER.
  9. _itg

    I, uhh...yes? That was kind of my point?
  10. Velicc

    Oh crap... Stupid Attention disorder made me skip couple of words. Sorry :oops:

    Ignore my two previous posts then :p
  11. Prudentia

  12. TheBlindFreak

    I think you're having a similar issue to me.

    Even if you just check "auto-resupply", it won't work. You need to uncheck it, ressuply your loadout, go into a terminal, check "auto", and resupply your loadout. You'll have to do this for each consumable for each class. You shouldn't have to do it for each loadout per class, just the specific consumable.
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  13. SkyEstaLimit

    I think this is mostly because, in fact, on the other hand since at least it also depends on, more importantly, the factors that one should consider althought it doesnt necessarily means that it excludes all other possibilities considering the fact that it directly affects proportionnaly every other scenario in the light of these results.

    Also because.

    Reading comprehension ftw.

    And glocks.
  14. Crator

    What I want to know is why there is an option to disable resupply. Why is it there at all?
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