How to: Get Hacker, DDOS etc out of your game

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Strikejk, Jan 1, 2014.

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  1. Strikejk

    1. Charge 10$ for the game.
    2. Give everyone 10$ in station cash
    3. Hacker won't waste their accounts anymore
    4. DDOS/Fake accounts won't happen anymore due to wasted money
    5. Even IF they still waste their account: You don't have to charge "normal" player for Anti-Hack/Cheat measurements because you get the 10$ from the hacker.
    6. You automatically get people to use your ingame shop (little kids training/commercial)

    7. Award for most brilliant game design into my account please
    • Up x 3
  2. Mastachief

    Call their mothers?
  3. gargi

  4. Strikejk

    Number 9.
  5. Shaod

    How does that prevent DDoS attacks?
    • Up x 1
  6. LordMondando

    I think you might want to look into what a DDoS attack is.
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  7. MadBeef

    Apparently he thinks you need to have an account to DDOS the server IP?
  8. Strikejk

    DERP@DerpTrolling 1h
    Forum and twitter warriors we are going to need you! Stay posted; BE READY TO REGISTER BS ACCOUNTS

    I don't know for what exactly they need them because I'm not into this stuff.
  9. Mordgier

    I don't think he knows what a DDoS is
  10. Strikejk

    I do know
  11. Anubis1055

    Then please explain to the class how charging for a game is going to fix Denial of Service attacks.

    In fact, while you are at it, please explain the link between a Distributed Denial of Service attack and a fake account.

    Hint: Grow brain cells, then use Google.

  12. DG-MOD-02

    Please keep posts constructive and respectful. We are looking into the issue now. Thank you!
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