How to 'fix' the NC MAX

Discussion in 'MAX' started by -Synapse-, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. -Synapse-

    It's very simple: Buff Vs & TR max. No need to nerf the crap out of something just because it's powerful, which the MAX is supposed to be.
    But I think we all know the order of things; NC MAX= best, TR MAX= second best, VS MAX= worst. These stigmas should not exist, all the MAXes should be close to the same as far as raw power goes and the currently are not. I should hope to see some buffs to the TR and VS MAXes in the near future, for the sake of balance. (And while you're at it make so ground vehicles don't instantly explode if they are flipped.)
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  2. Necron

    As long as you realize that the buff to AI MAXes for the other factions would have to be coupled with an effective range reduction then that's fine. You don't get to keep your longer effective range AND get the boosted damage though.
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  3. Radec594

    But there's a big problem that you'll have to address then: while the NC MAX outperforms every other in CQC, the VS and specially the TR ones are more so specialized in medium-long ranges. If you buff that, well.. Hilarity will ensue.
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  4. BH Brigade

    I agree, the other AI maxes shouldn't get the larger damage and longer range, increase the CoF along with the dps.
  5. Purg

    Easiest solution for me would be to buff the RoF a touch and reduce the CoF a touch. I think the RoF of the VS/TR is too low for what it is.
  6. y3ivan

    although not every weapon needs a buff, from what i can tell stock weapons are the one needed it the most.

    from my experience, TR Mercy is decent in 50m, VS cosmos is good at 30-50m. However i prefer Mercy over VS Cosmos
  7. Bape

    What your not understanding is NC are kings of "CQC" our weapon specific are shotguns and we do the most damage so yes you guys do need a buff at range but not in cqc that our domain :rolleyes:.
  8. FateJH

    So this thread really isn't about changing the NC MAX but, instead, "fixing" the TR and VS MAXes, right?
  9. Doublefrost

    I prefer to 'fix' the Scatmax spam with a combination of C4 and Haymaker fire. There just seems to be something about a Light Assault flying around them and pelting them with 10-20 shotgun blasts point blank that catches them by surprise.
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  10. Frigidus

    I keep hearing about the long range capablities of the other MAXes, but I just don't feel it in game. I can't speak to what fighting a TR MAX is like, but I'd rather go up against a VS MAX over an NC MAX at pretty much any range. Maybe at very large distances (distances at which even careful burst fire would be too inaccurate) it matters, but why would a MAX ever willingly engage someone from that distance?
  11. Gumbo

    Give all MAX's all factions shotguns and ranged weapons.

    There...... I just fixed it.
  12. Sifer2

    I actually disagree with buffing the other MAX's. I believe it needs to go in the opposite direction. That is more effective range for NC MAX but less insane burst damage. The reason is because I feel the current NC MAX just completely breaks the balance of indoor combat. If you don't think so then you have never tried to assault an indoor location against a coordinated outfit using multiple ScatMAX with engi support. There is very little you can do to get past them. The better option is to go around that facility so you don't have to fight them. Since your own MAX's cannot compete against them indoors. And the typical rocket rush MAX kill tactics don't work when your being instantly gibbed so fast you don't even have time to fire off a rocket. There is large scale grenade spam tactic that's about it. Sometimes it works more often it doesn't depending on how well dug in they are.
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  13. Phazaar

    The only way a buff to VS/TR MAX is necessary is if their range is reduced to 10 metres. If they can engage targets at 10-50m as effectively as they can 0-10m, whilst the NC MAX can only engage targets in the 0-10 metres range, it doesn't make sense.

    So here's my idea. Buff the TTK of the other MAXs, and buff the range of the shotguns to the same as that of the Mercy.

    Then we'll all have fun playing MAXside 2.

    Or you could just accept that the NC MAX is good at one and only one thing, whilst the TR+VS MAXs are far more versatile, and out-do the NC MAX 80% of the time in engagements between 0 and 50 metres. All that's happening is NC MAXs are playing intelligently, avoiding anywhere that fits into that 80% selection. There's no difference in TTK between the MAXs and between shotguns and carbines. They're different things, and whilst the shotgun destroys the carbine in under 5m, passed 10m, the shotgun won't even scratch a carbine user.
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  14. Sebyos

    Hahaha someone has no clue of how bad VS Maxes are. No they don't do medium range and especially not long range.
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  15. JackOfClubs

    Sounds more like someone bought the Blueshifts and not the Cosmos.
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  16. Tharrak

    There is a lot of "make everything available to everyone and their dog" comments out here now. And it needs to be addressed.

    The root cause lies in player behavior. And possibly your entry chamber design/placement. Completely neutering any hint of faction diversity in the name of balance, is not balance at all. It is the single arrow of law, pointing straight upwards. Balance is not desirable when it is achieved by bulldozing any hills in the landscape, to make it as plain as possible, so everyone can place themselves in their identical positions.

    Balance lies somewhere in-between the extremes of total order, and utter chaos, so I can with utter confidence state that the elimination of empire diversity, and thus ditch the whole faction design philosophy, is an extreme solution regardless of the end goal. Especially to prevent some location specific good old fashioned farming, which can be seen as isolated enough, in the grand scheme of all things.

    For the time being, do not attack without proper numbers. It is easy as that.

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  17. jdono67894

    Each Max can only fire for maybe 2 seconds at most before they have to reload which takes around 3 seconds.
    If an organized squad tries to break through a MAX defense they definitely can, you can't base balance on an organized defence vs unorganised offence.

    The typical bio lab MAX defence will have a group of MAX and engineers inside the SCU shield generator room which has 5 points of entry though almost everyone comes through the point closest to the SCU and gets mowed down at point blank range.
    The NC MAX should not lose to tactics like this even if the TR/VS use their own MAX suits, its playing right into the NC faction strength of short range and high damage.

    If an equal number of TR mercy MAX's break through from the rear side their ability to apply sustained fire without reload and effectiveness at longer ranges quickly makes mince meat of any NC defence.

    The above situation applies for any defence, there is no building in this game which doesnt have multiple points of entry which render a close range unit at a disadvantage.
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  18. Tenhi

    Let me just craft an "arbitrary" situation.

    Just imagine the VS/TR MAX had the same TTK at everything from 30-50m, under 30m they do "NC MAX ranged damage". Now we place ALL objectives (SCUs, Gens, Capure Points) in tunnels that are >30m long.

    Thats the situation we have right now... only inversed. And all the TR/VS will tell you "You just have to get close... through the one shot zone...". The moment you come into the tunnels you get oneshotet... but its fair because the TR/VS MAX does no damage close up right? The fact that you will never get there isnt important at all...

    I bet you would complain ;)
  19. aedn

    I have seen players effective with both VS and TR max, basically using mercy's and cosmos. I disagree that the VS/TR maxes are bad, many players are very effective with them, at multiple ranges. They are less effective vs NC maxes, though which is an issue.
  20. morvaint

    If SOE is true to form they'll nerf the NC Max while at the sametime buffing the TR/VS variant.