[Suggestion] How To Fix the KD system

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by strategicmaniac, Jul 27, 2015.

  1. Iridar51

    Sounds pretty cool actually.
  2. TRSS11

    My dream. Excellent
  3. strategicmaniac

    Honestly you guys never considered the suggestions I've given. But yeah you guys are right, KD should never matter at all. The main problem being is that assists never contribute to directives, sorry about not emphasizing that point.
  4. Alkasirn

    How to fix the KD system:
    Ignore it and anyone who thinks it matters

    How to fix the only-kill-no-assist directives:
    Realize that if you're in a situation where someone can "steal" your kill, you're also in a situation where you can "steal" their kill. In the long run, the amount of times you take off 90% of someone's health only for someone else to get the kill should be about equal to the amount of times you shoot someone once and get showered with easy kills.

    Then all the problems are solved and you won't have to wait for DBG to release a patch which could potentially break 20 different things since the entire game expects kills to be a whole number and suddenly it could have a decimal place.
  5. sjtw_w_stot

    They should nerf the K/D system, its really pointless in this game.
  6. Bearlover

    Remove it entirely and just leave score. K/d inflates egos, breeds more elitists. Lol
    • Up x 1
  7. Taemien

    In all honesty, this thread shouldn't exist. When talking amongst team oriented players who try to capture points, objectives, and ultimately win alerts, KD doesn't matter.

    The only people that KD matters is the zerglings and farmers. You will not change their minds, they don't have the capability of changing their minds, they are literally dumber players than we are. These are the players who pull the plug when they are about to get their tanks blown up. They are as 'smart' as criminals. They are only clever in the means that that they can game the system or find little loop holes. But in the long run they are only screwing themselves over.

    Its a redundant argument and a lost cause. Those players are just going to keep playing like feces until they get bored and go find the next game to be terrible at or mediocre at best. The sad part is, they think sitting in a lightning outside of a spawn point getting 6+ KDR is being pro. But like I said, they are do degenerate to do anything else.

    What we can discuss is how to make their lives miserable in this game so that maybe the smarter ones (and that's relatively), play along or conform (and the rest quit, and lets be honest, we don't need them, they're too stupid to hold a job). And that's using my suggestion above. Make it so its way more lucrative to play as a team.

    This is a further breakdown as a suggestion:

    You have three different types of kills: Kills, Assists, and Solo Kills

    Kills are where you get the killing blow but did less than 90% of the damage.
    Assists are where you did damage, but didn't get the kill.
    Solo Kills are where you did 90%-100% of the damage.

    When a target is healed or shield regen, they are treated as having extra hp. So if you got someone down to 10% and they healed to full, they effectively has 1900 hp. So to get a solo kill you need to have got the killing blow and did 1710 damage.

    Kills are worth 10%of what they are worth currently (after factoring spawn, extreme, vehicle, ect).
    Assists are worth double of what kills are currently.
    Solo Kills are worth as much as kills are currently.

    Sounds crazy right? Won't they try to game the system and spray their bullets everywhere? Yes they will and it will be hilarious because without focusing down the enemy, they won't score as many kills or assists. They will be dying more often and ruining their precious KDRs.

    Team oriented players will get a boost. As I would also give the whole squad the points and exp that the one person got, that is if they are within a certain range. So when working as a team, kills will be worth double what they are now. Going Solo as a sniper will be worth as much as it is now. Zerging it out without any coordination will result in terrible results.

    To give new players a heads-up, I would stress in Koltyr that it would be in they're very best interest to group up in order to get the best rewards. Even going so far as giving them a notification every couple of minutes that they would be better served to join a squad.
  8. Distortedcolor

    I get kill assists like crazy but I don't really care to be honest, not the point of the game.
  9. Alkasirn

    No, it would be more likely that they'll just quit PS2 and go to one of the latest Battlefield games or other Call of Duty inspired shooter. Lots of other players will stop playing because their friends stopped, and others will leave because of low populations. There will hardly be anyone left.

    Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see a combined arms game that heavily emphasizes teamwork. Just like I'd love to see influence-oriented hexes back so that mindless zergs can attack whatever they want, but an organized group (or even zerg) will be able to capture 10 things in the time it takes the mindless ones to capture 1 thing. Or just like how I'd love to spend my downtime playing inventory tetris to optimize my build rather than staring at a map and/or rigid classes.

    But I also recognize I'm in the minority. If PS2 ever stopped telling people they were going to be the next Sun Tzu because they can farm infantry in a tank, those people would just go find another game that tells them such for doing something equally as difficult.

    And to be extra on-topic: come to think of it, if the game did reward partial kills, just imagine how many players would get upset because what they thought were them being MLG pro making 20+ kill streaks entirely by themselves were actually them averaging 50% damage to each target.
  10. FieldMarshall

    I agree to partial killcounts for directives.
    If you do 66% damage to a MAX with your RL, it should count as 0.66 points towards your RL directive and 0.66 points towards your MAX kill directive.

    The current system only rewards killstealing, holding your fire to get the last hit, and punishes people who just play normally and help out.
    It just makes it unnecessarily hard to progress your character/directives.

    KD i dont think you can "fix" for 2 reasons.
    1. I dont think its a real problem. It feels like a lot of people really like KD (its a competitive online fps afterall), but dont say anything in fear of getting ridiculed.
    And the ones who dont want KD is the vocal minority. I could be wrong though.

    2. People will find other ways to track KD if you change/remove it. Recursion for example.
  11. Taemien

    Freebies leaving means nothing gained nothing lost. Daybreak may have to merge some servers, to keep the populations healthy enough for fights. But they'll still be getting the revenue, minus the costs of extra servers.

    Lets be honest with ourselves. Why are the zerglings caring about KDR? They're farming. Well why are they farming? Because that's the only way to get a decent cert gain (in their eyes). The objective based players either don't care about cert gains or exp. Or are members and don't need to farm, we still get ahead by playing objectively.

    And the way I see it, if the game can't survive on good gameplay. Then this world doesn't deserve it.
  12. Geddes

    If this will increase my K/D without me having to get better or try harder, I vote yes.
  13. 1Fuzzy

    People who want the K/D system removed seem like some SJW with some everyone's equal attitude, even though they're probably not that good players to begin with.
    K/D reflects how effective you're at clearing and protecting a base without wasting time with respawning. Though removing respawn options of enemy teams totally counts towards that (sunderer, beacon).
    But if you're always just dieing, in case you're not playing a supportive class who should stay in the back and thus die last, you probably just stand in the way and block others from hitting enemies and securing a base or make stupid decisions like carelessly running into an enemy mob without checking the situation first.

    The thing with how K/D is awarded is a different thing though, i would vote for kill goes towards the person that did the most damage without having died. So if you dealt 90% damage, but died the kill goes towards the next one who is alive.

    Sometimes i'd like to see some people in this game in a real world war situation, as they just run right into the enemy just to end as cannon fodder.
  14. Alkasirn


    I don't see what zerglings leaving has to do with free players leaving. But even free players leaving could be disastrous. Not just because of the population (though with enough server merges, servers for entire regions will up and disappear eventually. Luckily PS2 handles latency well. Oh wait.), but also because of the impact it will have on outfits, friends, etc.

    K/D and certs are different issues. Someone can want kills, but not certs (I think a term for them could be 'boosters'?) Or certs, but not kills (also known as medics - ha!) I'm not seeing how someone who completely ignores the objective so that they can brag about how high their K/D is necessarily in a desperate need of certs.