How to fix building from a dedicated builder Engi

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Silverthorn, May 27, 2023.

  1. Silverthorn

    2f 1b. Helios should have been an anti building weapon, just makes sense. Give everyone access to deal with bases. Besides that. Pain spire needs to come back, in its strongest form. Right now, the idea of build a base and hope it has a battle come to it. BUT, a big BUTT. One person can vaporize a full base in under 2 min. Complete building destruction in under 5 min. That is ONE person. a squad, everything is gone in 2 min easy. FIX;
    1;Add an extra slot for "temp" boosts. make temp boosts not activate when placed, but have a threshhold, say building at 50% health, super healing activates.
    2; Make Helios an anti building weapon, not as good at godsaw but still solid.
    3; Pain spire returns with latest graphics, but damage of the original pain spire. Keep pain spire damageable by normal small arms.
    4; Return one way shields on specific buildings, towers, bunkers, spire, OS, Clone facility.
    5;Fix placement of buildings, espeshally the Giant spire base. As a builder/engi. Do this and it will be a win win Wrel. Thanks for reading.
  2. Baneblade

    Bases still fall too quickly when actually attacked, and nobody that can use the Helios, needs the Helios for taking out hard targets.