How to counter VS alert domination?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CompletelyDeadCoyote, Oct 3, 2015.

  1. SXGT

    I play on Emerald EAST US and VS dominates a lot after midnight -5 GMT

    there is a lot of coordination and really good platoon leaders. To us it always feels like NC and TR refuse to fight each other and they always come after us. We just muscle through it and win.
  2. Nody

    Let me give you an example from this Sunday evening alert at 8 to 10pm CET; alert on Amerish with roughly equal percentages at the start. VS won with 55%, TR 25%, NC 20% or around those numbers. Numbers on the ground were roughly equal and I was playing my TR char for the full 2h of the alert.

    What happened? Well NC and TR duked it out over two bases with 96+ / 96+ for pretty much the full 2h at Westport gate tower and let VS run around steal everything else from both sides. Occasional pull off to fight at another base (NC Tech plan defence for example allowing TR to push in taking all three cap points for a while until defence was successful and NC came back) and of course the regular calls for "NC give us base X and you can focus on VS" or "TR why do you keep on double up against NC" etc. flying in Yell and attempts by commanders to get TR to pull to other zones went unanswered.

    The alert was not won by VS; it was lost by TR and NC deciding a farm fight at a tower was more important rather than going for relevant bases.
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  3. [HH]Mered4

    I can't count the number of times I've watched the TR/NC get half their pubbies stuck in a farmfest at a super defensible base (*cough* crossroads *cough*) and have the VS roll over the rest of the map whilst laughing hysterically.

    As to the OP's query - on Emerald, VS actually do their stinkin' job. The medics clutch revive, engineers spam ammo. MAX units aren't spammed and are only used sparingly.

    Usually, when I'm in a tank, I'll get swarmed by three-four engineers when near a sundy cuz they want to repair me so badly. Recon is a cakewalk because the minimap is (usually) covered in recon darts from first minute. To top it off, I've found that a lot of VS players are fairly good at not getting stuck in door wars.

    The only thing that really bugs me is our ammo/repair sundy ratio. NO ONE PULLS AMMO SUNDIES. It's either all repair or one ammo. And that ammo is one in a million :D

    I usually run with a couple of friends during alerts - we like to go spec ops and direct fire support requests to command chat so they can make more informed decisions. We also enjoy holding specific bases against any double squad push. AOD especially. Those guys make me laugh.

    I feel like I'm watching the frustration of both factions on Emerald unfold in the last half hour of any alert where the VS are anywhere close to winning. What is a peaceful roflstomp at a 50/50 spread suddenly becomes hilarity as half the NC or TR turn into MAX units and go full rambo on the VS. While frustrating for my team and I (usually), these surprise MAX crashes for literally no reason (besides 'cuz VS') help boost our cert count tremendously. Rambo tank mine engineers are the best :eek:
  4. \m/SLAYER\m/

    where those numbers come from?
    and even then - vanu has discount advantage fir locked continents.
  5. pnkdth

    There was a thread not long ago with someone reviewing time and alert wins. If I find it I'll repost it here though hopefully he'll that that himself.

    I guess it is up to the NC/TR to fight back on those times. Not sure what can be done to tell people which time of day an alert is worth more than another. Would suck for people playing at variable teams. Indeed, I am not sure why a perfect 3x33% win record for alerts is desirable. I mean... We're not bots who play on equal terms and performing exactly the same regardless of environment.
  6. CMDante

    Medium and low popped factions should team up against the overpopped one during alerts. Instead of the medium getting gang-banged because the low-pop won't fight against the high-pop for fear of getting zerged constantly. Would solve a lot of alert domination if people used their brains.
  7. Flag

    Suit yourself.

    Although I'm curious as to just what you took as "character attacks" besides the "NC and TR need to git gud". I don't expect an answer, just throwing it out there.
  8. FateJH

    This thread begrudges every player who doesn't care about Alerts for skewing the numbers that could potentially show over-all faction strength or appeal by dividing up Alert victories.
  9. ValorousBob

    VS Miller win 50% of Alerts because we actually work together and have coherent strategies. I can promise you it's not really an "individual skill" thing because Miller VS has a lot of bad players. We just use our players more efficiently then NC/TR.

    Also our good players are more active then NC/TR's ~MLG~ level dudes.
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  10. Sekaszy

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  11. CompletelyDeadCoyote

    So, basicly TR and NC should organise newbies and randoms into zerg-squads and actualy cooperate their comander's actions so they wouldn't just be all in one unwinnable battle, teach our engies to repair MAXes, our medics - to revive and our infils - to get the hell out of spawnroom and put a beakon down instead of trying to get some cheap kills from safety (or at least take another class and actualy do something usefull)? Sounds fair enough.
  12. TheKhopesh

    "Go away, little VS. Mommy TR and Daddy NC are busy with grownup stuff..." :p
  13. Goretzu

    I dunno if that's true, VS seem to win about the same amount on and off-peak on Miller. Other servers YMMV of course.

    Strangely the TR used to do all these things to win most alerts.......... and then stopped whilst the VS discovered this ancient secrets. :eek:
  14. Goretzu

    VS Miller win % doesn't seem to be dropping.

    Miller 811 | 46.9% 374 | 21.6% 502 | 29.1% 41 | 2.4%
  15. Flag

    Are those prime time alerts only? If so, that's life time stats, not the last few months which is the number that is of interest.
  16. FieldMarshall

    I guess the only way to do it is to do the same thing DIG does.
    Invite literally everyone, look at the map and tell them where to go, and troll the chat and be as toxic as possible in every fight so nobody wants to fight against you.

    The problem is that winning the alert isnt worth it, and the only ones who havent figured it out yet are VS zergfits.
    Im thinking most TR/NC dont care about alerts anymore and just go for good fights instead.
    Sometimes that means they play in alert fights and win, but mostly not.

    In the end, ~30certs and -50% nanite cost isnt worth trying to win the alert for, so im not sure why people care so much.

    I think they are referring to alert statistics that show VS winning around 40% of all alerts across all servers.[IMG]
    And on Miller, VS wins 46.9% of all alerts.
  17. Vaphell

    VS steamrolling 40%+ alerts IS a balance issue. I don't care that weapon X or Y is balanced on paper, it's all bikeshedding. What matters at the end of the is the outcome. Outcomes of picking a faction are not faction agnostic but they should be. Currently going VS effectively means that you are a winner playing on easy mode, going non-VS AND facing VS means you are subsribing to pain and misery. I don't care about the origins of this mess as they are completely irrelevant, I care about the current state of affairs because it is what defines the health of the game that directly translates into enjoyment for most people participating in shooting mans.

    I guess it shows the fundamentally broken design behind PS2. You advertise PTFO game but put personal achievement in the focus with "you are awesome! 500xp!!!!" flashing on the screen every 10 seconds and then expect a couple hundred players who don't know each other to do the right thing on a strategic level. It's not EVE where you are actually forced to cooperate in order to get anywhere in the game, where you actually OWN **** and have to protect it, maintain it with a tight-knit crew. How many people log in to "shoot planetmans, farm certs, print killstreaks", period? So what happens when the critical mass is not there in PS2 and the network effect backing up "doing the right thing" doesn't get kickstarted? The answer is nothing and there is no mechanism in the game that can trigger it.

    Starting to care about alerts when the general public doesn't feel like it is very much like starting to fly, you are going to suffer and suffer hard. Why bother?

    I kinda care about the outcome of alerts, I redeploy where we are short on planetmans, but if 500 other people in my factions prefer to farm in biolab meatgrinders, I am not going to volunteer for picking up the change right in front of the VS steamroller. I have no power to influence hundreds of people to care more about the game than their usual "log in, shoot planetmans, log out" fix. Given that being alert obsessed is a losing proposition, I am more interested in pursuing unlocks, be it aurax medals or directives.
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  18. Flag

    What, no it isn't. It's a player behaviour issue.
  19. Goretzu

    All since the site was reset (in April or May, I forget), but they've remained pretty stationary %-wise over the months. So whatever is going on is going on consistantly.
  20. Flag

    That still includes off-hour/graveyard shift alerts, who aren't really representative for anything at all. Hence why I mentioned "Prime Time". Those are the only alerts that's even remotely useful.

    And in that regard I believe I've actually seen some numbers that are far more even, or even painting VS as bad.