How to balance NC infantry?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rendezvous, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. TriumphOfMan

    Because it's really really really hard to sign up another account in a F2P game.
  2. forkyar

    nope nc are good.
  3. Cute-CandyPants

    i dont think making the NC faction overpowerd is a good idea.

    NC do have the strongest weapons in game they do more damage than VS thats for sure.
  4. Hashi

    Just as the TR/VS whine-machine will begin building steam, honestly you'll always have people whining, but that's to be expected of a game that has multiplayer aspects.
  5. dr_Fell

    Hello. yesterday, after reading this topic, I tried to make additional characters for VS and TR to try their weapons (as engineer). Maybe it is suggestion, but it seemed to me, that at full auto, their weapons have really better accuracy. I went to battle with TR engineer's default weapon and I was amazed. I packed full - auto into opponent's head (he was NC btw) from the distance I wouldn't even try with my NC gun and he was gone in less than a second. Then I took 4/5 of enemy MAX health in close face-to face encounter. Again, I just saw my bullets hitting his head on after another.
    I am thinking about making a video of every faction engineer shooting full-auto with default weapon, to watch them one after another and check for sure if it was just auto-suggestion or do realy VS and TR guns have better accuracy.

    But because I spent many certs (and some SC) on my NC character, I am not really happy about changing my faction and main character. I would like to know, if I unlock additional weapon (GD 7F) will it be equal to its counterparts from VS and TR ?

    To some of my predecessors: i heard, that during Beta VS and TR were those, who were whinning. This was for no reason too ?
  6. Rendezvous

    Then I don't understand how I did better as TR with their default weapons (no scopes/attachments) compared to the NC where I have fully decked out cert'd guns for each class.
  7. Rendezvous

    The GD-7F is practically the only comparable weapon to the TR Trac-5 in CQC from what I've seen. If you use the Gauss Compact S, you should have an underbarrel attachment to make up for it (it's all about that nade launcher with Compact S), or aim for the head more with that thing since it has a slower ROF than the GD-7F.

    Depends on your playstyle.
    Medium range- go for Gauss Compact S with underbarrel nade launcher.
    Close range action- GD-7F with a foregrip if you want a minor improvement with the handling.
  8. dr_Fell

    Thanks. So if I stay with engineer, and go for GD-7F i won't be inferior to VS/TR, in terms of equipment, right ?

    XAE, where do You have this data from ? Are they oficially published by SOE ? If so, maybe oficially asking them how we should interpret recoil and bloom values could solve some things ? anyway what is CoF bloom ?
  9. Winterspawn

    I started an NC HA without any upgrades ofcourse and had a K/D of 2 after about 2 hours of playing. You cannot convince me that they need to be buffed, especially since my VS HA (also new so unupgraded) barely got a K/D off 1 the day before.
  10. Pax Empyrean

    This is an anecdote, which makes it not worth much, and you have an agenda. There's not much that's less reliable than anecdotal evidence from someone with an axe to grind.

    From what you've seen? Your view is obstructed by your own colon. The TRAC-5 isn't even the best CQC carbine available to the TR. The GD-7F outperforms it handily, as does the GR-22. I already gave you two examples of VS weapons that are just as good in close quarters, one of which is my most used weapon, the H-V45. I don't see why you're fixating on the TRAC-5 instead of the Lynx, since the Lynx is the top tier close quarters carbine for the TR. It's better than the TRAC-5. The Cycler TRV is better than the TRAC-5 in close quarters as well. The new Serpent is also better. It doesn't speak well of your understanding of the weapons' relative strengths and weaknesses if you think the TRAC-5 is as good as it gets. There are at least seven guns that do more damage with better hipfire rets, which is what you're looking for in a close quarters weapon.

    You're ignoring the exclusive advantage of the GD-7F. The GD-7F is the only carbine your faction has that gets the advanced laser. Use it. Your rets will be the size of a man's head at ten meters. You can reliably hipfire an enemy from full health to dead without missing any shots out to 15 meters or so, and have a pretty good chance to managing it with a tiny break out to 25, all while moving at full speed and ignoring bullet knock because you're hipfiring. The rets on my AR are better than the rets on my pistol, which also has a laser.

    This is why we shouldn't put much stock in anecdotes. Different people have different experiences. Rendezvous thinks this can be resolved by waving his epeen around, which is pretty stupid.
  11. Rendezvous

    The Trac-5 is one of the most commonly used TR weapons which is why I'm using that as an example since I see nothing but Trac-5s all over the place.

    Use a laser? Let's have the enemies stare at that red line you're shining at them. I don't like to be out in the open to be seen because I have a laser whipping all over the place.
    And why are you just accepting what that person said about NC HA being better? You didn't even bother asking him for stats to prove it. I wonder if you're here to find the truth or if you're here just to look for people to agree with you.

    Would you like to wait for SOE to make a balance patch for factions and see which side holds true in the end? Because as of right now, TR doesn't want to be nerfed and they want to keep NC the way they are. NC wants to be buffed because they think their weapons are at a disadvantage for individual fights.
    How about we wait for a balance patch for faction weapons as it seems we're going in circles with this. We'll see what gets changed.
  12. Ghostlight

    Jackhammer needs help, but NC is fine otherwise. I get more kills as NC than I ever did as TR.
  13. n00biz

    Do you actually play the game or just whine OP? I do agree, NC needs some something more along the lines of tweeks, instead of a 'buff', hardly enough to be whining constantly about tbh. I have blasted people with the Gauss in record time, same can be said with Carv and VS Equivalent.
  14. Pax Empyrean

    And yet it's outperformed handily by more than a half dozen weapons, at least two of which are available to each faction (and three of which only cost 250 certs to unlock), so what's the problem? You see a lot of TRAC-5s because it's the default weapon for 40% of the infantry classes for the TR.

    Press "L" to turn off the visible laser, genius. It still gives the benefit and doesn't show the line. You can turn off any visible attachments this way. How clueless are you?

    What in the actual **** is wrong with you? When someone gave an anecdote that agreed with my position, I quoted that and immediately followed up by repeating my position that anecdotal evidence is not conclusive. Now you're saying that I'm just looking for people who agree with me? If I were doing what you're accusing me of, I'd have latched onto the anecdote that supports my position and tried to pass it off as more meaningful via whatever stupid, imaginary criteria I could think of, the way you do. Instead, I dismissed the anecdote that supported my position just as I dismiss your anecdotes, because anecdotal evidence isn't worth much.

    Nonstop Crying, seriously. Your best weapons are as good as the best weapons for anyone else. If you don't have those weapons, you'll be at a disadvantage. Likewise, some guy with a TRAC-5 who runs into me with my H-V45 is at a disadvantage, exactly the same as if he runs into somebody with a GR-22 he's at a disadvantage. TTK for both weapons is the same, although the GR-22 does reload about 10% faster.

    Well gee, looks like they've got a balance patch coming and no changes to NC weapons or any infantry weapons at all, for that matter. They have aggregated data from the entire population. You've got bad methodology and anecdotes. Looking at the weapon stats and having played this game just a bit (this is sarcasm, by the way), I have no reason to believe that the most dangerous weapons are not balanced across all factions, and that a player with default weapons, regardless of their faction, is going to be at a competitive disadvantage against anyone using the top end weapons. Well, anyone except for NC snipers, anyway; they have one shot kill potential just like the top end snipers, and the other factions don't have that, so the only clear case of competitive parity between starter weapons and the top tier weapons goes in favor of the NC over other factions. I, and presumably other medics, die to NC snipers more than TR snipers because I can be killed by a single shot to the body from full health after my shields are down. Full health and no shields is a very common situation for medics, as I will duck behind cover to heal myself and go back out before my shields even start to recharge to resume my healing/reviving duties. I play where the enemy has their attention focused most, because that's where the corpses are and it's where I am needed. NC snipers need to shoot me once to drop me, whereas the TR (or VS, if I were playing another faction) would need to shoot me twice.

    Playing as a Medic, I often take small arms fire in very short bursts. I'm out in the open just long enough to revive someone, which doesn't take long with the capped healing tool. The most important weapon stat for anyone taking shots at me is how much damage the first bullet does, because I try to minimize how long I'm going to let them shoot at me. Whether it would take them 0.5 seconds or 0.45 seconds to kill me if I were standing still matters less than how much damage they can do in the typically shorter window they have between noticing me and being able to react with gunfire.

    I noticed something you said earlier that I hadn't addressed:

    I didn't say that I main shotguns and magriders. I said that they are the reason I favor the VS. If you had been paying attention and were not stupid, you would understand the distinction. I spend the majority of my time with the H-V45. It is, performance wise, extremely similar to the Cycler TRV and the GR-22. The "faction flavor" disappears at the top tier of weapons, since they all perform about the same. Thus, they are not a factor in my preference for one empire over the others. The shotgun and the MBTs are very different between the VS and the other factions, hence making a decision based on that. Smart players decide based on what is different, not necessarily based on what they would spend most of their time doing. I sure don't spend most of my time in a tank, and most of the time in a big fight I don't even have a weapon out at all. There are bodies on the ground that need my attention. If I'm "maining" anything, it's the freaking heal tool.
  15. Borsig

    Either NC gets balanced in line with TR or Im ****** done. Im pulling my sub as well. I wont pay to be frustrated.

    The infantry balance in this game SUCKS.

    I only play infantry and am not a "pro kid" who has alot of time for games. I have a fancy government job, a life, and will never be "elite" in a video game.

    TR KDR of ~1.75
    VS KDR of ~1.25 ish - havent played it much.
    NC KDR of .69-.79
    (mostly playing HA)

    Its a joke, and anyone from the onset can see it. My unit of 10 years plays NC. I cant play NC for more than 30 mins to an hour before I am so disgusted I log off. I tend to come back and play TR later. The experience is MUCH more fun and enjoyable. Its to the point now I relly have no desire to log in. Iconic weapons are useless. 1v1 engagements are about as lopsided as you can manage.

    The solution? Give each faction weapons equal in means to the other. Give the NC the EXACT equivalent of the t9 CARV. Ever notice how every NC player has some mish mosh of **** on his HA? Funny how every TR can carry the base weapon and not spend a nickel of SC or certs and have the best infantry weapon on the field for the majority pf PS2 fights.

    I had massive expectations for this game. I have been VERY dissapointed in the release product, and will not support it until balance is attained.
  16. Gambles

    NC won't be fixed until it's too late, they haven't even brought up the issue of balance between faction as they most likely honestly believe it's fine. Now on Double XP weekend we have guys leaving the platoon saying they just can't compete with the other factions. No one says anything because we all understand the frustration. The infantry balance is awful, I don't blame you for being disgusted.

    The worst part of it all is the other factions will never ever acknowledge it, why would they? why would they want to give up free certs come on. Meh... Double XP weekend and I can barely force myself to play, I'm most likely done.
  17. Borsig

    Well, I think NC has the numbers.. Then TR then the VS.

    I think the individual infantry balance is in some way geared to combat the numbers advantage that the NC seem to have. Although the NC DO seem pretty on par with the TR often as well. I do theing, even back to beta, NC had a slight numbers edge.

    Its a piis poor way to do it. There was about a 1-2 week span in beta where they actually had it right. Fights seemed fair, things went well. Then they nerfed the JH into oblivion, and the SAW got slapped into the firmly useless category, and the TR got another buff. I have really had zero excitement since.

    I came into live about 2 weeks ago. Played for a couple days, decided Id buy a sub and try and get some weapons that helped or leveled the field. I cant really find one as HA. As TR or even VS, I do fine, and have fun. i want to play with my unit though. Its just not working out. NC is simply far too frustrating to play for me. I havent messed with the carbines, I like to play HA.

    Maybe its my playstyle. Either way, there should be equal options for weapons across all sides to meet all playstyles.
  18. iller

    Yep we're pretty much boned on everything that matters. Especially the large numbers of us with bad framerate.
    Freedom isn't Free... but neither is a whole lot of MHZ and we couldn't pick both
  19. Rendezvous

    Pressing L turns off the benefit as well. And I'm done talking to you, wait for the balance patch for faction weapons. I'll get back to you then, cause right now, you're so close-minded that I bet if the leader of your country spoke to you, you wouldn't even listen.
  20. ThreePi