How should I build my Vanu LA?

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by beregon871, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. beregon871

    So basically, I've spread some points all over the place. So far I have (i love bullet points)
    • 2 jump jet certs (bugged)
    • 3.4 x scope on starter gun (this is the scope i mostly use)
    • 2 x holographic (or whatever its called) scope for starter gun
    • c4
    • restoration kit
    I gather I should get the extended ammo cert asap?
    What i'm most confused about is what gun to unlock. People talk about shotguns with slugs, but I want to be good at both medium range for those nice hide-and-killspree situations, while being efficient QCQ.
    Is there an improved carbine that does both medium range and qcq?
    Also, c4 seems way under powered, i've dropped some on lightning tanks on several occasions without killing it. Have you guys had any luck with it?
    And yeah, last question. There's lots of HA in this game. Have you guys managed to come up with a solid way of taking them on 1v1?
  2. Grotpar

    From what I can tell, all carbines are roughly equal.

    I've personally started to use the Solstice SF, which has a lower RPM to the Solstice, but comes with every attachment except advanced attachments.
    I've had success with it both at range and close quarters, even from the hip.

    Killing a heavy assault requires you to ambush them, so you can burn through their shield before they start firing at you.
  3. Havelock


    No, I'm serious. People say they can't see the difference between rank 1 and the higher ranks, but I'm certed up to 4 and find that the extra gas in the tank and the regen makes it incredibly effective. In the heat of battle jumping around there's nothing worse then being stuck with an empty tank and no cover.

    At rank 4, I can jet to the top of pretty much every building, including the really high ones in the Bio Labs. It gets you up to the third baloney in towers, and makes assaulting techbases and amp stations ohgodsomucheasier. I'm enjoying the regen rate on it, because I find after burning it all and sprinting a few meters I have enough once again to pop up to a second story window or balcony. It's the little seconds that means grabbing cover or getting shot in the back trying to climb a wall running on fumes.

    The c4 assault on tanks works much better when it's a whole squad teamed up, since it takes more then one brick to get close to disabling a tank. Be sure you're always planting on the /back/ of the armor. Try dropping it after jetting upward around a campped corner into a bunch of enemy squaddies; you'll find it's quite effective against those foot soldiers.
  4. Ghoest

    - Jump jets to at least 3
    - C4 x 2
    - Shot gun
    - run speed cert
  5. CombatWeevil

    What I currently run with
    • Advanced shield capacitor
    • C4 x 2
    • Jump jets to 3 minimum
    • VX6-7 carbine (Forward grip + Reflex sight)
  6. beregon871

    Right now im thinking about getting the pulsar c with maybe HV rounds, people seem to prefer it.
  7. CombatWeevil

    The gun that you use is totally personal preference. Just make sure you upgrade your jump jets and get C4.
  8. Dubious

    pulsar C is way better than standard for sure

    only used those 2 yet, but im gonna try solstice SF tonight
  9. beregon871

    Dubious, please report back with your findings on solstice SF!
  10. Mistro

    Get your grenades and c4 maxed out, then run with the underbarrell grenade launcher and you pack a lot of boom.
  11. Winterspawn

    Pulsar-C seems to be better than the Solstice at every range for me, although the VX6-7 or something is probarly better for pure cqc combat and a bit of medium range combat. Shotguns aren't really something I tend to use so I can't say if they're good or not. Not many people use them though and I guess you need to make every bullet count because of the time between the shots and the small clips.

    C4 is more usefull in the open field where you can't hide from vehicles, in urban combat you can stay out of their sight and line of fire while killing people so the regen or medkit is more usefull there. The 2x holo is good for short to medium range combat and the 3.4x is good for long to medium range. For short range it's better to hipfire if you fail to get to your target unnoticed so if you like cqc a laser sight would be better but for long range the forward grip is good. Not much else to say.
  12. ghnurbles

    VX6-7 + laser dot, C4 x 2.

    Pick up ammo capacity later.
  13. Calahagus

    What I played in beta was:
    • Basic Jump Jets (+2 levels is working well for me ATM, not a big priority but more levels is never bad)
    • Adrenaline Pump for Suit (Amazing to cover distance with VX6-7 or a Shotgun, extra Ammo is tempting but I'm often dead before running out, and ammo is never too far away)
    • VX6-7, w/ Reflex Sight and Forward Grip (Solstice isn't that bad though, especially for longer range)
    • C4 (Make this your focus if you have Station Cash, without it you lose so much firepower)
    Though I've come to love the Nova Shotgun so much. I'm currently running it with Extended Magazine (12 shots per clip saves your ******* life) and soon a Reflex Scope. Bought and tried out the Slug Ammo today, it's really not worth it in terms of points, especially if you've got Adrenaline Pump. It's easier just to run up, and you've got better accuracy at close range. Don't get a Forward Clip for the Nova, you can't get the Extended Magazine otherwise and the recoil is minimal anyways.
    My build is REALLY close range, so you need to be fast and smart. Doesn't always work, but it's so satisfying when it does.
  14. Dubious

    Tried solstice SF and went back to pulsar c after 1 death so I havent really tried it much yet..
    Not set on a gun yet
    Just bought vx6-7 so ill try that tomorrow..
    and now im almost (SC) broke